[Kimchi-devel] [RFC] Issue 976 - Make able Ginger's 'Virt User' profile users manage Kimchi guests.

Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital pvital at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Jul 13 21:47:57 UTC 2016

Current implementation of Kimchi enables only users with root access
(sudo ALL) to create and manage virtual machines. Once the virtual machine 
is created, 'normal users' access to the guest created can be granted by 
changing the virtual machine permission configuration.

There are two different use cases (one of them related in [1]) which 'normal'
users or users with virtualization permission can be able to create and
manage virtual machines. Since Ginger's User Management feature provides
a schema to add users in one of fours different profiles (Regular, Regular
(No shell), Virt User and Administrator) this RFC comes to propose a
change in the implementation to make 'Virt User's (user added to system's 
kvm group) be able to:

 1. create new virtual machines, based in already created templates (templates
creation/edition continue only granted to admin users); and
 2. use/edit guests which the user was added in guest's permission list.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
Best regards,
Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital
Linux Technology Center, IBM Systems

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