Lost Change in U/S gerrit: something nasty is going on

Eyal Edri eedri at redhat.com
Wed Feb 24 17:13:37 UTC 2016

We are planning an upgrade after oVirt 3.6.3 goes GA.

We are running a pretty old version already.  Worth going over the
changelog from our version up to see if there is a fix relevant to
On Feb 24, 2016 6:56 PM, "Anton Marchukov" <amarchuk at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello All.
> We have a potentially nasty thing happened in u/s gerrit.
> Here is what I got from msivak:
> <msivak> Gerrit-MessageType: comment
> <msivak> Gerrit-Change-Id: I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b
> <msivak> Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
> <msivak> Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
> <msivak> Gerrit-Branch: master
> He is in reviewers for this change. But I was not able to locate in in the
> gerrit UI.
> Going to the database also did not find it:
> gerrit> select * from changes where
> change_key='I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b';
>  change_key | created_on | last_updated_on | sort_key | owner_account_id |
> dest_project_name | dest_branch_name | open | status | current_patch_set_id
> | subject | topic | row_version | change_id | last_sha1_merge_tested |
> mergeable
>  -----------+------------+-----------------+----------+------------------+-------------------+------------------+------+--------+----------------------+---------+-------+-------------+-----------+------------------------+----------
> (0 rows; 1 ms)
> However looking at our backups I can confirm that indeed it was there:
> [root at gerrit database]# cat gerrit-pg-dump-20160223.sql | grep
> I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b
> I1372ad145a356bdc181ba4f63987e116c6f8995b    2016-01-13 16:39:59.148-05
> 2016-01-26 09:34:56.706-05    003abf0a0000ca6a    1000070
> ovirt-engine    refs/heads/master    Y    d    3    core: Remove redundant
> equals() implementation in PendingResource subs    \N    296    51818
> 7da9fc9fb6dadf2767724237bb78131a30197c34    N
> So sounds like we lost it and it seems dangerous to me.
> I do not yet have any ideas on how this might have happen. So FYI and let
> me know if you have any ideas.
> Anton.
> --
> Anton Marchukov
> Senior Software Engineer - RHEV CI - Red Hat
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