[Kimchi-devel] Changing the way federation feature (peers) is exposed to user

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jul 4 15:27:27 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Kimchi provides an feature called federation to discover other Wok 
servers running in the same network.
This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, the user needs to 
follow the instructions in 

The problem is: this feature is exposed by the user as a drop down menu 
with a list of servers found. But it is displayed in the top header, ie, 
on Wok header.
That way, we have some code on Wok related to a Kimchi feature.
To fix it, we should change the way we expose that feature on UI moving 
it as a content tab.
As it is not strictly related to virtualization I don't see it fits in 
any current Kimchi tabs and I don't think it justifies a new tab.
But from the other hand, there is a plan to integrate the federation 
feature with guest migration, so user don't need to input the server 
details to do the migration - he/she only needs to select one from the 
list. Said that, the federation feature is still required for Kimchi.

So I have 3 proposals:

1. Move federation feature to WOK
The peers will continue to be displayed as part of the top header but 
all code (backend/API) will be moved to Wok.

2. Move federation feature to Ginger Base
The Dashboard tab will display a new section with the peers information 
when federation is enabled.

3. Keep federation feature on Kimchi and make Kimchi extend the Ginger 
Base UI (the same way Ginger s390x does with Ginger tabs)
The Dashboard tab will be extended by Kimchi to display a new section 
with the peers information when federation is enabled.

*I prefer the option 3* as it solves the original issue (having UI code 
related to a Kimchi feature on Wok) and do not affect any other plugin 
or Wok behavior.

Once we get an agreement on it, I will proper involve Ginger community 
if needed.

What are you thoughts on it?

Aline Manera
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