[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v2][Wok 2/8] Changes server behavior to use pluginsmanager

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jun 9 01:02:02 UTC 2016

On 06/08/2016 08:31 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
> On 06/08/2016 07:18 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
>> On 06/08/2016 06:18 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>> On 06/08/2016 06:06 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
>>>> On 06/08/2016 03:56 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>>>> On 06/06/2016 04:13 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Rodrigo Trujillo 
>>>>>> <rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>   src/wok/auth.py   | 15 ++++++++-------
>>>>>>   src/wok/root.py   |  8 ++++----
>>>>>>   src/wok/server.py | 57 
>>>>>> ++++++-------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>   src/wok/utils.py  | 52 
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>   4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/auth.py b/src/wok/auth.py
>>>>>> index 0355e86..f8be4b5 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/wok/auth.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/wok/auth.py
>>>>>> @@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ import urllib2
>>>>>>   from wok import template
>>>>>>   from wok.config import config
>>>>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidOperation, OperationFailed
>>>>>> -from wok.utils import get_all_tabs, run_command
>>>>>> +from wok.pluginsmanager import get_all_tabs
>>>>>> +from wok.utils import run_command
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>   USER_NAME = 'username'
>>>>>>   USER_GROUPS = 'groups'
>>>>>>   USER_ROLES = 'roles'
>>>>>>   REFRESH = 'robot-refresh'
>>>>>> -tabs = get_all_tabs()
>>>>>> -
>>>>> Keep it there and update to point to the new function to avoid 
>>>>> multiple file processing for each server request.
>>>> This change was necessary because of cyclic imports in the code.
>>>> Backing to previous implementation will require to change other Wok 
>>>> classes initialization.
>>> I'd say to go for it (change other Wok classes initialization)
>>> We should not let a code issue impact the server performance on that 
>>> way.
>> You are not understanding the problem. "auth" is imported by 
>> Server.py BEFORE server class be initialized
>> then 'tabs' have to be set, which means that PluginsManager will be 
>> instantiated and initialized before the
>> server, what is wrong. Server should initiate the Plugins Manager.
> I agree that probably I am not understanding all that cyclic imports.
> My point is to do not call a function to read a configuration file on 
> every request.

All that discussion can be solved by adding:

plugins_tabs = get_all_tabs()

after the import session on pluginsmanager.py and use

from wok.pluginsmanager import plugins_tabs

when you need to use this value.

That way we guarantee the plugins configuration files will be parsed once.

>>>>>>   def redirect_login():
>>>>>>       url = "/login.html"
>>>>>> @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class PAMUser(User):
>>>>>>           # after adding support to change user roles that info 
>>>>>> should be read
>>>>>>           # from a specific objstore and fallback to default only 
>>>>>> if any entry is
>>>>>>           # found
>>>>>> -        self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(tabs, 'user')
>>>>>> +        self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(get_all_tabs(), 
>>>>>> 'user')
>>>>>>       def get_groups(self):
>>>>>>           out, err, rc = run_command(['id', '-Gn', 
>>>>>> self.user[USER_NAME]])
>>>>>> @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class PAMUser(User):
>>>>>>               # after adding support to change user roles that 
>>>>>> info should be
>>>>>>               # read from a specific objstore and fallback to 
>>>>>> default only if
>>>>>>               # any entry is found
>>>>>> -            self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(tabs, 'admin')
>>>>>> +            self.user[USER_ROLES] = 
>>>>>> dict.fromkeys(get_all_tabs(), 'admin')
>>>>>>           return self.user[USER_ROLES]
>>>>>> @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class LDAPUser(User):
>>>>>>           self.user[USER_GROUPS] = list()
>>>>>>           # FIXME: user roles will be changed according roles 
>>>>>> assignment after
>>>>>>           # objstore is integrated
>>>>>> -        self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(tabs, 'user')
>>>>>> +        self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(get_all_tabs(), 
>>>>>> 'user')
>>>>>>       @staticmethod
>>>>>>       def authenticate(username, password):
>>>>>> @@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ class LDAPUser(User):
>>>>>>               "authentication", 
>>>>>> "ldap_admin_id").strip('"').split(',')
>>>>>>           for admin_id in admin_ids:
>>>>>>               if self.user[USER_NAME] == admin_id.strip():
>>>>>> -                self.user[USER_ROLES] = dict.fromkeys(tabs, 
>>>>>> 'admin')
>>>>>> +                self.user[USER_ROLES] = 
>>>>>> dict.fromkeys(get_all_tabs(),
>>>>>> +
>>>>> That way, on each server request the tab file will be parsed. Move 
>>>>> it a global variable as it was before.
>>>> Just made a test adding a print in the function and I do not see 
>>>> multiples requests to it. I only see during logging to application.
>>> Which means multiple calls to it. =)
>>> Before this patch, independent on how much users were logging into 
>>> application only one file parsing was needed. Why change that?
>> I understood that, just did not see the multiple calls problem 
>> before. I changed to fix bad architectural imports made!
> ... by adding a different issue.
> Maybe we need to think in a better solution.
>>>>>> 'admin')
>>>>>>           return self.user[USER_ROLES]
>>>>>>       def get_user(self):
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/root.py b/src/wok/root.py
>>>>>> index 29ea657..cb8b376 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/wok/root.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/wok/root.py
>>>>>> @@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ class Root(Resource):
>>>>>>           data['scripts'] = []
>>>>>>           for plugin, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.iteritems():
>>>>>> -                if app.root.extends is not None:
>>>>>> -                    scripts = app.root.extends.get(script_name, {})
>>>>>> -                    if page in scripts.keys():
>>>>>> - data['scripts'].append(scripts[page])
>>>>>> +            if app.root.extends is not None:
>>>>>> +                scripts = app.root.extends.get(script_name, {})
>>>>>> +                if page in scripts.keys():
>>>>>> + data['scripts'].append(scripts[page])
>>>>>>           if page.endswith('.html'):
>>>>>>               context = template.render('/tabs/' + page, data)
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/server.py b/src/wok/server.py
>>>>>> index 902d4bf..3cb257f 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/wok/server.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/wok/server.py
>>>>>> @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ from string import Template
>>>>>>   from wok import auth
>>>>>>   from wok import config
>>>>>>   from wok.config import config as configParser
>>>>>> -from wok.config import paths, PluginConfig, WokConfig
>>>>>> +from wok.config import paths, WokConfig
>>>>>>   from wok.control import sub_nodes
>>>>>>   from wok.model import model
>>>>>> +from wok.pluginsmanager import Plugins
>>>>>>   from wok.proxy import start_proxy, terminate_proxy
>>>>>>   from wok.reqlogger import RequestLogger
>>>>>>   from wok.root import WokRoot
>>>>>>   from wok.safewatchedfilehandler import SafeWatchedFileHandler
>>>>>> -from wok.utils import get_enabled_plugins, import_class
>>>>>>   LOGGING_LEVEL = {"debug": logging.DEBUG,
>>>>>> @@ -171,61 +171,16 @@ class Server(object):
>>>>>>           self.app = cherrypy.tree.mount(WokRoot(model_instance, 
>>>>>> dev_env),
>>>>>> config=self.configObj)
>>>>>> -        self._load_plugins(options)
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +        # Initiate and handles plugins
>>>>>> +        plugins = Plugins(options)
>>>>>> +        plugins.load_plugins()
>>>>>>           # Terminate proxy when cherrypy server is terminated
>>>>>>           cherrypy.engine.subscribe('exit', terminate_proxy)
>>>>>>           cherrypy.lib.sessions.init()
>>>>>> -    def _load_plugins(self, options):
>>>>>> -        for plugin_name, plugin_config in get_enabled_plugins():
>>>>>> -            try:
>>>>>> -                plugin_class = ('plugins.%s.%s' %
>>>>>> -                                (plugin_name,
>>>>>> -                                 plugin_name[0].upper() + 
>>>>>> plugin_name[1:]))
>>>>>> -                script_name = plugin_config['wok']['uri']
>>>>>> -                del plugin_config['wok']
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> - plugin_config.update(PluginConfig(plugin_name))
>>>>>> -            except KeyError:
>>>>>> -                continue
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -            try:
>>>>>> -                plugin_app = import_class(plugin_class)(options)
>>>>>> -            except ImportError, e:
>>>>>> -                cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>>>>> -                    "Failed to import plugin %s, "
>>>>>> -                    "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>>>>> -                )
>>>>>> -                continue
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -            # dynamically extend plugin config with custom data, 
>>>>>> if provided
>>>>>> -            get_custom_conf = getattr(plugin_app, 
>>>>>> "get_custom_conf", None)
>>>>>> -            if get_custom_conf is not None:
>>>>>> -                plugin_config.update(get_custom_conf())
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -            # dynamically add tools.wokauth.on = True to extra 
>>>>>> plugin APIs
>>>>>> -            try:
>>>>>> -                sub_nodes = 
>>>>>> import_class('plugins.%s.control.sub_nodes' %
>>>>>> -                                         plugin_name)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -                urlSubNodes = {}
>>>>>> -                for ident, node in sub_nodes.items():
>>>>>> -                    if node.url_auth:
>>>>>> -                        ident = "/%s" % ident
>>>>>> -                        urlSubNodes[ident] = 
>>>>>> {'tools.wokauth.on': True}
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -                    plugin_config.update(urlSubNodes)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -            except ImportError, e:
>>>>>> -                cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>>>>> -                    "Failed to import subnodes for plugin %s, "
>>>>>> -                    "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>>>>> -                )
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -            cherrypy.tree.mount(plugin_app, script_name, 
>>>>>> plugin_config)
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>       def start(self):
>>>>>>           # Subscribe to SignalHandler plugin
>>>>>>           if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, 'signal_handler'):
>>>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/utils.py b/src/wok/utils.py
>>>>>> index 4b3b0ac..10f2850 100644
>>>>>> --- a/src/wok/utils.py
>>>>>> +++ b/src/wok/utils.py
>>>>>> @@ -32,16 +32,13 @@ import sqlite3
>>>>>>   import subprocess
>>>>>>   import sys
>>>>>>   import traceback
>>>>>> -import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>>>>>   import locale
>>>>>> -from cherrypy.lib.reprconf import Parser
>>>>>>   from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>>>>>   from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
>>>>>>   from threading import Timer
>>>>>>   from wok.asynctask import AsyncTask
>>>>>> -from wok.config import paths, PluginPaths
>>>>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, TimeoutExpired
>>>>>> @@ -76,55 +73,6 @@ def is_digit(value):
>>>>>>           return False
>>>>>> -def _load_plugin_conf(name):
>>>>>> -    plugin_conf = PluginPaths(name).conf_file
>>>>>> -    if not os.path.exists(plugin_conf):
>>>>>> -        cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Plugin configuration file %s"
>>>>>> -                                     " doesn't exist." % 
>>>>>> plugin_conf)
>>>>>> -        return
>>>>>> -    try:
>>>>>> -        return Parser().dict_from_file(plugin_conf)
>>>>>> -    except ValueError as e:
>>>>>> -        cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Failed to load plugin "
>>>>>> -                                     "conf from %s: %s" %
>>>>>> -                                     (plugin_conf, e.message))
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -def get_enabled_plugins():
>>>>>> -    plugin_dir = paths.plugins_dir
>>>>>> -    try:
>>>>>> -        dir_contents = os.listdir(plugin_dir)
>>>>>> -    except OSError:
>>>>>> -        return
>>>>>> -    for name in dir_contents:
>>>>>> -        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(plugin_dir, name)):
>>>>>> -            plugin_config = _load_plugin_conf(name)
>>>>>> -            try:
>>>>>> -                if plugin_config['wok']['enable']:
>>>>>> -                    yield (name, plugin_config)
>>>>>> -            except (TypeError, KeyError):
>>>>>> -                continue
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -def get_all_tabs():
>>>>>> -    files = []
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    for plugin, _ in get_enabled_plugins():
>>>>>> - files.append(os.path.join(PluginPaths(plugin).ui_dir,
>>>>>> -                     'config/tab-ext.xml'))
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    tabs = []
>>>>>> -    for f in files:
>>>>>> -        try:
>>>>>> -            root = ET.parse(f)
>>>>>> -        except (IOError):
>>>>>> -            wok_log.debug("Unable to load %s", f)
>>>>>> -            continue
>>>>>> -        tabs.extend([t.text.lower() for t in 
>>>>>> root.getiterator('title')])
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -    return tabs
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>   def get_plugin_from_request():
>>>>>>       """
>>>>>>       Returns name of plugin being requested. If no plugin, 
>>>>>> returns 'wok'.
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