[Kimchi-devel] [RFC: PATCH v1] Prevent disks from being added more than once

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Oct 9 12:48:53 UTC 2014

On 10/09/2014 06:04 AM, Royce Lv wrote:
> On 2014年10月03日 03:17, Christy Perez wrote:
>> On 09/29/2014 01:24 AM, Royce Lv wrote:
>>> On 2014年09月27日 00:09, Christy Perez wrote:
>>>> Thanks Royce! A few questions below...
>>>> On 09/26/2014 04:48 AM, Royce Lv wrote:
>>>>> On 2014年09月25日 06:29, Christy Perez wrote:
>>>>>> The concept of a ref count for disks had been added, but this count
>>>>>> was dependant upon the pool name for a disk. However, the pool name
>>>>>> wasn't being stored in the VM XML so it wasn't possible to retreive
>>>>>> the pool for the disk in order to update the ref count.
>>>>> Thanks for the fix, I noticed this for a while but always forget to
>>>>> document.
>>>>> I think use 'pool' and 'vol' is a nice way, still we need to check if
>>>>> this works well in all distros for all storage types(iscsi, 
>>>>> logical etc)
>>>>> after all according to libvirt doc, this has been introduced in 
>>>>> 1.0.5,
>>>>> and 'mode' attr in 1.1.1,
>>>>> not sure for powerkvm and rhel it can work.
>>>> Absolutely. That's the big reason I sent this as an RFC. I have tested
>>>> it on x86 on Fedora, and powerKVM, but only with file-based storage.
>>>> There's a lot more testing to do, and I wanted to make sure before 
>>>> I get
>>>> too deep into that, that no one objected to any of the changes I'd 
>>>> made.
>>>>> If we are going to adopt current way, we can just update the ref 
>>>>> count
>>>>> when adding a new disk to vm(as it is chosen from pool),
>>>>> the def create() delete() in vmstorages.py needs to change.
>>>>> Though path is stored rather than pool in vm xml, we did a path query
>>>>> for all existent disk, to guarantee the right ref count is recorded.
>>>>> So things remaining are updating this ref count when volume's deleted
>>>>> from and added to vm.
>>>> I'm not sure I follow. It sounds like you're explaining how things
>>>> worked before my patch, but also making suggestions for what else I
>>>> might change? Can you clarify?
>>> I mean if you find we cannot use 'volume' attrib in all distro, what
>>> changes do we need to fix ref_cnt thing in current "path" based 
>>> solution.
>> Oh. Hm. I looked up some distros to see what they ship with.
>> RHEL 6.0: libvirt-0.8.1-27
>> RHEL 6.1: libvirt-0.8.7-18
>> RHEL 6.2: libvirt-0.9.4-23
>> RHEL 6.3: libvirt-0.9.10-21
>> RHEL 6.4: libvirt-0.10.2-18
>> RHEL/CentOS 6.5: libvirt-0.10.2-29
>> RHEL/CentOS 7.0: libvirt-1.1.1-29
>> Fedora 18: libvirt-
>> Fedora 19: libvirt-
>> Fedora 20: llibvirt-
>> SLES 11 SP2: libvirt-0.9.6-0.13.18
>> SLES 11 SP3: libvirt-
>> OpenSuSE 12.2: libvirt-
>> OpenSuSE 12.3: libvirt-1.0.2-1.3.1
>> OpenSuSE 13.1: libvirt-1.1.2-2.5.1
>> So, it looks like this isn't possible at all right now, since it would
>> effectively break all of RHEL6. That's a huge bummer because I like the
>> idea of changing to volume and keeping track of which pool a disk is in.
>> Without that, we'll have to change the way the disk is stored in the
>> object store, instead of changing how we look it up. The only way I see
>> is to store the full path instead of pool:image_name. Then (if we do
>> need the pool) we'll have to query the list of pools and find which
>> pool's path matches the image's base path. Storing the whole path has
>> the added benefit of making sure that any disks not in a kimchi pool are
>> also stored, and not added to any VM twice.
>> What do you think?
> Sounds reasonable! Aline, would you pls add this to our release plan?


I added a task with this patch title (Prevent disks from being added 
more than once to guest)
to https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi/wiki/Todo-1.4 and assigned 
to Christy.

>> Thanks!
>> - Christy
>>>>>> To fix this, this patch changes the way that disks are added when
>>>>>> created in libvirt storage pools. Instead of files, they are treated
>>>>>> as volumes in pools.
>>>>>> Note: Because of this modification, a small inconsistency in the 
>>>>>> API,
>>>>>> which states that the pool for a vm's "storages" is returned, is
>>>>>> corrected. The pool is returned as an empty string if the disk or
>>>>>> volume was not create from a pool (e.g. a remote ISO).
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Christy Perez <christy at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>     src/kimchi/model/storagevolumes.py | 13 ++++++--
>>>>>>     src/kimchi/model/vmstorages.py     | 68
>>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
>>>>>>     src/kimchi/vmdisks.py              | 33 ++++++++++++++----
>>>>>>     src/kimchi/vmtemplate.py           | 41 ++++++++++++++++-------
>>>>>>     4 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/kimchi/model/storagevolumes.py
>>>>>> b/src/kimchi/model/storagevolumes.py
>>>>>> index f9f226f..af97748 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/kimchi/model/storagevolumes.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/kimchi/model/storagevolumes.py
>>>>>> @@ -249,19 +249,26 @@ def _get_ref_cnt(self, pool, name, path):
>>>>>>                     try:
>>>>>>                         ref_cnt = session.get('storagevolume',
>>>>>> vol_id)['ref_cnt']
>>>>>>                     except NotFoundError:
>>>>>> +                    kimchi_log.info('Volume %s not found in obj
>>>>>> store.' % vol_id)
>>>>>>                         # Fix storage volume created outside kimchi
>>>>>> scope
>>>>>>                         ref_cnt = 0
>>>>>> -                    # try to find this volume in exsisted vm
>>>>>> +                    # try to find this volume in exsisting vm
>>>>>>                         vms = VMsModel.get_vms(self.conn)
>>>>>>                         for vm in vms:
>>>>>>                             dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm, self.conn)
>>>>>>                             storages = get_vm_disk_list(dom)
>>>>>>                             for disk in storages:
>>>>>> -                            d_info = get_vm_disk(dom, disk)
>>>>>> +                            d_info = get_vm_disk(dom, disk, 
>>>>>> self.conn)
>>>>>>                                 if path == d_info['path']:
>>>>>>                                     ref_cnt = ref_cnt + 1
>>>>>> -                    session.store('storagevolume', vol_id,
>>>>>> +                    try:
>>>>>> +                        session.store('storagevolume', vol_id,
>>>>>>                                       {'ref_cnt': ref_cnt})
>>>>>> +                    except Exception as e:
>>>>>> +                        # Just log an error if the obj store fails:
>>>>>> +                        kimchi_log.warning('Unable to store storage
>>>>>> volume id in '
>>>>>> +                            'objectstore due error: %s', e.message)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>             except Exception as e:
>>>>>>                 # This exception is going to catch errors 
>>>>>> returned by
>>>>>> 'with',
>>>>>>                 # specially ones generated by 'session.store'. It is
>>>>>> outside
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/kimchi/model/vmstorages.py
>>>>>> b/src/kimchi/model/vmstorages.py
>>>>>> index 4d6c0b2..1b2c0fe 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/kimchi/model/vmstorages.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/kimchi/model/vmstorages.py
>>>>>> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
>>>>>>     from kimchi.model.vms import DOM_STATE_MAP, VMModel
>>>>>>     from kimchi.model.storagevolumes import StorageVolumeModel
>>>>>>     from kimchi.model.utils import get_vm_config_flag
>>>>>> -from kimchi.utils import check_url_path
>>>>>> +from kimchi.utils import check_url_path, kimchi_log
>>>>>>     from kimchi.osinfo import lookup
>>>>>>     from kimchi.vmdisks import get_device_xml, get_vm_disk,
>>>>>> get_vm_disk_list
>>>>>>     from kimchi.vmdisks import DEV_TYPE_SRC_ATTR_MAP
>>>>>> @@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ def _get_storage_xml(params, 
>>>>>> ignore_source=False):
>>>>>>             source = E.source(protocol=output.scheme, 
>>>>>> name=output.path)
>>>>>>             source.append(host)
>>>>>>             disk.append(source)
>>>>>> +    elif src_type == 'volume':
>>>>>> +        source = E.source()
>>>>>> +        source.set('pool', params.get('pool'))
>>>>>> +        source.set('volume', params.get('vol'))
>>>>>> +        disk.append(source)
>>>>>>         else:
>>>>>>             # Fixing source attribute
>>>>>>             source = E.source()
>>>>>> @@ -138,6 +143,8 @@ def create(self, vm_name, params):
>>>>>>             # Path will never be blank due to API.json verification.
>>>>>>             # There is no need to cover this case here.
>>>>>>             params['format'] = 'raw'
>>>>>> +        vol_info = None
>>>>>> +        vol_store_name = None
>>>>>>             if not ('vol' in params) ^ ('path' in params):
>>>>>>                 raise InvalidParameter("KCHVMSTOR0017E")
>>>>>>             if params.get('vol'):
>>>>>> @@ -146,6 +153,7 @@ def create(self, vm_name, params):
>>>>>>                     vol_info = StorageVolumeModel(
>>>>>>                         conn=self.conn,
>>>>>> objstore=self.objstore).lookup(pool,
>>>>>> params['vol'])
>>>>>> +                vol_store_name = '%s:%s' % (pool, params['vol'])
>>>>>>                 except KeyError:
>>>>>>                     raise InvalidParameter("KCHVMSTOR0012E")
>>>>>>                 except Exception as e:
>>>>>> @@ -158,6 +166,10 @@ def create(self, vm_name, params):
>>>>>>                     params['format'] = vol_info['format']
>>>>>>                 params['path'] = vol_info['path']
>>>>>>             params['src_type'] = _check_path(params['path'])
>>>>>> +        if params['src_type'] is 'file' and params.get('pool') 
>>>>>> and \
>>>>> I think if it is 'block' probably we still want to use 'volume'
>>>> I'll look into that. Thanks.
>>>>>> + params.get('vol'):
>>>>>> +            params['src_type'] = 'volume'
>>>>>> +        # change from 'file' to volume if in a pool ^^
>>>>>>             if (params['bus'] not in HOTPLUG_TYPE
>>>>>>                     and DOM_STATE_MAP[dom.info()[0]] != 'shutoff'):
>>>>>>                 raise InvalidOperation('KCHVMSTOR0011E')
>>>>>> @@ -171,6 +183,16 @@ def create(self, vm_name, params):
>>>>>>                 dom.attachDeviceFlags(dev_xml, 
>>>>>> get_vm_config_flag(dom,
>>>>>> 'all'))
>>>>>>             except Exception as e:
>>>>>>                 raise OperationFailed("KCHVMSTOR0008E", {'error':
>>>>>> e.message})
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        try:
>>>>> I suggest we wrap a helper function to update ref_cnt rather than 
>>>>> spread
>>>>> this code everywhere.
>>>> Same. Thanks.
>>>>>> +            new_ref_cnt = vol_info['ref_cnt'] + 1
>>>>>> +            with self.objstore as session:
>>>>>> +                session.store('storagevolume', vol_store_name,
>>>>>> {'ref_cnt': new_ref_cnt})
>>>>>> +        except Exception as e:
>>>>>> +            # Just log an error if the obj store fails:
>>>>>> +            kimchi_log.warning('Unable to store storage volume 
>>>>>> id in '
>>>>>> +                                'objectstore due error: %s',
>>>>>> e.message)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>             return params['dev']
>>>>>>         def _get_storage_device_name(self, vm_name, params):
>>>>>> @@ -192,25 +214,41 @@ def get_list(self, vm_name):
>>>>>>             dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
>>>>>>             return get_vm_disk_list(dom)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>     class VMStorageModel(object):
>>>>>>         def __init__(self, **kargs):
>>>>>>             self.conn = kargs['conn']
>>>>>> +        self.objstore = kargs['objstore']
>>>>>>         def lookup(self, vm_name, dev_name):
>>>>>>             # Retrieve disk xml and format return dict
>>>>>>             dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
>>>>>> -        return get_vm_disk(dom, dev_name)
>>>>>> +        disk = get_vm_disk(dom, dev_name, self.conn)
>>>>>> +        # Also include the pool and volume
>>>>>> +        pool_name = ''
>>>>>> +        vol_name = ''
>>>>>> +        try:
>>>>>> +            pool_name = disk.get('pool')
>>>>>> +            vol_name = disk.get('volume')
>>>>>> +        except Exception as e:
>>>>>> +            kimchi_log.warning('VMDisk lookup error: %s' % 
>>>>>> e.message)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        disk['pool'] = pool_name
>>>>>> +        disk['volume'] = vol_name
>>>>>> +        return disk
>>>>>>         def delete(self, vm_name, dev_name):
>>>>>>             # Get storage device xml
>>>>>>             dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
>>>>>> +        disk_info = None
>>>>>> +        disk_xml = None
>>>>>> +        pool_name = ''
>>>>>> +        vol_name = ''
>>>>>>             try:
>>>>>> -            bus_type = self.lookup(vm_name, dev_name)['bus']
>>>>>> +            disk_info = self.lookup(vm_name, dev_name)
>>>>>> +            bus_type = disk_info['bus']
>>>>>>             except NotFoundError:
>>>>>>                 raise
>>>>>> -        dom = VMModel.get_vm(vm_name, self.conn)
>>>>>>             if (bus_type not in HOTPLUG_TYPE and
>>>>>>                     DOM_STATE_MAP[dom.info()[0]] != 'shutoff'):
>>>>>>                 raise InvalidOperation('KCHVMSTOR0011E')
>>>>>> @@ -224,10 +262,30 @@ def delete(self, vm_name, dev_name):
>>>>>>             except Exception as e:
>>>>>>                 raise OperationFailed("KCHVMSTOR0010E", {'error':
>>>>>> e.message})
>>>>>> +        # Get the pool and vol of a disk so we can
>>>>>> +        # decrement its ref_cnt in the obj store
>>>>>> +        pool_name = disk_info.get('pool')
>>>>>> +        vol_name = disk_info.get('volume')
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        if(pool_name and vol_name):
>>>>>> +            try:
>>>>>> +                vol_id = '%s:%s' % (pool_name, vol_name)
>>>>>> +                with self.objstore as session:
>>>>>> +                    vol = session.get('storagevolume', vol_id)
>>>>>> +                    if vol:
>>>>>> +                        ref_cnt = vol['ref_cnt']
>>>>>> +                        if ref_cnt > 0:
>>>>>> +                            ref_cnt = ref_cnt - 1
>>>>>> +                    session.store('storagevolume', vol_id,
>>>>>> {'ref_cnt': ref_cnt})
>>>>>> +            except Exception as e:
>>>>>> +                kimchi_log.warning('Unable to decrement volume ref
>>>>>> count due to %s.'
>>>>>> +                                    % e.message)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>         def update(self, vm_name, dev_name, params):
>>>>>>             path = params.get('path')
>>>>>>             if path and len(path) != 0:
>>>>>>                 params['src_type'] = _check_path(path)
>>>>>> +            # change from 'file' to 'volume' if pool ^^
>>>>>>                 ignore_source = False
>>>>>>             else:
>>>>>>                 params['src_type'] = 'file'
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/kimchi/vmdisks.py b/src/kimchi/vmdisks.py
>>>>>> index 6012ada..185a499 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/kimchi/vmdisks.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/kimchi/vmdisks.py
>>>>>> @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
>>>>>>     # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
>>>>>> Software
>>>>>>     # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
>>>>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>>>>> +import libvirt
>>>>>> +import os
>>>>>>     from lxml import objectify
>>>>>>     from kimchi.exception import NotFoundError
>>>>>> @@ -34,37 +36,56 @@ def get_device_xml(dom, dev_name):
>>>>>>             return None
>>>>>>         return disk[0]
>>>>>> +def get_pool_xml(conn, pool_name):
>>>>>> +    conn = conn.get()
>>>>>> +    return objectify.fromstring(conn.\
>>>>>> +        storagePoolLookupByName(pool_name).XMLDesc(0))
>>>>>> -def get_vm_disk(dom, dev_name):
>>>>>> +def get_vm_disk(dom, dev_name, conn):
>>>>>>         # Retrieve disk xml and format return dict
>>>>>>         disk = get_device_xml(dom, dev_name)
>>>>>>         if disk is None:
>>>>>>             raise NotFoundError(
>>>>>>                     "KCHVMSTOR0007E",
>>>>>>                     {'dev_name': dev_name, 'vm_name': dom.name()})
>>>>>> -    path = ""
>>>>>> +    path = ''
>>>>>>         dev_bus = 'ide'
>>>>>> +    pool_name = ''
>>>>>> +    vol_name = ''
>>>>>>         try:
>>>>>>             source = disk.source
>>>>>>             if source is not None:
>>>>>> -            src_type = disk.attrib['type']
>>>>>> +            src_type = disk.get('type')
>>>>>>                 if src_type == 'network':
>>>>>>                     host = source.host
>>>>>>                     path = (source.attrib['protocol'] + '://' +
>>>>>>                             host.attrib['name'] + ':' +
>>>>>>                             host.attrib['port'] + 
>>>>>> source.attrib['name'])
>>>>>> +            elif src_type == 'volume':
>>>>>> +                pool_name = disk.source.get('pool')
>>>>>> +                pool = get_pool_xml(conn, pool_name)
>>>>>> +                pool_path = str(pool.target.path)
>>>>>> +                vol_name = disk.source.attrib['volume']
>>>>>> +                path = os.path.join(pool_path, vol_name)
>>>>>>                 else:
>>>>>>                     path =
>>>>>> source.attrib[DEV_TYPE_SRC_ATTR_MAP[src_type]]
>>>>>>             # Retrieve storage bus type
>>>>>>             dev_bus = disk.target.attrib['bus']
>>>>>> -    except:
>>>>>> -        pass
>>>>>> +    except Exception as e:
>>>>>> +        kimchi_log.warning("get_vm_disk exception: %s " % 
>>>>>> e.message)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>         dev_type = disk.attrib['device']
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +    # Pool and volume may be empty strings, if the user passed a 
>>>>>> disk
>>>>>> name.
>>>>>> +    # If the disk was from a storage pool, let's use that so we can
>>>>>> keep track
>>>>>> +    # of its ref_cnt in the objects store.
>>>>>>         return {'dev': dev_name,
>>>>>>                 'type': dev_type,
>>>>>>                 'path': path,
>>>>>>                 'format': disk.driver.attrib['type'],
>>>>>> -            'bus': dev_bus}
>>>>>> +            'bus': dev_bus,
>>>>>> +            'pool': pool_name,
>>>>>> +            'volume': vol_name}
>>>>>>     def get_vm_disk_list(dom):
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/kimchi/vmtemplate.py b/src/kimchi/vmtemplate.py
>>>>>> index 5f22db9..1940911 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/kimchi/vmtemplate.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/kimchi/vmtemplate.py
>>>>>> @@ -187,24 +187,41 @@ def _get_cdrom_xml(self,
>>>>>> libvirt_stream_protocols, qemu_stream_dns):
>>>>>>             return network_file % (params)
>>>>>>         def _get_disks_xml(self, vm_uuid):
>>>>>> -        storage_path = self._get_storage_path()
>>>>>> +        def TYPE(v):
>>>>>> +            return {'type': v}
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        #storage_path = self._get_storage_path()
>>>>>> +        _pool = pool_name_from_uri(self.info['storagepool'])
>>>>>>             ret = ""
>>>>>>             for i, disk in enumerate(self.info['disks']):
>>>>>>                 index = disk.get('index', i)
>>>>>> -            volume = "%s-%s.img" % (vm_uuid, index)
>>>>>> -            src = os.path.join(storage_path, volume)
>>>>>> +            _volume = "%s-%s.img" % (vm_uuid, index)
>>>>>> +            #src = os.path.join(storage_path, volume)
>>>>>>                 dev = "%s%s" % 
>>>>>> (self._bus_to_dev[self.info['disk_bus']],
>>>>>>                                 string.lowercase[index])
>>>>>>                 fmt = 'raw' if self._get_storage_type() in 
>>>>>> ['logical']
>>>>>> else 'qcow2'
>>>>>> -            params = {'src': src, 'dev': dev, 'bus':
>>>>>> self.info['disk_bus'],
>>>>>> -                      'type': fmt}
>>>>>> -            ret += """
>>>>>> -            <disk type='file' device='disk'>
>>>>>> -              <driver name='qemu' type='%(type)s' cache='none'/>
>>>>>> -              <source file='%(src)s' />
>>>>>> -              <target dev='%(dev)s' bus='%(bus)s' />
>>>>>> -            </disk>
>>>>>> -            """ % params
>>>>>> +            #params = {'src': src, 'dev': dev, 'bus':
>>>>>> self.info['disk_bus'],
>>>>>> +            #          'type': fmt}
>>>>>> +            #ret += """
>>>>>> +            #<disk type='file' device='disk'>
>>>>>> +            #  <driver name='qemu' type='%(type)s' cache='none'/>
>>>>>> +            #  <source file='%(src)s' />
>>>>>> +            #  <target dev='%(dev)s' bus='%(bus)s' />
>>>>>> +            #</disk>
>>>>>> +            #""" % params
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +            # Instead do:
>>>>>> +            #<disk type='volume'>
>>>>>> +            #  <driver name='qemu' type='%(type)s' cache='none'/>
>>>>>> +            #  <source pool='%(pool)s' volume='%(volume)s' />
>>>>>> +            #  <target dev='%(dev)s' bus='%(bus)s />
>>>>>> +            #</disk>
>>>>>> +            disk = E.disk(
>>>>>> +                    E.driver(TYPE(fmt), name='qemu', cache='none'),
>>>>>> +                    E.source(pool=_pool, volume=_volume),
>>>>>> +                    E.target(dev=dev, bus=self.info['disk_bus']),
>>>>>> +                    TYPE('volume'))
>>>>>> +            ret += etree.tostring(disk)
>>>>>>             return ret
>>>>>>         def _get_graphics_xml(self, params):

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