[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH 3/6 V6] Host's repositories management: Update backend.

Sheldon shaohef at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Feb 19 13:20:02 UTC 2014

On 02/19/2014 08:55 PM, Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital wrote:
> Hello Sheldon,
> On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 14:14 +0800, Sheldon wrote:
>> comments below
>> On 02/19/2014 09:08 AM, Paulo Vital wrote:
>>> +
>>> +    def _write2disk(self, repo={}):
>>> +        """
>>> +        Write repository info into disk.
>>> +        """
>>> +        # Get a list with all reposdir configured in system's YUM.
>>> +        conf_dir = self._conf.reposdir
>>> +        if not conf_dir:
>>> +            raise NotFoundError("KCHREPOS0015E")
>>> +
>>> +        if len(repo) == 0:
>>> +            raise InvalidParameter("KCHREPOS0016E")
>>> +
>>> +        # Generate the content to be wrote.
>>> +        repo_content = '[%s]\n' % repo['repo_id']
>>> +        repo_content = repo_content + 'name=%s\n' % repo['repo_name']
>>> +
>>> +        if isinstance(repo['baseurl'], list):
>>> +            link = repo['baseurl'][0]
>>> +        else:
>>> +            link = repo['baseurl']
>>> +
>>> +        if repo['is_mirror']:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'mirrorlist=%s\n' % link
>>> +        else:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'baseurl=%s\n' % link
>>> +
>>> +        if repo['enabled']:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'enabled=1\n'
>>> +        else:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'enabled=0\n'
>>> +
>>> +        if repo['gpgcheck']:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'gpgcheck=1\n'
>>> +        else:
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'gpgcheck=0\n'
>>> +
>>> +        if repo['gpgkey']:
>>> +            if isinstance(repo['gpgkey'], list):
>>> +                link = repo['gpgkey'][0]
>>> +            else:
>>> +                link = repo['gpgkey']
>>> +            repo_content = repo_content + 'gpgckey=%s\n' % link
>>> +
>>> +        # Scan for the confdirs and write the file in the first available
>>> +        # directory in the system. YUM will scan each confdir for repo files
>>> +        # and load it contents, so we can write in the first available dir.
>> I just wonder can we get the repo_file by:
>> In [19]: repo.repofile
>> Out[19]: '///etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo'
> You're right, but this is true only if the repo information came from a
> file that already exists in system. This method is used to write the
> file of new repositories that are only on YumBase() data structure. That
> was the behavior I could see in my tests.
yes. then we can do not Scan confdirs.
And if repo.repofile is None, we can create it.
> For APT it's different. If you pass a file path to the method
> responsible to add a new repository, the module's method will create the
> file.
>>> +        for dir in conf_dir:
>>> +            if os.path.isdir(dir):
>>> +                repo_file = dir + '/%s.repo' % repo['repo_id']
>>> +                if os.path.isfile(repo_file):
>>> +                    os.remove(repo_file)
>>> +
>>> +                try:
>>> +                    with open(repo_file, 'w') as fd:
>>> +                        fd.write(repo_content)
>>> +                        fd.close()
>>> +                except:
>>> +                    raise OperationFailed("KCHREPOS0017E",
>>> +                                          {'repo_file': repo_file})
>>> +                break
>>> +        return True
>>> +
>>> +    def _removefromdisk(self, repo_id):
>>> +        """
>>> +        Delete the repo file from disk of a given repository
>>> +        """
>>> +        conf_dir = self._conf.reposdir
>>> +        if not conf_dir:
>>> +            raise NotFoundError("KCHREPOS0015E")
>>> +
>>> +        for dir in conf_dir:
>>> +            if os.path.isdir(dir):
>>> +                repo_file = dir + '/%s.repo' % repo_id
>>> +                if os.path.isfile(repo_file):
>>> +                    os.remove(repo_file)
>>> +
>>> +        return True
>>> +
>>> +

Thanks and best regards!

Sheldon Feng(冯少合)<shaohef at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
IBM Linux Technology Center

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