[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v4] UI: Software Update Support

Royce Lv lvroyce at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Mar 3 05:28:33 UTC 2014

On 2014年02月28日 20:53, Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital wrote:
> For now, the backend doesn't support update a single package or a list
> of packages, only the hole list provided by host's package manager. So,
> IMO, the UI should only list the package information and enable the
> button to update the system. If it's interesting add the selection of
> packages to be updated, we can do this later as an enhancement of this
> feature.
If we just need update all packages, why should we list each package 
Normal flow is see which version a package is, then notice it does not 
support a functionality and update it.
Also I assume we need to update 'kimchi' from web, then update single 
package is also useful under this scenerio.
> However, IMO this feature is not necessary. If you cant update the hole
> software stack of your host system, do not use the package/software
> update feature. If the distro is providing an update, that is because
> the update is necessary to the system - generally security fixes. As a
> good system administrator, you must keep your system updated as
> possible.

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