[Kimchi-devel] [ RFC V2 ] Manage guest CDROM devices

Rodrigo Trujillo rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Feb 3 22:40:16 UTC 2014


According to  discussion in other thread:


**URI:** /vms/*:name*/storages
    * **GET**: Retrieve all storages attached to the VM
    * **POST**: Attatch new storage to specified virtual machine
        * dev : The guest device name of the storage
        * type: The type of the storage: cdrom, disk
        * path: Path of ISO or DISK.

    ### Sub-resource: storage
    **URI:** /vms/*:name*/storages/*:dev*
    * **GET**: Retrieve the storage information
        * dev: The guest device name of the storage
        * path: Path of the storage
        * type: Type of the storage
    * **PUT**: Update storage information
        * name: The name of the storage in the VM
        * path: Path of ISO or DISK
    * **DELETE**: Remove the storage

_User __possibilities_

* List cdroms   (GET - collection)
* Add new cdrom (will be used to attach cd)   (POST - collection)
* Lookup information of a cdrom   (GET - resource)
* Update parameters of a cdrom   (PUT - resource)
* Delete a cdrom (will be used to detach)   (DELETE - resource)

- Will not be possible to detach and attach new cd on the same device. 
This operation will be done removing and adding new storage
- Eject cd operation will not be provided

   * Still to be defined

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