[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] Re: Solve the snapshot revert problem, relate to issue #526

Crístian Viana vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Jan 21 21:15:00 UTC 2015

Reviewed-by: Crístian Viana <vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

A few comments below:

On 20-01-2015 10:10, gouzongmei at ourfuture.cn wrote:
> From: Zongmei Gou <gouzongmei at ourfuture.cn>
> Hi, Cristian
> Thanks for your time on this, I've modified my patch according to your opinion,
> some problems may still exist.
> 1. The 'revert' function need return vm name recorded in the snapshot xml, not the snapshot
> name, so the "vir_snap.getName()" won't help.

You're right, we need the VM name there, not the snapshot name. So I 
guess you could call "vir_dom.name()" instead of "vir_snap.getXMLDesc() 
+ xpath_get_text". I'm expecting that libvirt will return the updated 
value when it changes. But you don't need to send another revision of 
this patch just because of that, it already works as it is.

> 4. For "test_rest", the snapshot revert function in mockmodel.py is different with the real model,
> which causes the response status different. So I just kept it, and all related test cases passed
> by now in my environment.

Now I see that we cannot create that specific test scenario in our 
mockmodel, given its current implementation. Our MockSnapshot is too 
simple, it isn't aware of the original VM's name (and many more things), 
so unless we change our class MockSnapshot - which I don't think it's 
worth it now - we cannot reproduce that issue. So we can keep it as it 
is now, as you proposed.

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