[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V3] [Ginger-Base 1/1] Issue 728 - Processor Info in s390 architecture

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Nov 26 12:20:51 UTC 2015

On 26/11/2015 10:20, Suresh Babu Angadi wrote:
> Please ignore this patch set, it has minor issue on s390x, i will send 
> v4.

OK =)

> On 11/26/2015 05:33 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> Reviewed-by: Aline Manera <alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>> On 26/11/2015 09:01, sureshab at linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
>>> From: Suresh Babu Angadi <sureshab at in.ibm.com>
>>> Fix for issue 728: processor info displays blank for system z
>>> this patch set also adds additional capability:
>>> retrieving architecture and host name (for all architecture)
>>> split CPUs to show online and offline cpus also
>>>     includes shared and dedicated cpus for s390x
>>> split memory to show online and offline
>>> additional virtualization details(for s390x):
>>>     virtualization will have hypervisor details and lpar details
>>> Signed-off-by: Suresh Babu Angadi <sureshab at in.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/docs/API.md        |  18 +-
>>>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py            |   1 +
>>>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/lscpu.py           |  60 ++++++
>>>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/host.py      | 259 
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>   src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/tests/test_host.py |  12 +-
>>>   5 files changed, 307 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/docs/API.md 
>>> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/docs/API.md
>>> index 8f37ddc..30b0c8f 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/docs/API.md
>>> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/docs/API.md
>>> @@ -95,13 +95,25 @@ Contains information of host.
>>>   **Methods:**
>>>   * **GET**: Retrieve host static information
>>> -    * memory: Total size of host physical memory
>>> -              The unit is Bytes
>>> +    * memory: Memory details of the host. The unit is Bytes
>>> +                * online: Total size of physical memory currently 
>>> available to host
>>> +                * offline: Total offline memory(for s390x), zero 
>>> for other architectures.
>>>       * cpu_model: The model name of host CPU
>>> -    * cpus: The number of online CPUs available on host
>>> +    * cpus: The host cpus information
>>> +                * online: Number of online CPUs
>>> +                * offline: Number of offline CPUs
>>> +                * shared *(s390x only)*: Number of shared CPUs
>>> +                * dedicated *(s390x only)*: Number of dedicated  CPUs
>>>       * os_distro: The OS distribution that runs on host
>>>       * os_version: The version of OS distribution
>>>       * os_codename: The code name of OS distribution
>>> +    * host: Host name of the network node
>>> +    * architecture: Architecture of the host
>>> +    * virtualization *(s390x only)*: This is a json with following 
>>> keys
>>> +                * hypervisor: Hypervisor name of the host
>>> +                * hypervisor_vendor: Hypervisor Vendor name
>>> +                * lpar_number: LPAR Number of host
>>> +                * lpar_name: Name of host LPAR
>>>   * **POST**: *See Host Actions*
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py 
>>> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
>>> index af75c70..a0a8c36 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
>>> @@ -88,5 +88,6 @@ messages = {
>>>       "GGBCPUINF0005E": _("This host (or current configuration) does 
>>> not provide Socket(s) information."),
>>>       "GGBCPUINF0006E": _("This host (or current configuration) does 
>>> not provide Core(s) per socket information."),
>>>       "GGBCPUINF0007E": _("This host (or current configuration) does 
>>> not provide Thread(s) per core information."),
>>> +    "GGBCPUINF0008E": _("This host (or current configuration) does 
>>> not provide CPU(s) information."),
>>>   }
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/lscpu.py 
>>> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/lscpu.py
>>> index 0fc1e72..a822a15 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/lscpu.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/lscpu.py
>>> @@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
>>>   # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>   # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>>   import logging
>>> +import platform
>>>   from wok.utils import run_command
>>>   from wok.exception import NotFoundError
>>> +ARCH = platform.machine()
>>> +
>>>   class LsCpu(object):
>>>       """
>>> @@ -64,6 +67,28 @@ class LsCpu(object):
>>>               # L2 cache:              256K
>>>               # L3 cache:              3072K
>>>               # NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-3
>>> +            #
>>> +            # Output of lscpu in s390x is expected to be
>>> +            # Architecture:          s390x
>>> +            # CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
>>> +            # Byte Order:            Big Endian
>>> +            # CPU(s):                4
>>> +            # On-line CPU(s) list:   0,1
>>> +            # Off-line CPU(s) list:  2,3
>>> +            # Thread(s) per core:    1
>>> +            # Core(s) per socket:    6
>>> +            # Socket(s) per book:    6
>>> +            # Book(s):               4
>>> +            # Vendor ID:             IBM/S390
>>> +            # BogoMIPS:              18115.00
>>> +            # Hypervisor:            PR/SM
>>> +            # Hypervisor vendor:     IBM
>>> +            # Virtualization type:   full
>>> +            # Dispatching mode:      horizontal
>>> +            # L1d cache:             96K
>>> +            # L1i cache:             64K
>>> +            # L2d cache:             1024K
>>> +            # L2i cache:             1024K
>>>               if not rc and (not out.isspace()):
>>>                   lscpuout = out.split('\n')
>>> @@ -85,6 +110,8 @@ class LsCpu(object):
>>>           """
>>>           try:
>>>               sockets = "Socket(s)"
>>> +            if ARCH.startswith('s390x'):
>>> +                sockets = "Socket(s) per book"
>>>               if len(self.lsCpuInfo) > 0 and sockets in 
>>> self.lsCpuInfo.keys():
>>>                   return int(self.lsCpuInfo[sockets])
>>>               else:
>>> @@ -124,3 +151,36 @@ class LsCpu(object):
>>>           except IndexError, e:
>>>               self.log_error(e)
>>>               raise NotFoundError("GGBCPUINF0007E")
>>> +
>>> +    def get_total_cpus(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get total cpus retrieved from CPU(s) field of lscpu
>>> +        :return: total cpus
>>> +        """
>>> +        total_cpus = 'CPU(s)'
>>> +        if len(self.lsCpuInfo) > 0 and total_cpus in 
>>> self.lsCpuInfo.keys():
>>> +            return int(self.lsCpuInfo[total_cpus])
>>> +        else:
>>> +            self.log_error("Failed to fetch total cpus count in 
>>> lscpu output")
>>> +            raise NotFoundError("GGBCPUINF0008E")
>>> +
>>> +    def get_hypervisor(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get hypervisor name if present in lscpu o/p
>>> +        :return: Hypervisor Name
>>> +        """
>>> +        hypervisor = 'Hypervisor'
>>> +        if len(self.lsCpuInfo) > 0 and hypervisor in 
>>> self.lsCpuInfo.keys():
>>> +            return self.lsCpuInfo[hypervisor]
>>> +        return None
>>> +
>>> +    def get_hypervisor_vendor(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get hypervisor vendor if present in lscpu o/p
>>> +        :return: Hypervisor Vendor
>>> +        """
>>> +        hypervisor_vendor = 'Hypervisor vendor'
>>> +        if len(self.lsCpuInfo) > 0 and hypervisor_vendor in \
>>> +                self.lsCpuInfo.keys():
>>> +            return self.lsCpuInfo[hypervisor_vendor]
>>> +        return None
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/host.py 
>>> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/host.py
>>> index a58bada..fd4db29 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/host.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/host.py
>>> @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
>>>   import os
>>>   import platform
>>>   import psutil
>>> +import re
>>>   import time
>>>   from cherrypy.process.plugins import BackgroundTask
>>>   from collections import defaultdict
>>> @@ -31,9 +32,10 @@ from wok.basemodel import Singleton
>>>   from wok.config import config as kconfig
>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidOperation
>>>   from wok.exception import OperationFailed
>>> -from wok.utils import add_task, wok_log
>>> +from wok.utils import add_task, run_command, wok_log
>>>   from wok.model.tasks import TaskModel
>>> +from wok.plugins.gingerbase.lscpu import LsCpu
>>>   from wok.plugins.gingerbase.model.debugreports import 
>>> DebugReportsModel
>>>   from wok.plugins.gingerbase.repositories import Repositories
>>>   from wok.plugins.gingerbase.swupdate import SoftwareUpdate
>>> @@ -48,17 +50,29 @@ DOM_STATE_MAP = {0: 'nostate',
>>>                    6: 'crashed',
>>>                    7: 'pmsuspended'}
>>> +ARCH = platform.machine()
>>> +PROC_CPUINFO = '/proc/cpuinfo'
>>> +PROC_SYSINFO = '/proc/sysinfo'
>>> +LSMEM = 'lsmem'
>>> +CPUS_DEDICATED = 'cpus_dedicated'
>>> +CPUS_SHARED = 'cpus_shared'
>>> +LPAR_NAME = 'lpar_name'
>>> +LPAR_NUMBER = 'lpar_number'
>>> +
>>>   class HostModel(object):
>>>       def __init__(self, **kargs):
>>>           # self.conn = kargs['conn']
>>>           self.objstore = kargs['objstore']
>>>           self.task = TaskModel(**kargs)
>>> -        self.host_info = self._get_host_info()
>>> +        self.lscpu = LsCpu()
>>> -    def _get_ppc_cpu_info(self):
>>> +    def _get_ppc_cpu_model(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get cpu_model for ppc architecture
>>> +        """
>>>           res = {}
>>> -        with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f:
>>> +        with open(PROC_CPUINFO) as f:
>>>               for line in f.xreadlines():
>>>                   # Parse CPU, CPU's revision and CPU's clock 
>>> information
>>>                   for key in ['cpu', 'revision', 'clock']:
>>> @@ -81,56 +95,227 @@ class HostModel(object):
>>>           return ""
>>> -    def _get_host_info(self):
>>> -        res = {}
>>> -        if platform.machine().startswith('ppc'):
>>> -            res['cpu_model'] = self._get_ppc_cpu_info()
>>> -        else:
>>> -            with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f:
>>> +    def _get_x86_cpu_model(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get cpu_model for x86 architecture
>>> +        """
>>> +        try:
>>> +            with open(PROC_CPUINFO) as f:
>>>                   for line in f.xreadlines():
>>>                       if "model name" in line:
>>> -                        res['cpu_model'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
>>> +                        return line.split(':')[1].strip()
>>>                           break
>>> +        except Exception as e:
>>> +            wok_log.error("Failed to retrive cpu_model for "
>>> +                          "%s. Error: %s", ARCH, e.__str__())
>>> +        return ""
>>> -        res['cpus'] = 0
>>> -        res['memory'] = 0L
>>> -
>>> -        # Include IBM PowerKVM name to supported distro names
>>> -        _sup_distros = platform._supported_dists + ('ibm_powerkvm',)
>>> -        # 'fedora' '17' 'Beefy Miracle'
>>> -        distro, version, codename = platform.linux_distribution(
>>> -            supported_dists=_sup_distros)
>>> -        res['os_distro'] = distro
>>> -        res['os_version'] = version
>>> -        res['os_codename'] = unicode(codename, "utf-8")
>>> -
>>> -        return res
>>> -
>>> -    def lookup(self, *name):
>>> -        cpus = psutil.NUM_CPUS
>>> -
>>> +    def _get_s390x_host_info(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get additional host details
>>> +        specific to s390x architecture
>>> +        :return: dictionary
>>> +        """
>>> +        host_info = {}
>>> +        host_info['cpus'] = self._get_cpus()
>>> +        host_info['cpus']['dedicated'] = 0
>>> +        host_info['cpus']['shared'] = 0
>>> +        host_info['cpu_model'] = ""
>>> +        host_info['virtualization'] = {}
>>> +        s390x_sysinfo = self._get_s390x_sysinfo()
>>> +        if 'manufacturer' in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['cpu_model'] = s390x_sysinfo['manufacturer']
>>> +        if 'type' in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['cpu_model'] = \
>>> +                host_info['cpu_model'] + "/" + s390x_sysinfo['type']
>>> +        if 'model' in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['cpu_model'] = \
>>> +                host_info['cpu_model'] + "/" + s390x_sysinfo['model']
>>> +        if CPUS_DEDICATED in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['cpus']['dedicated'] = 
>>> s390x_sysinfo[CPUS_DEDICATED]
>>> +        if CPUS_SHARED in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['cpus']['shared'] = s390x_sysinfo[CPUS_SHARED]
>>> +        host_info['virtualization']['hypervisor'] = \
>>> +            self.lscpu.get_hypervisor()
>>> +        host_info['virtualization']['hypervisor_vendor'] = \
>>> +            self.lscpu.get_hypervisor_vendor()
>>> +        host_info['virtualization'][LPAR_NAME] = ''
>>> +        host_info['virtualization'][LPAR_NUMBER] = ''
>>> +        if LPAR_NAME in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['virtualization'][LPAR_NAME] = 
>>> s390x_sysinfo[LPAR_NAME]
>>> +        if LPAR_NUMBER in s390x_sysinfo.keys():
>>> +            host_info['virtualization'][LPAR_NUMBER] = \
>>> +                s390x_sysinfo[LPAR_NUMBER]
>>> +
>>> +        return host_info
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_s390x_sysinfo(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        This method retrieves following system information
>>> +        for s390 architecture
>>> +        * manufacturer: Manufacturer of host machine
>>> +        * type: Type of the host machine
>>> +        * model:Model of host machine
>>> +        * LPAR_NUMBER: LPAR Number of host
>>> +        * LPAR_NAME: Name of host LPAR
>>> +        * CPUS_DEDICATED: LPAR CPUs Dedicated
>>> +        * CPUS_SHARED: LPAR CPUs Shared
>>> +
>>> +        :param self: object of the class self
>>> +        :return: dictionary with following keys -
>>> +                 'manufacturer', 'type', 'model', CPUS_SHARED,
>>> +        """
>>> +        s390x_sysinfo = {}
>>> +        try:
>>> +            with open(PROC_SYSINFO) as f:
>>> +                for line in f.xreadlines():
>>> +                    if ":" in line and (len(line.split(':')) == 2):
>>> +                        info = line.split(':')
>>> +                        if info[0] == 'Model' and 
>>> (len(info[1].split()) == 2):
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo['model'] = \
>>> +                                info[1].split()[0].strip() +\
>>> +                                " "+info[1].split()[1].strip()
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'Manufacturer':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo['manufacturer'] = 
>>> info[1].strip()
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'Type':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo['type'] = info[1].strip()
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'LPAR Number':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo[LPAR_NUMBER] = 
>>> int(info[1].strip())
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'LPAR Name':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo[LPAR_NAME] = info[1].strip()
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'LPAR CPUs Dedicated':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo[CPUS_DEDICATED] =\
>>> +                                int(info[1].strip())
>>> +                        elif info[0] == 'LPAR CPUs Shared':
>>> +                            s390x_sysinfo[CPUS_SHARED] = 
>>> int(info[1].strip())
>>> +        except Exception as e:
>>> +            wok_log.error("Failed to retrieve information from %s 
>>> file. "
>>> +                          "Error: %s", PROC_SYSINFO, e.__str__())
>>> +
>>> +        return s390x_sysinfo
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_memory(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to retrieve memory information for all architecture
>>> +        :return: dictionary with keys "online" and "offline"
>>> +        """
>>> +        memory = {}
>>> +        online_memory = 0
>>> +        offline_memory = 0
>>> +        if ARCH.startswith('s390x'):
>>> +            online_mem_pat = r'^Total online memory :\s+(\d+)\s+MB$'
>>> +            offline_mem_pat = r'^Total offline memory:\s+(\d+)\s+MB$'
>>> +            out, err, rc = run_command(LSMEM)
>>> +            # output of lsmem in s390x architecture is expected to be
>>> +            # Address Range                          Size (MB) State\
>>> +            #     Removable  Device
>>> +            # 
>>> ========================================================\
>>> +            # =======================
>>> +            # 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff 256 online\
>>> +            #    no         0
>>> +            # 0x0000000010000000-0x000000002fffffff 512 online\
>>> +            #    yes        1-2
>>> +            # 0x0000000030000000-0x000000007fffffff 1280 online\
>>> +            #    no         3-7
>>> +            # 0x0000000080000000-0x00000000ffffffff 2048 offline\
>>> +            #   -          8-15
>>> +            #
>>> +            # Memory device size  : 256 MB
>>> +            # Memory block size   : 256 MB
>>> +            # Total online memory : 2048 MB
>>> +            # Total offline memory: 2048 MB
>>> +            if not rc:
>>> +                online_mem =\
>>> +                    re.search(online_mem_pat, out.strip(), re.M | 
>>> re.I)
>>> +                offline_mem =\
>>> +                    re.search(offline_mem_pat, out.strip(), re.M | 
>>> re.I)
>>> +                if online_mem and len(online_mem.groups()) == 1:
>>> +                    online_memory = int(online_mem.group(1)) * 1024 
>>> * 1024
>>> +                    # converting MB to bytes
>>> +                    # lsmem always returns memory in MB
>>> +                if offline_mem and len(offline_mem.groups()) == 1:
>>> +                    offline_memory = int(offline_mem.group(1)) * 
>>> 1024 * 1024
>>> +            else:
>>> +                wok_log.error('Failed to retrieve memory 
>>> information with'
>>> +                              ' command %s. Error: %s' % (LSMEM, err))
>>> +        else:
>>> +            if hasattr(psutil, 'phymem_usage'):
>>> +                online_memory = psutil.phymem_usage().total
>>> +            elif hasattr(psutil, 'virtual_memory'):
>>> +                online_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total
>>> +
>>> +        memory['online'] = online_memory
>>> +        memory['offline'] = offline_memory
>>> +        return memory
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_cpus_(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to retrieve online cpus count and offline cpus
>>> +        count for all architecture
>>> +        :return: dictionary with keys "online" and "offline"
>>> +        """
>>> +        cpus = {}
>>> +        total_cpus = int(self.lscpu.get_total_cpus())
>>> +        offline_cpus = 0
>>> +
>>> +        online_cpus = psutil.NUM_CPUS
>>>           # psutil is unstable on how to get the number of
>>>           # cpus, different versions call it differently
>>>           if hasattr(psutil, 'cpu_count'):
>>> -            cpus = psutil.cpu_count()
>>> +            online_cpus = psutil.cpu_count()
>>>           elif hasattr(psutil, 'NUM_CPUS'):
>>> -            cpus = psutil.NUM_CPUS
>>> +            online_cpus = psutil.NUM_CPUS
>>>           elif hasattr(psutil, '_psplatform'):
>>>               for method_name in ['_get_num_cpus', 'get_num_cpus']:
>>>                   method = getattr(psutil._psplatform, method_name, 
>>> None)
>>>                   if method is not None:
>>> -                    cpus = method()
>>> +                    online_cpus = method()
>>>                       break
>>> +        if total_cpus >= online_cpus:
>>> +            offline_cpus = total_cpus - online_cpus
>>> +        cpus['online'] = online_cpus
>>> +        cpus['offline'] = offline_cpus
>>> +        return cpus
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_base_info(self):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to retrieve common host information for all 
>>> architectures
>>> +        :return: dictionary with keys 'os_distro', 'os_version', 
>>> 'os_codename'
>>> +                 'architecture', 'host', memory
>>> +        """
>>> +        common_info = {}
>>> +        # Include IBM PowerKVM name to supported distro names
>>> +        _sup_distros = platform._supported_dists + ('ibm_powerkvm',)
>>> +        # 'fedora' '17' 'Beefy Miracle'
>>> +        distro, version, codename = platform.linux_distribution(
>>> +            supported_dists=_sup_distros)
>>> +        common_info['os_distro'] = distro
>>> +        common_info['os_version'] = version
>>> +        common_info['os_codename'] = unicode(codename, "utf-8")
>>> +        common_info['architecture'] = ARCH
>>> +        common_info['host'] = platform.node()
>>> +        common_info['memory'] = self._get_memory()
>>> -        self.host_info['cpus'] = cpus
>>> -        if hasattr(psutil, 'phymem_usage'):
>>> -            self.host_info['memory'] = psutil.phymem_usage().total
>>> -        elif hasattr(psutil, 'virtual_memory'):
>>> -            self.host_info['memory'] = psutil.virtual_memory().total
>>> -        return self.host_info
>>> +        return common_info
>>> +
>>> +    def lookup(self, *name):
>>> +        """
>>> +        method to get basic information for host
>>> +        """
>>> +        host_info = self._get_base_info()
>>> +        if ARCH.startswith('s390x'):
>>> +            host_info.update(self._get_s390x_host_info())
>>> +        elif ARCH.startswith('ppc'):
>>> +            host_info['cpus'] = self._get_cpus_()
>>> +            host_info['cpu_model'] = self._get_ppc_cpu_model()
>>> +        else:
>>> +            host_info['cpus'] = self._get_cpus_()
>>> +            host_info['cpu_model'] = self._get_x86_cpu_model()
>>> +        return host_info
>>>       def swupdate(self, *name):
>>>           try:
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/tests/test_host.py 
>>> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/tests/test_host.py
>>> index 5d158bb..5a61285 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/tests/test_host.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/tests/test_host.py
>>> @@ -68,15 +68,21 @@ class HostTests(unittest.TestCase):
>>>       def test_hostinfo(self):
>>>           resp = self.request('/plugins/gingerbase/host').read()
>>>           info = json.loads(resp)
>>> -        keys = ['os_distro', 'os_version', 'os_codename', 'cpu_model',
>>> -                'memory', 'cpus']
>>> +        if platform.machine().startswith('s390x'):
>>> +            keys = ['os_distro', 'os_version', 'os_codename', 
>>> 'cpu_model',
>>> +                    'memory', 'cpus', 'architecture', 'host', 
>>> 'virtualization']
>>> +        else:
>>> +            keys = ['os_distro', 'os_version', 'os_codename', 
>>> 'cpu_model',
>>> +                    'memory', 'cpus', 'architecture', 'host']
>>> +            self.assertEquals(psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM, 
>>> info['memory']['online'])
>>>           self.assertEquals(sorted(keys), sorted(info.keys()))
>>>           distro, version, codename = platform.linux_distribution()
>>>           self.assertEquals(distro, info['os_distro'])
>>>           self.assertEquals(version, info['os_version'])
>>>           self.assertEquals(unicode(codename, "utf-8"), 
>>> info['os_codename'])
>>> -        self.assertEquals(psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM, info['memory'])
>>> +        self.assertEqual(platform.node(), info['host'])
>>> +        self.assertEqual(platform.machine(), info['architecture'])
>>>       def test_hoststats(self):
>>>           time.sleep(1)

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