[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH ][Wok] Issue # 28 : Tab order in Host is not consistent

atreyee at linux.vnet.ibm.com atreyee at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Feb 18 19:13:02 UTC 2016

From: Atreyee Mukhopadhyay <atreyee at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Second level tabs in Host functionality are sorted using a unique
number assigned to align them in desired order irrespective of
the plugin installed
 ui/js/src/wok.main.js | 822 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 416 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ui/js/src/wok.main.js b/ui/js/src/wok.main.js
index 7d604b4..8a36235 100644
--- a/ui/js/src/wok.main.js
+++ b/ui/js/src/wok.main.js
@@ -22,454 +22,464 @@ wok.tabMode = {};
 wok.config = undefined;
 wok.getConfig(function(result) {
-    wok.config = result;
+  wok.config = result;
 }, function() {
-    wok.config = {};
+  wok.config = {};
 wok.main = function() {
-    wok.isLoggingOut = false;
-    wok.popable();
-    var genTabs = function(tabs) {
-        var tabsHtml = [];
-        $(tabs).each(function(i, tab) {
-            var functionality = tab['functionality'];
-            var title = tab['title'];
-            var path = tab['path'];
-            var mode = tab['mode'];
-            if (mode != 'none') {
-                var helpPath = wok.checkHelpFile(path);
-                var disableHelp = (helpPath.length == 0 ? "disableHelp" : helpPath);
-                tabsHtml.push(
-                    '<li class="', functionality.toLowerCase() + 'Tab', '">',
-                        '<a class="item ', disableHelp, '" href="', path, '">',
-                            title,
-                        '</a>',
-                        '<input id="funcTab" name="funcTab" class="sr-only" value="' + functionality.toLowerCase() + '" type="hidden"/>',
-                        '<input id="helpPathId" name="helpPath" class="sr-only" value="' + helpPath + '" type="hidden"/>',
-                    '</li>'
-                );
-            }
-        });
-        return tabsHtml.join('');
-    };
-    var genFuncTabs  = function(tabs){
-        var functionalTabHtml = [];
-        $(tabs).each(function(i, tab) {
-            functionalTabHtml.push(
-                '<li>',
-                    '<a class="item',' ',tab.toLowerCase(),'Tab','" href="#">',
-                        tab,
-                    '</a>',
-                '</li>'
-            );
-        });
-        return functionalTabHtml.join('');
-    };
-    var parseTabs = function(xmlData) {
-        var tabs = [];
-        var functionalTabs = {};
-        var functionality = $(xmlData).find('functionality').text();
-        $(xmlData).find('tab').each(function() {
-            var $tab = $(this);
-            var titleKey = $tab.find('title').text();
-            var title = i18n[titleKey] ? i18n[titleKey] : titleKey;
-            var path = $tab.find('path').text();
-            var roles = wok.cookie.get('roles');
-            if (roles) {
-                var role = JSON.parse(roles)[titleKey.toLowerCase()];
-                var mode = $tab.find('[role="' + role + '"]').attr('mode');
-                wok.tabMode[titleKey.toLowerCase()] = mode;
-                tabs.push({
-                    functionality: functionality,
-                    title: title,
-                    path: path,
-                    mode: mode
-                });
-            } else {
-                document.location.href = 'login.html';
-            }
+  wok.isLoggingOut = false;
+  wok.popable();
+  var genTabs = function(tabs) {
+    var tabsHtml = [];
+    $(tabs).each(function(i, tab) {
+      var functionality = tab['functionality'];
+      var title = tab['title'];
+      var path = tab['path'];
+      var mode = tab['mode'];
+      if (mode != 'none') {
+        var helpPath = wok.checkHelpFile(path);
+        var disableHelp = (helpPath.length == 0 ? "disableHelp" : helpPath);
+        tabsHtml.push(
+          '<li class="', functionality.toLowerCase() + 'Tab', '">',
+          '<a class="item ', disableHelp, '" href="', path, '">',
+          title,
+          '</a>',
+          '<input id="funcTab" name="funcTab" class="sr-only" value="' + functionality.toLowerCase() + '" type="hidden"/>',
+          '<input id="helpPathId" name="helpPath" class="sr-only" value="' + helpPath + '" type="hidden"/>',
+          '</li>'
+        );
+      }
+    });
+    return tabsHtml.join('');
+  };
+  var genFuncTabs = function(tabs) {
+    var functionalTabHtml = [];
+    $(tabs).each(function(i, tab) {
+      functionalTabHtml.push(
+        '<li>',
+        '<a class="item', ' ', tab.toLowerCase(), 'Tab', '" href="#">',
+        tab,
+        '</a>',
+        '</li>'
+      );
+    });
+    return functionalTabHtml.join('');
+  };
+  var parseTabs = function(xmlData) {
+    var tabs = [];
+    var functionalTabs = {};
+    var functionality = $(xmlData).find('functionality').text();
+    $(xmlData).find('tab').each(function() {
+      var $tab = $(this);
+      var titleKey = $tab.find('title').text();
+      var title = i18n[titleKey] ? i18n[titleKey] : titleKey;
+      var path = $tab.find('path').text();
+      var roles = wok.cookie.get('roles');
+      var order = $tab.find('order').text();
+      if (roles) {
+        var role = JSON.parse(roles)[titleKey.toLowerCase()];
+        var mode = $tab.find('[role="' + role + '"]').attr('mode');
+        wok.tabMode[titleKey.toLowerCase()] = mode;
+        tabs.push({
+          functionality: functionality,
+          title: title,
+          path: path,
+          mode: mode,
+          order: order
+      } else {
+        document.location.href = 'login.html';
+      }
+    });
+    return tabs;
+  };
-        return tabs;
-    };
-    var retrieveTabs = function(url) {
-        var tabs = [];
-        $.ajax({
-            url : url,
-            async : false,
-            success : function(xmlData) {
-                tabs = parseTabs(xmlData);
-            },
-            statusCode : {
-                404: function() {
-                    return tabs;
-                }
-            }
+  var retrieveTabs = function(url) {
+    var tabs = [];
+    $.ajax({
+      url: url,
+      async: false,
+      success: function(xmlData) {
+        tabs = parseTabs(xmlData);
+      },
+      statusCode: {
+        404: function() {
+          return tabs;
+        }
+      }
+    });
+    return tabs;
+  };
+  var pluginConfigUrl = 'plugins/{plugin}/ui/config/tab-ext.xml';
+  var pluginI18nUrl = 'plugins/{plugin}/i18n.json';
+  var buildTabs = function(callback) {
+    var tabs = [];
+    var functionalTabs = [];
+    wok.listPlugins(function(plugins) {
+      $(plugins).each(function(i, p) {
+        var url = wok.substitute(pluginConfigUrl, {
+          plugin: p
-        return tabs;
-    };
-    var pluginConfigUrl = 'plugins/{plugin}/ui/config/tab-ext.xml';
-    var pluginI18nUrl = 'plugins/{plugin}/i18n.json';
-    var DEFAULT_HASH;
-    var buildTabs = function(callback) {
-        var tabs = [];
-        var functionalTabs = [];
-        wok.listPlugins(function(plugins) {
-            $(plugins).each(function(i, p) {
-                var url = wok.substitute(pluginConfigUrl, {
-                    plugin: p
-                });
-                var i18nUrl = wok.substitute(pluginI18nUrl, {
-                    plugin: p
-                });
-                wok.getI18n(function(i18nObj){ $.extend(i18n, i18nObj)},
-                            function(i18nObj){ //i18n is not define by plugin
-                            }, i18nUrl, true);
-                var pluginTabs = retrieveTabs(url);
-                if(pluginTabs.length > 0){
-                    var func = pluginTabs[0].functionality
-                    if (functionalTabs.indexOf(func) == -1) {
-                        functionalTabs.push(pluginTabs[0].functionality)
-                    }
-                    tabs.push.apply(tabs, pluginTabs);
-                }
-            });
-            //redirect to empty page when no plugin installed
-            if(tabs.length===0){
-                DEFAULT_HASH = 'wok-empty';
-            } else {
-                var defaultTab = tabs[0]
-                var defaultTabPath = defaultTab && defaultTab['path']
-                // Remove file extension from 'defaultTabPath'
-                DEFAULT_HASH = defaultTabPath &&
-                    defaultTabPath.substring(0, defaultTabPath.lastIndexOf('.'))
-                }
-                $('#functionalTabPanel ul').append(genFuncTabs(functionalTabs));
-                $('#tabPanel ul').append(genTabs(tabs));
-                wok.getHostname();
-                callback && callback();
-            }, function(data) {
-               wok.message.error(data.responseJSON.reason);
-            }, true);
-    };
-    var onLanguageChanged = function(lang) {
-        wok.lang.set(lang);
-        location.reload();
-    };
-    /**
-     * Do the following setup:
-     *   1) Clear any timing events.
-     *   2) If the given URL is invalid (i.e., no corresponding href value in
-     *      page tab list.), then clear location.href and inform the user;
-     *
-     *      Or else:
-     *      Move the page tab indicator to the right position;
-     *      Load the page content via Ajax.
-     */
-    var onWokRedirect = function(url) {
-        /*
-         * Find the corresponding tab node and animate the arrow indicator to
-         * point to the tab. If nothing found, inform user the URL is invalid
-         * and clear location.hash to jump to home page.
-         */
-        var tab = $('#tabPanel a[href="' + url + '"]');
-        if (tab.length === 0 && url != 'wok-empty.html') {
-            location.hash = '#';
-            return;
+        var i18nUrl = wok.substitute(pluginI18nUrl, {
+          plugin: p
+        });
+        wok.getI18n(function(i18nObj) {
+            $.extend(i18n, i18nObj)
+          },
+          function(i18nObj) { //i18n is not define by plugin
+          }, i18nUrl, true);
+        var pluginTabs = retrieveTabs(url);
+        if (pluginTabs.length > 0) {
+          var func = pluginTabs[0].functionality
+          if (functionalTabs.indexOf(func) == -1) {
+            functionalTabs.push(pluginTabs[0].functionality)
+          }
+          tabs.push.apply(tabs, pluginTabs);
-        //Remove the tab arrow indicator for no plugin
-        if (url == 'wok-empty.html') {
-            $('#main').html('No plugins installed currently.You can download the available plugins <a href="https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi">Kimchi</a> and <a href="https://github.com/kimchi-project/ginger">Ginger</a> from Github').addClass('noPluginMessage');
+      });
+      //sort second level tab based on their ordering number
+      var orderedTabs = tabs.slice(0);
+      orderedTabs.sort(function(a, b) {
+        return a.order - b.order;
+      });
+      //redirect to empty page when no plugin installed
+      if (tabs.length === 0) {
+        DEFAULT_HASH = 'wok-empty';
+      } else {
+        var defaultTab = tabs[0]
+        var defaultTabPath = defaultTab && defaultTab['path']
+        // Remove file extension from 'defaultTabPath'
+        DEFAULT_HASH = defaultTabPath &&
+          defaultTabPath.substring(0, defaultTabPath.lastIndexOf('.'))
+      }
+      $('#functionalTabPanel ul').append(genFuncTabs(functionalTabs));
+      $('#tabPanel ul').append(genTabs(orderedTabs));
+      wok.getHostname();
+      callback && callback();
+    }, function(data) {
+      wok.message.error(data.responseJSON.reason);
+    }, true);
+  };
+  var onLanguageChanged = function(lang) {
+    wok.lang.set(lang);
+    location.reload();
+  };
+  /**
+   * Do the following setup:
+   *   1) Clear any timing events.
+   *   2) If the given URL is invalid (i.e., no corresponding href value in
+   *      page tab list.), then clear location.href and inform the user;
+   *
+   *      Or else:
+   *      Move the page tab indicator to the right position;
+   *      Load the page content via Ajax.
+   */
+  var onWokRedirect = function(url) {
+    /*
+     * Find the corresponding tab node and animate the arrow indicator to
+     * point to the tab. If nothing found, inform user the URL is invalid
+     * and clear location.hash to jump to home page.
+     */
+    var tab = $('#tabPanel a[href="' + url + '"]');
+    if (tab.length === 0 && url != 'wok-empty.html') {
+      location.hash = '#';
+      return;
+    }
+    //Remove the tab arrow indicator for no plugin
+    if (url == 'wok-empty.html') {
+      $('#main').html('No plugins installed currently.You can download the available plugins <a href="https://github.com/kimchi-project/kimchi">Kimchi</a> and <a href="https://github.com/kimchi-project/ginger">Ginger</a> from Github').addClass('noPluginMessage');
+    } else {
+      var plugin = $(tab).parent().find("input[name='funcTab']").val();
+      $('#tabPanel').removeClass(function(i, css) {
+        return (css.match(/\S+Tab/g) || []).join(' ');
+      });
+      $('#tabPanel').addClass(plugin + 'Tab');
+      $('#tabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
+      $.each($('#tabPanel li'), function(i, t) {
+        if ($(t).hasClass(plugin + 'Tab')) {
+          $(t).css('display', 'block');
         } else {
-            var plugin = $(tab).parent().find("input[name='funcTab']").val();
-            $('#tabPanel').removeClass(function(i, css) {
-                return (css.match(/\S+Tab/g) || []).join(' ');
-            });
-            $('#tabPanel').addClass(plugin + 'Tab');
-            $('#tabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
-            $.each($('#tabPanel li'), function(i, t) {
-                if ($(t).hasClass(plugin + 'Tab')) {
-                    $(t).css('display', 'block');
-                } else {
-                    $(t).css('display', 'none');
-                }
-            });
-            $(tab).parent().addClass('active');
-            $(tab).addClass(plugin + 'Selected').focus();
-            $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
-            $('#functionalTabPanel ul .' + plugin + 'Tab').parent().addClass('active').focus();
-            // Disable Help button according to selected tab
-            if ($(tab).hasClass("disableHelp")) {
-                $('#btn-help').css('cursor', "not-allowed");
-                $('#btn-help').off("click");
-            }
-            else {
-                $('#btn-help').css('cursor', "pointer");
-                $('#btn-help').on("click", wok.openHelp);
-            }
-            // Load page content.
-            loadPage(url);
+          $(t).css('display', 'none');
-    };
+      });
+      $(tab).parent().addClass('active');
+      $(tab).addClass(plugin + 'Selected').focus();
+      $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
+      $('#functionalTabPanel ul .' + plugin + 'Tab').parent().addClass('active').focus();
+      // Disable Help button according to selected tab
+      if ($(tab).hasClass("disableHelp")) {
+        $('#btn-help').css('cursor', "not-allowed");
+        $('#btn-help').off("click");
+      } else {
+        $('#btn-help').css('cursor', "pointer");
+        $('#btn-help').on("click", wok.openHelp);
+      }
+      // Load page content.
+      loadPage(url);
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Use Ajax to dynamically load a page without a page refreshing. Handle
+   * arrow cursor animation, DOM node focus, and page content rendering.
+   */
+  var loadPage = function(url) {
+    // Get the page content through Ajax and render it.
+    url && $('#main').load(url, function(responseText, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+      if (jqXHR['status'] === 401 || jqXHR['status'] === 303) {
+        var isSessionTimeout = jqXHR['responseText'].indexOf("sessionTimeout") != -1;
+        document.location.href = isSessionTimeout ? 'login.html?error=sessionTimeout' : 'login.html';
+        return;
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  /*
+   * Update page content.
+   * 1) If user types in the main page URL without hash, then we apply the
+   *    default hash. e.g., http://kimchi.company.com:8000;
+   * 2) If user types a URL with hash, then we publish an "redirect" event
+   *    to load the page, e.g., http://kimchi.company.com:8000/#templates.
+   */
+  var updatePage = function() {
+    // Parse hash string.
+    var hashString = (location.hash && location.hash.substr(1));
-    /**
-     * Use Ajax to dynamically load a page without a page refreshing. Handle
-     * arrow cursor animation, DOM node focus, and page content rendering.
+    /*
+     * If hash string is empty, then apply the default one;
+     * or else, publish an "redirect" event to load the page.
-    var loadPage = function(url) {
-        // Get the page content through Ajax and render it.
-        url && $('#main').load(url, function(responseText, textStatus, jqXHR) {
-            if (jqXHR['status'] === 401 || jqXHR['status'] === 303) {
-                var isSessionTimeout = jqXHR['responseText'].indexOf("sessionTimeout")!=-1;
-                document.location.href = isSessionTimeout ? 'login.html?error=sessionTimeout' : 'login.html';
-                return;
-            }
-        });
-    };
+    if (!hashString) {
+      location.hash = DEFAULT_HASH;
+    } else {
+      wok.topic('redirect').publish(hashString + '.html');
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Register listeners including:
+   * 1) wok redirect event
+   * 2) hashchange event
+   * 3) Tab list click event
+   * 4) Log-out button click event
+   * 5) About button click event
+   * 6) Help button click event
+   * 7) Peers button click event
+   */
+  var searchingPeers = false;
+  var initListeners = function() {
+    wok.topic('languageChanged').subscribe(onLanguageChanged);
+    wok.topic('redirect').subscribe(onWokRedirect);
-     * Update page content.
-     * 1) If user types in the main page URL without hash, then we apply the
-     *    default hash. e.g., http://kimchi.company.com:8000;
-     * 2) If user types a URL with hash, then we publish an "redirect" event
-     *    to load the page, e.g., http://kimchi.company.com:8000/#templates.
+     * If hash value is changed, then we know the user is intended to load
+     * another page.
-    var updatePage = function() {
-        // Parse hash string.
-        var hashString = (location.hash && location.hash.substr(1));
+    window.onhashchange = updatePage;
+    /*
+     * Register click listener of tabs. Replace the default reloading page
+     * behavior of <a> with Ajax loading.
+     */
+    $('#tabPanel ul').on('click', 'a.item', function(event) {
+      var href = $(this).attr('href');
+      // Remove file extension from 'href'
+      location.hash = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('.'))
-         * If hash string is empty, then apply the default one;
-         * or else, publish an "redirect" event to load the page.
+         * We use the HTML file name for hash, like: guests for guests.html
+         * and templates for templates.html.
+         *     Retrieve hash value from the given URL and update location's
+         * hash part. It has 2 effects: one is to publish Wok "redirect"
+         * event to trigger listener, the other is to put an entry into the
+         * browser's address history to make pages be bookmark-able.
-        if (!hashString) {
-            location.hash = DEFAULT_HASH;
-        }
-        else {
-            wok.topic('redirect').publish(hashString + '.html');
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * Register listeners including:
-     * 1) wok redirect event
-     * 2) hashchange event
-     * 3) Tab list click event
-     * 4) Log-out button click event
-     * 5) About button click event
-     * 6) Help button click event
-     * 7) Peers button click event
+        // Prevent <a> causing browser redirecting to other page.
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
+    /*
+     * Register click listener of second level tabs. Replace the default reloading page
+     * behavior of <a> with Ajax loading.
-    var searchingPeers = false;
-    var initListeners = function() {
-        wok.topic('languageChanged').subscribe(onLanguageChanged);
-        wok.topic('redirect').subscribe(onWokRedirect);
+    $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').on('click', 'a.item', function(event) {
+      var plugin = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
+      var previousPlugin = $('#functionalTabPanel ul li.active a').text().toLowerCase();
+      $('#tabPanel').switchClass(previousPlugin + 'Tab', plugin + 'Tab');
+      $('#tabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
+      $.each($('#tabPanel li'), function(i, t) {
+        if ($(t).hasClass(plugin + 'Tab')) {
+          $(t).css('display', 'block');
+        } else {
+          $(t).css('display', 'none');
+        }
+      });
-        /*
-         * If hash value is changed, then we know the user is intended to load
-         * another page.
-         */
-        window.onhashchange = updatePage;
+      $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
+      $(this).parent().addClass('active').focus();
-        /*
-         * Register click listener of tabs. Replace the default reloading page
-         * behavior of <a> with Ajax loading.
-         */
-        $('#tabPanel ul').on('click', 'a.item', function(event) {
-            var href = $(this).attr('href');
-            // Remove file extension from 'href'
-            location.hash = href.substring(0,href.lastIndexOf('.'))
-            /*
-             * We use the HTML file name for hash, like: guests for guests.html
-             * and templates for templates.html.
-             *     Retrieve hash value from the given URL and update location's
-             * hash part. It has 2 effects: one is to publish Wok "redirect"
-             * event to trigger listener, the other is to put an entry into the
-             * browser's address history to make pages be bookmark-able.
-             */
-            // Prevent <a> causing browser redirecting to other page.
-            event.preventDefault();
-        });
+      var firstTab = $('#tabPanel ul.navbar-nav li.' + plugin + 'Tab').first();
+      $(firstTab).addClass('active');
+      $('a.item', firstTab).addClass(plugin + 'Selected');
-        /*
-         * Register click listener of second level tabs. Replace the default reloading page
-         * behavior of <a> with Ajax loading.
-         */
-         $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').on('click', 'a.item', function(event) {
-            var plugin = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
-            var previousPlugin = $('#functionalTabPanel ul li.active a').text().toLowerCase();
-            $('#tabPanel').switchClass(previousPlugin + 'Tab', plugin + 'Tab');
-            $('#tabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
-            $.each($('#tabPanel li'), function(i, t) {
-                if ($(t).hasClass(plugin + 'Tab')) {
-                    $(t).css('display', 'block');
-                } else {
-                    $(t).css('display', 'none');
-                }
-            });
-            $('#functionalTabPanel ul li').removeClass('active');
-            $(this).parent().addClass('active').focus();
-            var firstTab = $('#tabPanel ul.navbar-nav li.' + plugin + 'Tab').first();
-            $(firstTab).addClass('active');
-            $('a.item', firstTab).addClass(plugin + 'Selected');
-            var href = $('a.item', firstTab).attr('href');
-            location.hash = href.substring(0,href.lastIndexOf('.'));
-            event.preventDefault();
-        });
+      var href = $('a.item', firstTab).attr('href');
+      location.hash = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('.'));
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
-        // Perform logging out via Ajax request.
-        $('#btn-logout').on('click', function() {
-            wok.logout(function() {
-                wok.isLoggingOut = true;
-                document.location.href = "login.html";
-            }, function(err) {
-                wok.message.error(err.responseJSON.reason);
-            });
-        });
+    // Perform logging out via Ajax request.
+    $('#btn-logout').on('click', function() {
+      wok.logout(function() {
+        wok.isLoggingOut = true;
+        document.location.href = "login.html";
+      }, function(err) {
+        wok.message.error(err.responseJSON.reason);
+      });
+    });
-        // Set handler for about button
-        $('#btn-about').on('click', function(event) {
-            event.preventDefault();
-        });
+    // Set handler for about button
+    $('#btn-about').on('click', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+    });
-        $("#aboutModal").append($("#about-tmpl").html());
+    $("#aboutModal").append($("#about-tmpl").html());
-        // Set handler for help button
-        $('#btn-help').on('click', wok.openHelp);
+    // Set handler for help button
+    $('#btn-help').on('click', wok.openHelp);
-        // Set handler to peers drop down
-        $('#peers').on('click', function() {
+    // Set handler to peers drop down
+    $('#peers').on('click', function() {
-            // Check if any request is in progress
-            if ($('.dropdown', '#peers').is('.open') || searchingPeers == true)
-                return
+      // Check if any request is in progress
+      if ($('.dropdown', '#peers').is('.open') || searchingPeers == true)
+        return
-            $('#search-peers').show();
-            $('#no-peers').addClass('hide-content');
-            $('a', '#peers').remove();
+      $('#search-peers').show();
+      $('#no-peers').addClass('hide-content');
+      $('a', '#peers').remove();
-            searchingPeers = true;
+      searchingPeers = true;
-            kimchi.getPeers(function(data){
-                $('#search-peers').hide();
-                if (data.length == 0)
-                    $('#no-peers').removeClass('hide-content');
+      kimchi.getPeers(function(data) {
+        $('#search-peers').hide();
+        if (data.length == 0)
+          $('#no-peers').removeClass('hide-content');
-                for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
-                    $('.dropdown-menu ', '#peers').append("<li><a href='"+data[i]+"' target='_blank'>"+data[i]+"</a></li>");
-                }
-                searchingPeers = false;
-            });
-        });
-    };
-    var initUI = function() {
-        var errorMsg = "";
-        $(document).bind('ajaxError', function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, errorThrown) {
-            if (!ajaxSettings['wok']) {
-                return;
-            }
-            if (jqXHR['status'] === 401) {
-                var isSessionTimeout = jqXHR['responseText'].indexOf("sessionTimeout")!=-1;
-                wok.user.showUser(false);
-                wok.previousAjax = ajaxSettings;
-                $(".empty-when-logged-off").empty();
-                $(".remove-when-logged-off").remove();
-                document.location.href= isSessionTimeout ? 'login.html?error=sessionTimeout' : 'login.html';
-                return;
-            }
-            else if((jqXHR['status'] == 0) && ("error"==jqXHR.statusText) && !wok.isLoggingOut && errorMsg == "") {
-               errorMsg = i18n['WOKAPI6007E'].replace("%1", jqXHR.state());
-               wok.message.error(errorMsg);
-            }
-            if(ajaxSettings['originalError']) {
-                ajaxSettings['originalError'](jqXHR, jqXHR.statusText, errorThrown);
-            }
-        });
+        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+          $('.dropdown-menu ', '#peers').append("<li><a href='" + data[i] + "' target='_blank'>" + data[i] + "</a></li>");
+        }
+        searchingPeers = false;
+      });
+    });
+  };
+  var initUI = function() {
+    var errorMsg = "";
+    $(document).bind('ajaxError', function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, errorThrown) {
+      if (!ajaxSettings['wok']) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (jqXHR['status'] === 401) {
+        var isSessionTimeout = jqXHR['responseText'].indexOf("sessionTimeout") != -1;
+        wok.user.showUser(false);
+        wok.previousAjax = ajaxSettings;
+        $(".empty-when-logged-off").empty();
+        $(".remove-when-logged-off").remove();
+        document.location.href = isSessionTimeout ? 'login.html?error=sessionTimeout' : 'login.html';
+        return;
+      } else if ((jqXHR['status'] == 0) && ("error" == jqXHR.statusText) && !wok.isLoggingOut && errorMsg == "") {
+        errorMsg = i18n['WOKAPI6007E'].replace("%1", jqXHR.state());
+        wok.message.error(errorMsg);
+      }
+      if (ajaxSettings['originalError']) {
+        ajaxSettings['originalError'](jqXHR, jqXHR.statusText, errorThrown);
+      }
+    });
-        wok.user.showUser(true);
-        initListeners();
-        updatePage();
-        // Overriding Bootstrap Modal windows to allow a stack of modal windows and backdrops
-        $(document).on({
-            'show.bs.modal': function () {
-                var zIndex = 1040 + (10 * $('.modal:visible').length);
-                $(this).css('z-index', zIndex);
-                setTimeout(function() {
-                    $('.modal-backdrop').not('.modal-stack').css('z-index', zIndex - 1).addClass('modal-stack');
-                }, 0);
-            },
-            'hidden.bs.modal': function() {
-                if ($('.modal:visible').length > 0) {
-                    // restore the modal-open class to the body element, so that scrolling works
-                    // properly after de-stacking a modal.
-                    setTimeout(function() {
-                        $(document.body).addClass('modal-open');
-                    }, 0);
-                }
-            }
-        }, '.modal');
-    };
-    // Load i18n translation strings first and then render the page.
-    wok.getI18n(
-        function(i18nStrings){ //success
-            i18n = i18nStrings;
-            buildTabs(initUI);
-        },
-        function(data){ //error
-            wok.message.error(data.responseJSON.reason);
+    wok.user.showUser(true);
+    initListeners();
+    updatePage();
+    // Overriding Bootstrap Modal windows to allow a stack of modal windows and backdrops
+    $(document).on({
+      'show.bs.modal': function() {
+        var zIndex = 1040 + (10 * $('.modal:visible').length);
+        $(this).css('z-index', zIndex);
+        setTimeout(function() {
+          $('.modal-backdrop').not('.modal-stack').css('z-index', zIndex - 1).addClass('modal-stack');
+        }, 0);
+      },
+      'hidden.bs.modal': function() {
+        if ($('.modal:visible').length > 0) {
+          // restore the modal-open class to the body element, so that scrolling works
+          // properly after de-stacking a modal.
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            $(document.body).addClass('modal-open');
+          }, 0);
-    );
+      }
+    }, '.modal');
+  };
+  // Load i18n translation strings first and then render the page.
+  wok.getI18n(
+    function(i18nStrings) { //success
+      i18n = i18nStrings;
+      buildTabs(initUI);
+    },
+    function(data) { //error
+      wok.message.error(data.responseJSON.reason);
+    }
+  );
 wok.checkHelpFile = function(path) {
-    var lang = wok.lang.get();
-    var url = path.replace("tabs", "help/" + lang);
-    // Checking if help page exist.
-    $.ajax({
-        url: url,
-        async: false,
-        error: function() { url = ""; },
-        success: function() { }
-    });
-    return url;
+  var lang = wok.lang.get();
+  var url = path.replace("tabs", "help/" + lang);
+  // Checking if help page exist.
+  $.ajax({
+    url: url,
+    async: false,
+    error: function() {
+      url = "";
+    },
+    success: function() {}
+  });
+  return url;
 wok.getHostname = function(e) {
-    host = window.location.hostname;
-    $('span.host-location').text(host);
-    return host;
+  host = window.location.hostname;
+  $('span.host-location').text(host);
+  return host;
 wok.openHelp = function(e) {
-    var tab = $('#tabPanel ul li.active');
-    var url = $(tab).find("input[name='helpPath']").val();
-    window.open(url, "Wok Help");
-    e.preventDefault();
+  var tab = $('#tabPanel ul li.active');
+  var url = $(tab).find("input[name='helpPath']").val();
+  window.open(url, "Wok Help");
+  e.preventDefault();

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