[JIRA] (OVIRT-1435) investigate how artifactory fetches vdsm-jsonrpc-java-client

Evgheni Dereveanchin (oVirt JIRA) jira at ovirt-jira.atlassian.net
Wed Jun 7 12:22:14 UTC 2017

     [ https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-1435?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Evgheni Dereveanchin reassigned OVIRT-1435:

    Assignee: Evgheni Dereveanchin  (was: infra)

> investigate how artifactory fetches vdsm-jsonrpc-java-client
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: OVIRT-1435
>                 URL: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-1435
>             Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
>          Issue Type: Task
>            Reporter: Evgheni Dereveanchin
>            Assignee: Evgheni Dereveanchin
> We see intermittent issues with artifactory failing to find jsonrpc artifacts after they are pushed to maven central.
> Today this happened again and logs show that vdsm-jsonrpc-java-client is fetched from the jboss mirror, not the maven central one:
> jboss downloaded  http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/ovirt/vdsm-jsonrpc-java/vdsm-jsonrpc-java-client/1.3.13/vdsm-jsonrpc-java-client-1.3.13.pom 5.03 KB at 141.65 KB/sec
> Opening this ticket to investigate why this happens as we publish it at oss.sonatype.org instead.

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