[Kimchi-devel] [kimchi-devel] FVT Regression test suite for Kimchi 1.5

Chandra Shehkhar Reddy Potula chandra at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Aug 6 07:06:15 UTC 2015

Hi Aline,

Thanks for your inputs !!!

The tests we written so far are functional verification test cases which 
can be ran against the Kimchi which is installed, up and running and can 
validate REST API calls with the real data.

  About the current test cases under folder*/tests*, If I understood 
correctly they are suppose to do unit testing, hence majority of them 
uses mocking. I went through test cases like test_authorization.py, 
test_exception.py, test_host.py, test_plugin.py, test_server.py etc (by 
the way I excluded mockmodel and model test files) and I saw the *import 
kimchi.mockmodel, *which makes me feel that these cases are designed for 
mock testing. They are not meant for functional verification even though 
they are REST API calls.

I agree that we could place functional verification test suite under 
the*/tests* folder, but not to mix with existing unit test cases. I do 
recommend below structure inside */tests.*


**-----*/tests -selinium

Hope this make sense !!!

On 08/06/2015 12:35 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
> On 04/08/2015 07:22, Chandra Sr Potula wrote:
>> We have developed functional verification regression test suite for 
>> Kimchi/Ginger in order to verify the REST API's calls currently 
>> available on 1.5.
>> Our proposal is to create the following folder structure in the main 
>> stream of Kimchi/Ginger for FVT. From this week we will be submitting 
>> the patches.
>> *tests-fvt*
>>    |
>>    -----*tests-restapi*
>>    |
>>    -----*tests-ui*
>> Please provide feedback if you have any !!!
> We already have unit tests to cover the REST APIs. You can check them 
> under /tests
> You can add as many tests as you want there. Usually we are on a way 
> to remove test_model and test_mockmodel and separate the tests per 
> components: templates, networks, guests, etc.
> About the directory structure, I don't think we need to change it.
> For UI tests, we need to wait a little bit to do that according to the 
> new UI.
> Samuel will do unit tests and Selenium tests as soon as the new UI 
> components are getting ready.
> About the directory structure, we can create a new directory under 
> /ui, for example, ui/tests to handle all the unit tests and 
> ui/tests/selenium to handle the Selenium tests.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Chandra
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