[Kimchi-devel] [RFC] Add support for Macvtap and Linux Bridge

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Oct 15 14:41:12 UTC 2015

Hi Ramon,

 From the API documentation:

**URI:** /plugins/kimchi/networks
* **POST**: Create a new Network
     * name: The name of the Network
     * connection: Specifies how this network should be connected to the 
                   networks visible to this host.
         * isolated: Create a private, isolated virtual network.
         * nat: Outgoing traffic will be routed through the host.
         * bridge: All traffic on this network will be bridged through 
the indicated interface.

So to create a new network, the user needs to specify the network name 
and connection.
The current 'bridge' connection is related to macvtap.

I suggest to change it to create a Linux bridge and add a new connection 
type "macvtap" to handle the macvtap bridge.

That way we don't need to add any new parameter in the API.

So the API would be:

# API to create a macvtap bridge
POST /plugins/kimchi/networks {name: macvtap-bridge, connection: macvtap}

# API to create a Linux bridge
POST /plugins/kimchi/networks {name: linux-bridge, connection: bridge}

What do you think about it?

Aline Manera

On 15/10/2015 10:15, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
> Kimchi today creates network pool using macvtap. Now, we want the user 
> to choose if it want Linux Bridge or macvtap.
> If you want to understand the pros and cons of this features, we can 
> see here: 
> https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi/wiki/Create-guest-network
> Proposal:
> Add "mode" option when creating a network pool.
> If macvtap is choosed, keep the actual procedure.
> If bridge is choosed, create linux bridge using net commands(brctl) 
> and create network pool pointing to the new bridge.
> Create tests for this.

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