[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Checks memory alignment to 256 MiB and number of slots in PPC

Daniel Henrique Barboza dhbarboza82 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 19:20:14 UTC 2015

The contribution fails the make check-local verification in my laptop:

[danielhb at arthas kimchi]$ git am \[Kimchi-devel\]\ \[PATCH\ *
Applying: Check memory alignment in PowerPC to 256MiB
Applying: Check and align number of memory slot to 32 in PowerPC
[danielhb at arthas kimchi]$ make check-local
contrib/check_i18n.py ./i18n.py
Checking for invalid i18n string...
Checking for invalid i18n string successfully
find . -path './.git' -prune -type f -o \
     -name '*.py' -o -name '*.py.in'  | xargs /usr/bin/pyflakes | \
     while read LINE; do echo "$LINE"; false; done
./vmtemplate.py:340: undefined name 'platform'
Makefile:1035: recipe for target 'check-local' failed
make: *** [check-local] Error 1
[danielhb at arthas kimchi]$

And it causes extra errors/failures running the unit tests, probably because
of the above error. Without yours patches in a pkvm box, running upstream

FAILED (failures=11, errors=10, skipped=7)

With your patches:

FAILED (failures=23, errors=29, skipped=7)

Fixing the import error will surely bring the failures down.


On 11/10/2015 01:51 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
> This patchset makes necessary changes to check and change in PPC:
> - memory and maxMemory must be aligned to 256 MiB
> - Number of slots must be <= 32
> Rodrigo Trujillo (2):
>    Check memory alignment in PowerPC to 256MiB
>    Check and align number of memory slot to 32 in PowerPC
>   src/wok/plugins/kimchi/i18n.py       |  1 +
>   src/wok/plugins/kimchi/model/vms.py  | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   src/wok/plugins/kimchi/osinfo.py     |  4 ++++
>   src/wok/plugins/kimchi/vmtemplate.py |  7 ++++++-
>   4 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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