what's going on with support@ ?

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at redhat.com
Tue Mar 14 13:49:11 UTC 2017


So I do not understand the current setting of this address. Recently
dell4242 at hotmail.com mailed with a problem and it should be directed to
the corresponding ML (https://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/support/), but
this one has always been empty because there is an alias overriding it
and redirecting to postmaster@, which in my opinion is really not what
people would expect.

support@ suggest help about oVirt itself, not the infra, that's why this
person says: « Running into an issue importing a export domain on ovirt
4.1 . », so this has nothing to do with the job of postmaster.

I think some clarification and cleanup is needed here. Should we
reinstate the ML? or remove support@ altogether? or…


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