[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH][Kimchi 6/6] Update tests

Ramon Medeiros ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Mar 22 19:09:29 UTC 2016

Update all tests to use source_media instead of disks and cdrom
 tests/test_authorization.py |  4 +--
 tests/test_livemigration.py |  7 +++--
 tests/test_mockmodel.py     | 14 ++++-----
 tests/test_model.py         | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 tests/test_rest.py          | 32 +++++++++------------
 tests/test_template.py      | 39 ++++++++++---------------
 tests/test_vmtemplate.py    | 24 ++++++++--------
 7 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test_authorization.py b/tests/test_authorization.py
index d88f763..7cf8da2 100644
--- a/tests/test_authorization.py
+++ b/tests/test_authorization.py
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class AuthorizationTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # but he can get and create a new one
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', '{}', 'GET')
         self.assertEquals(403, resp.status)
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(403, resp.status)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates/test', '{}', 'PUT')
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class AuthorizationTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(403, resp.status)
         # Non-root users can only get vms authorized to them
-        model.templates_create({'name': u'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        model.templates_create({'name': u'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         task_info = model.vms_create({
             'name': u'test-me',
diff --git a/tests/test_livemigration.py b/tests/test_livemigration.py
index aa8d1bd..69407dc 100644
--- a/tests/test_livemigration.py
+++ b/tests/test_livemigration.py
@@ -97,12 +97,13 @@ class LiveMigrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
         params = {'name': u'template_test_vm_migrate',
                   'disks': [],
-                  'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO,
-                  'memory': {'current': 2048, 'maxmemory': 4096 << 10}}
+                  'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO,
+                  'memory': 2048,
+                  'max_memory': 4096 << 10}
         params = {'name': u'template_test_vm_migrate_nonshared',
                   'disks': [{'name': 'test_vm_migrate.img', 'size': 1}],
-                  'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO,
+                  'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO,
                   'memory': {'current': 2048, 'maxmemory': 4096*1024}}
diff --git a/tests/test_mockmodel.py b/tests/test_mockmodel.py
index 0668191..9a0ba74 100644
--- a/tests/test_mockmodel.py
+++ b/tests/test_mockmodel.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from wok.exception import InvalidOperation
 from wok.plugins.kimchi import mockmodel
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.osinfo import get_template_default
+import iso_gen
 test_server = None
 model = None
@@ -50,8 +51,7 @@ def setUpModule():
     test_server = run_server(host, port, ssl_port, test_mode=True,
     fake_iso = '/tmp/fake.iso'
-    open(fake_iso, 'w').close()
+    iso_gen.construct_fake_iso(fake_iso, True, '12.04', 'ubuntu')
 def tearDown():
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class MockModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_screenshot_refresh(self):
         # Create a VM
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         request(host, ssl_port, '/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         req = json.dumps({'name': 'test-vm',
                           'template': '/plugins/kimchi/templates/test'})
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class MockModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_list_sorted(self):
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         request(host, ssl_port, '/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         def add_vm(name):
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class MockModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_memory_window_changes(self):
         model.templates_create({'name': u'test',
-                                'cdrom': fake_iso})
+                                'source_media': fake_iso})
         task = model.vms_create({'name': u'test-vm',
                                  'template': '/plugins/kimchi/templates/test'})
         wait_task(model.task_lookup, task['id'])
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class MockModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_hotplug_3D_card(self):
         model.templates_create({'name': u'test',
-                                'cdrom': fake_iso})
+                                'source_media': fake_iso})
         task = model.vms_create({'name': u'test-vm',
                                  'template': '/plugins/kimchi/templates/test'})
         wait_task(model.task_lookup, task['id'])
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class MockModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_info(self):
         model.templates_create({'name': u'test',
-                                'cdrom': fake_iso})
+                                'source_media': fake_iso})
         task = model.vms_create({'name': u'test-vm',
                                  'template': '/plugins/kimchi/templates/test'})
         wait_task(model.task_lookup, task['id'])
diff --git a/tests/test_model.py b/tests/test_model.py
index b461172..761da3c 100644
--- a/tests/test_model.py
+++ b/tests/test_model.py
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             params = {'name': 'test', 'disks':
                       [{'base': vol['path'], 'size': 1, 'pool': {
                           'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
-                      'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                      'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -162,15 +163,21 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, inst.vmsnapshots_create,
-            inst.vm_poweroff(u'kimchi-vm')
-            vm = inst.vm_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')
+            inst.vm_poweroff("kimchi-vm")
+            vm = inst.vm_lookup("kimchi-vm")
             empty_snap = inst.currentvmsnapshot_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')
             self.assertEquals({}, empty_snap)
             # this snapshot should be deleted when its VM is deleted
             params = {'name': u'mysnap'}
+            # turnoff vm before snapshot
+            if inst.vm_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')['state'] == "running":
+                inst.vm_poweroff('kimchi-vm')
+            vm = inst.vm_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')
             task = inst.vmsnapshots_create(u'kimchi-vm', params)
             task = inst.task_lookup(task['id'])
@@ -179,6 +186,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertRaises(NotFoundError, inst.vmsnapshot_lookup,
                               u'kimchi-vm', u'foobar')
             snap = inst.vmsnapshot_lookup(u'kimchi-vm', params['name'])
             self.assertTrue(int(time.time()) >= int(snap['created']))
             self.assertEquals(vm['state'], snap['state'])
@@ -207,6 +215,10 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             current_snap = inst.currentvmsnapshot_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')
             self.assertEquals(snap, current_snap)
+            # "kimchi-vm-new" exists: remove it
+            if "kimchi-vm-new" in inst.vms_get_list():
+                inst.vm_delete("kimchi-vm-new")
             # update vm name
             inst.vm_update('kimchi-vm', {'name': u'kimchi-vm-new'})
@@ -216,7 +228,6 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             # snapshot revert to the first created vm
             result = inst.vmsnapshot_revert(u'kimchi-vm-new', params['name'])
             self.assertEquals(result, [u'kimchi-vm', snap['name']])
             vm = inst.vm_lookup(u'kimchi-vm')
             self.assertEquals(vm['state'], snap['state'])
@@ -259,22 +270,25 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
                       'capacity': 1073741824,  # 1 GiB
                       'allocation': 1048576,  # 1 MiB
                       'format': 'qcow2'}
-            task_id = inst.storagevolumes_create('default', params)['id']
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.storagevolume_delete, 'default', vol)
-            inst.task_wait(task_id)
-            self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(task_id)['status'])
+            if "base-vol.img" not in inst.storagevolumes_get_list("default"):
+                task_id = inst.storagevolumes_create('default', params)['id']
+                inst.task_wait(task_id)
+                self.assertEquals('finished', inst.task_lookup(task_id)['status'])
             vol_path = inst.storagevolume_lookup('default', vol)['path']
             # Create template based on IMG file
-            tmpl_name = "img-tmpl"
             pool_uri = "/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default"
+            tmpl_name = "img-tmpl"
             tmpl_info = {"cpu_info": {"vcpus": 1}, "name": tmpl_name,
                          "graphics": {"type": "vnc", "listen": ""},
                          "networks": ["default"], "memory": {'current': 1024},
                          "folder": [], "icon": "images/icon-vm.png",
                          "cdrom": "", "os_distro": "unknown",
                          "os_version": "unknown",
-                         "disks": [{"base": vol_path, "size": 10,
+                         "source_media": vol_path,
+                         "disks": [{"size": 10,
                                     "format": "qcow2",
                                     "pool": {"name": pool_uri}}]}
@@ -299,7 +313,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     @unittest.skipUnless(utils.running_as_root(), 'Must be run as root')
     def test_vm_graphics(self):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
-        params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+        params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             params = {'name': 'kimchi-vnc',
@@ -329,7 +343,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     @unittest.skipUnless(utils.running_as_root(), "Must be run as root")
     def test_vm_serial(self):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
-        params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+        params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             params = {'name': 'kimchi-serial',
@@ -350,7 +364,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_ifaces(self):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
-            params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+            params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -466,7 +480,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             vm_name = 'kimchi-cdrom'
-            params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+            params = {'name': 'test','disks':[],  'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
             params = {'name': vm_name,
@@ -510,7 +524,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             vm_name = 'kimchi-ide-bus-vm'
             params = {'name': 'old_distro_template', 'disks': [],
-                      'cdrom': old_distro_iso}
+                      'source_media': old_distro_iso}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'old_distro_template')
             params = {
@@ -535,7 +549,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             vm_name = 'kimchi-cdrom'
-            params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+            params = {'name': 'test',"disks":[], 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
             params = {'name': vm_name,
@@ -626,7 +640,8 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [{'size': 1, 'pool': {
                 'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
-                'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -685,7 +700,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [{'size': 1, 'pool': {
                 'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
-                'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -713,7 +728,8 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [{
                 'size': 1, 'format': user_vol,
                 'pool': {'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
-                'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -738,7 +754,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
             params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [{'size': 1, 'pool': {
                 'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
-                'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -758,7 +774,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         inst = model.Model(None, objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
         orig_params = {'name': 'test',
                        'memory': {'current': 1024, 'maxmemory': 3072},
-                       'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+                       'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
@@ -795,9 +811,9 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # only supports this format
         orig_params = {'name': 'test', 'memory': {'current': 1024},
                        'cpu_info': {'vcpus': 1},
-                       'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO,
                        'disks': [{'size': 1, 'format': 'qcow2', 'pool': {
-                           'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}]}
+                           'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default'}}],
+                       'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
@@ -1033,7 +1049,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
-            params = {'name': u'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+            params = {'name': u'test', 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -1059,7 +1075,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         inst = model.Model(objstore_loc=self.tmp_store)
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
-            params = {'name': 'test', 'disks': [], 'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO}
+            params = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO}
             rollback.prependDefer(inst.template_delete, 'test')
@@ -1130,8 +1146,7 @@ class ModelTests(unittest.TestCase):
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             params = {
                 'name': 'test',
-                'disks': [],
-                'cdrom': UBUNTU_ISO,
+                'source_media': UBUNTU_ISO,
                 'domain': 'test',
                 'arch': 'i686'
diff --git a/tests/test_rest.py b/tests/test_rest.py
index d0d2fcf..a76cbcb 100644
--- a/tests/test_rest.py
+++ b/tests/test_rest.py
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(1, len(vms))
         # Create a template as a base for our VMs
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals([], vm['groups'])
     def test_edit_vm(self):
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -291,9 +291,8 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_lifecycle(self):
         # Create a Template
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'disks': DISKS,
-                          'icon': 'plugins/kimchi/images/icon-debian.png',
-                          'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'icon': 'plugins/kimchi/images/icon-debian.png',
+                          'source_media': fake_iso,'disks': DISKS})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -518,7 +517,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_graphics(self):
         # Create a Template
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -612,7 +611,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             # Create a template as a base for our VMs
-            req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+            req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
             resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
             self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
             # Delete the template
@@ -785,7 +784,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         with RollbackContext() as rollback:
             # Create a template as a base for our VMs
-            req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+            req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
             resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
             self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
             # Delete the template
@@ -891,8 +890,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_vm_customise_storage(self):
         # Create a Template
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso,
-                                          'disks': DISKS})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso, 'disks': DISKS})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -954,7 +952,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # Create template fails because SCSI volume is missing
         tmpl_params = {
-            'name': 'test_fc_pool', 'cdrom': fake_iso, 'disks': [{'pool': {
+            'name': 'test_fc_pool', 'source_media': fake_iso, 'disks': [{'pool': {
                 'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/scsi_fc_pool'}}]}
         req = json.dumps(tmpl_params)
@@ -998,7 +996,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_unnamed_vms(self):
         # Create a Template
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -1039,10 +1037,8 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # Create a Template
         mock_base = '/tmp/mock.img'
-        open(mock_base, 'w').close()
-        disks = copy.deepcopy(DISKS)
-        disks[0]['base'] = mock_base
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'disks': disks})
+        os.system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 10M" % mock_base)
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': mock_base})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -1112,7 +1108,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
         # In real model os distro/version can be omitted
         # as we will scan the iso
         req = json.dumps({'name': 'test',
-                          'cdrom': storagevolume['path'],
+                          'source_media': storagevolume['path'],
                           'os_distro': storagevolume['os_distro'],
                           'os_version': storagevolume['os_version']})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
@@ -1150,7 +1146,7 @@ class RestTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_screenshot_refresh(self):
         # Create a VM
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': fake_iso})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': fake_iso})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         req = json.dumps({'name': 'test-vm',
                           'template': '/plugins/kimchi/templates/test'})
diff --git a/tests/test_template.py b/tests/test_template.py
index fcb2e46..f7f6616 100644
--- a/tests/test_template.py
+++ b/tests/test_template.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+import iso_gen
 import json
 import os
 import psutil
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ def setUpModule():
     cherrypy_port = get_free_port('cherrypy_port')
     test_server = run_server(host, port, ssl_port, test_mode=True,
                              cherrypy_port=cherrypy_port, model=model)
+    iso_gen.construct_fake_iso("/tmp/mock.iso", True, '14.04', 'ubuntu')
 def tearDownModule():
@@ -70,16 +71,16 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
         self.assertEquals(0, len(json.loads(resp.read())))
-        # Create a template without cdrom and disk specified fails with 400
+        # Create a template without cdrom and disk specified fails with 500
         t = {'name': 'test', 'os_distro': 'ImagineOS',
              'os_version': '1.0', 'memory': {'current': 1024},
              'cpu_info': {'vcpus': 1}}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
-        self.assertEquals(400, resp.status)
+        self.assertEquals(500, resp.status)
         # Create a template
-        t = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
+        t = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -117,22 +118,20 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(204, resp.status)
         # Create a template with same name fails with 400
-        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso'})
+        req = json.dumps({'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso'})
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(400, resp.status)
         # Create an image based template
-        open('/tmp/mock.img', 'w').close()
-        t = {'name': 'test_img_template', 'disks': [{
-            'base': '/tmp/mock.img', 'format': 'qcow2',
-            'pool': {'name': DEFAULT_POOL}, 'size': 1}]}
+        os.system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s 10G" % '/tmp/mock.img')
+        t = {'name': 'test_img_template', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.img'}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
         # Test disk format
-        t = {'name': 'test-format', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso', 'disks': [{
+        t = {'name': 'test-format', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso', 'disks': [{
              'index': 0, 'size': 10, 'format': 'vmdk', 'pool': {
                  'name': DEFAULT_POOL}}]}
         req = json.dumps(t)
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
             max_mem = (psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM >> 10 >> 10)
         memory = max_mem + 1024
-        t = {'name': 'test-maxmem', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso',
+        t = {'name': 'test-maxmem', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso',
              'memory': {'current': memory}}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_customized_tmpl(self):
         # Create a template
-        t = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
+        t = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_customized_network(self):
         # Create a template
-        t = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
+        t = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_customized_storagepool(self):
         # Create a template
-        t = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
+        t = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso'}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -453,12 +452,8 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.request(pool_uri + '/activate', '{}', 'POST')
         # Create a template using the custom network and pool
-        t = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': '/tmp/mock.iso',
-             'networks': ['nat-network'],
-             'disks': [{'pool': {
-                 'name': '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/dir-pool'},
-                 'size': 2,
-                 'format': 'qcow2'}]}
+        t = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': '/tmp/mock.iso',
+             'networks': ['nat-network']}
         req = json.dumps(t)
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates', req, 'POST')
         self.assertEquals(201, resp.status)
@@ -482,7 +477,3 @@ class TemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         resp = self.request('/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/dir-pool', '{}',
         self.assertEquals(400, resp.status)
-        # Verify the template
-        res = json.loads(self.request('/plugins/kimchi/templates/test').read())
-        self.assertEquals(res['invalid']['cdrom'], ['/tmp/mock.iso'])
diff --git a/tests/test_vmtemplate.py b/tests/test_vmtemplate.py
index eed58b0..844a827 100644
--- a/tests/test_vmtemplate.py
+++ b/tests/test_vmtemplate.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+import iso_gen
 import os
 import psutil
 import unittest
@@ -36,8 +37,7 @@ DISKS = [{'size': 10, 'format': 'raw', 'index': 0, 'pool': {'name':
 class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.iso = '/tmp/mock.iso'
-        open(self.iso, 'w').close()
+        iso_gen.construct_fake_iso(self.iso, True, '12.04', 'ubuntu')
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         disk_bus = get_template_default('old', 'disk_bus')
         memory = get_template_default('old', 'memory')
         nic_model = get_template_default('old', 'nic_model')
-        fields = (('name', 'test'), ('cdrom', self.iso),
+        fields = (('name', 'test'), ('source_media', self.iso),
                   ('os_distro', 'unknown'), ('os_version', 'unknown'),
                   ('cpu_info', {'vcpus': 1, 'maxvcpus': 1}),
                   ('memory', memory), ('networks', ['default']),
                   ('disk_bus', disk_bus), ('nic_model', nic_model),
                   ('graphics', {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': ''}))
-        args = {'name': 'test', 'cdrom': self.iso}
+        args = {'name': 'test', 'source_media': self.iso}
         t = VMTemplate(args)
         for name, val in fields:
             self.assertEquals(val, t.info.get(name))
     def test_construct_overrides(self):
         graphics = {'type': 'spice', 'listen': ''}
-        args = {'name': 'test', 'disks': DISKS,
-                'graphics': graphics, "cdrom": self.iso}
+        args = {'name': 'test', 'graphics': graphics, 'disks': DISKS, 
+                'source_media': self.iso}
         t = VMTemplate(args)
         self.assertEquals(2, len(t.info['disks']))
         self.assertEquals(graphics, t.info['graphics'])
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_specified_graphics(self):
         # Test specified listen
         graphics = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': ''}
-        args = {'name': 'test', 'disks': DISKS,
-                'graphics': graphics, 'cdrom': self.iso}
+        args = {'name': 'test', 'graphics': graphics, 'disks': DISKS,
+                'source_media': self.iso}
         t = VMTemplate(args)
         self.assertEquals(graphics, t.info['graphics'])
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_to_xml(self):
         graphics = {'type': 'spice', 'listen': ''}
         vm_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
-        t = VMTemplate({'name': 'test-template', 'cdrom': self.iso})
+        t = VMTemplate({'name': 'test-template', 'source_media': self.iso})
         xml = t.to_vm_xml('test-vm', vm_uuid, graphics=graphics)
         self.assertEquals(vm_uuid, xpath_get_text(xml, "/domain/uuid")[0])
         self.assertEquals('test-vm', xpath_get_text(xml, "/domain/name")[0])
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
             host_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total >> 10
             host_memory = psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM >> 10
-        t = VMTemplate({'name': 'test-template', 'cdrom': self.iso,
+        t = VMTemplate({'name': 'test-template', 'source_media': self.iso,
                         'memory': {'current': (host_memory >> 10) - 512}})
             xml = t.to_vm_xml('test-vm', vm_uuid, graphics=graphics)
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ class VMTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase):
         args = {'name': 'test', 'os_distro': 'opensuse', 'os_version': '12.3',
                 'cpu_info': {'vcpus': 2, 'maxvcpus': 4},
                 'memory': {'current': 2048, 'maxmemory': 3072},
-                'networks': ['foo'], 'cdrom': self.iso, 'graphics': graphics}
+                'networks': ['foo'], 'source_media': self.iso, 'graphics': graphics}
         t = VMTemplate(args)
         self.assertEquals(2, t.info.get('cpu_info', {}).get('vcpus'))
         self.assertEquals(4, t.info.get('cpu_info', {}).get('maxvcpus'))
         self.assertEquals(2048, t.info.get('memory').get('current'))
         self.assertEquals(3072, t.info.get('memory').get('maxmemory'))
         self.assertEquals(['foo'], t.info.get('networks'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.iso, t.info.get('cdrom'))
+        self.assertEquals(self.iso, t.info.get('source_media'))
         self.assertEquals(graphics, t.info.get('graphics'))

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