[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH][Kimchi 3/4] Identify installation media while creating template

Rodrigo Trujillo rodrigo.trujillo at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Mar 30 15:45:59 UTC 2016

On 03/29/2016 01:18 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
> On 03/29/2016 12:37 PM, Rodrigo Trujillo wrote:
>> On 03/28/2016 03:34 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
>>> First, improve functions inside class. This will improve code reading,
>>> also, make more functions to split procedures like: validating disks,
>>> graphics xml and distro checking.
>>> Add separate function to identify the installation media.
>>> Signed-off-by: Ramon Medeiros <ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   model/templates.py |   4 ++
>>>   vmtemplate.py      | 112 
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
>>>   2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/model/templates.py b/model/templates.py
>>> index 28c8a08..30d403e 100644
>>> --- a/model/templates.py
>>> +++ b/model/templates.py
>>> @@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ class TemplateModel(object):
>>>               params['memory'].update(new_mem)
>>>               validate_memory(params['memory'])
>>> +        # params are cdrom or disk: add it to source_media
>>> +        if "cdrom" in params:
>>> +            params["source_media"] = params.get("cdrom")
>>> +
>> Is this part to support old API ?
>> Have you tested with old templates ? Did you think about update 
>> objectstore to new API stile ?
>>>           new_t.update(params)
>>>           for net_name in params.get(u'networks', []):
>>> diff --git a/vmtemplate.py b/vmtemplate.py
>>> index 653ad02..de69eed 100644
>>> --- a/vmtemplate.py
>>> +++ b/vmtemplate.py
>>> @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
>>>   # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>   # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>> +import magic
>>>   import os
>>>   import platform
>>>   import stat
>>> @@ -40,6 +41,11 @@ from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.interface import 
>>> get_iface_xml
>>>   from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.qemucmdline import 
>>> get_qemucmdline_xml
>>>   from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.serial import get_serial_xml
>>> +DISK_TYPE = {"QEMU QCOW Image": "qcow2",
>>> +             "data": "raw"}
>>> +ISO_TYPE = "ISO 9660 CD-ROM"
>>> +SOURCE_MEDIA = "source_media"
>> I think that a global variable for a parameter field is not 
>> necessary. Its strange.
>>> +
>>>   class VMTemplate(object):
>>>       def __init__(self, args, scan=False):
>>> @@ -54,20 +60,13 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
>>>           self.info = {}
>>>           self.fc_host_support = args.get('fc_host_support')
>>> -        # Fetch defaults based on the os distro and version
>>> -        try:
>>> -            distro, version = self._get_os_info(args, scan)
>>> -        except ImageFormatError as e:
>>> -            raise OperationFailed('KCHTMPL0020E', {'err': e.message})
>>> -        os_distro = args.get('os_distro', distro)
>>> -        os_version = args.get('os_version', version)
>>> -        entry = osinfo.lookup(os_distro, os_version)
>>> -        self.info.update(entry)
>>> +        # no record found: create template
>>> +        if scan == True:
>>> +            self._create_template(args, scan)
>>> -        # Auto-generate a template name if no one is passed
>>> -        if 'name' not in args or args['name'] == '':
>>> -            args['name'] = self._gen_name(distro, version)
>>> -        self.name = args['name']
>>> +        # template already exists: load it
>>> +        else:
>>> +            self.info.update(args)
>>>           # Merge graphics settings
>>>           graph_args = args.get('graphics')
>>> @@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
>>>               graphics.update(graph_args)
>>>               args['graphics'] = graphics
>>> -        default_disk = self.info['disks'][0]
>>>           # Complete memory args, because dict method update is not 
>>> recursive
>>>           if 'memory' in args:
>>> @@ -87,6 +85,42 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
>>>           # Override template values according to 'args'
>>>           self.info.update(args)
>>> +
>>> +        if self.info.get("disks") != None and 
>>> len(self.info["disks"]) >= 1:
>>> +            default_disk = self.info['disks'][0]
>>> +
>>> +            # validate disks
>>> +            self._validate_disks(default_disk)
>>> +
>>> +    def _create_template(self, args, scan=False):
>>> +        """
>>> +        Creates a new template
>>> +        """
>>> +        # no source_media argument: raise error
>>> +        if args.get(SOURCE_MEDIA) == None:
>>> +            raise OperationFailed('KCHTMPL0016E')
>> This is going to return error 500 ... please replace by 
>> MissingParameter which returns 400
>>> +
>>> +        # identify source media
>>> +        self._identify_installation_media(args)
>>> +
>>> +        # Fetch defaults based on the os distro and version
>>> +        try:
>>> +            distro, version = self._get_os_info(args, scan)
>>> +        except ImageFormatError as e:
>>> +            raise OperationFailed('KCHTMPL0020E', {'err': e.message})
> This one was returning 500 before this patch. Do you really want to 
> change it?  As you can see, this error sounds more like an failed 
> operation then a missed parameter
>> Same here
This seems to be ok keep it 500

>>> +        os_distro = args.get('os_distro', distro)
>>> +        os_version = args.get('os_version', version)
>>> +        entry = osinfo.lookup(os_distro, os_version)
>>> +
>>> +        # update info
>>> +        self.info.update(entry)
>>> +
>>> +        # Auto-generate a template name if no one is passed
>>> +        if 'name' not in args or args['name'] == '':
>>> +            args['name'] = self._gen_name(distro, version)
>>> +        self.info["name"] = args['name']
>>> +
>>> +    def _validate_disks(self, default_disk):
>>>           disks = self.info.get('disks')
>>>           basic_disk = ['index', 'format', 'pool', 'size']
>>> @@ -95,7 +129,6 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
>>>           for index, disk in enumerate(disks):
>>>               disk_info = dict(default_disk)
>>> -
>>>               pool_type = self._get_storage_type(disk['pool']['name'])
>>>               if pool_type in ['iscsi', 'scsi']:
>>>                   disk_info = {'index': 0, 'format': 'raw', 
>>> 'volume': None}
>>> @@ -118,6 +151,55 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
>>>               disk_info['index'] = disk_info.get('index', index)
>>>               self.info['disks'][index] = disk_info
>> I am not sure about have the function below in vmtemplates.
>> Wouldn't it fit in osinfo.py  ?
>>> +    def _identify_installation_media(self, args):
>>> +        path = args.get(SOURCE_MEDIA)
>>> +
>>> +        # user did not passed source media: return
>>> +        if path is None:
>>> +            return
>>> +
>>> +        # create magic object to discover file type
>>> +        file_type = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_NONE)
>>> +        file_type.load()
>>> +
>>> +        # file is local and exists: check if it's disk or cdrom
>>> +        if path.startswith("/") and os.path.exists(path):
>>> +            ftype = file_type.file(path)
>>> +
>>> +            # cdrom
>>> +            if ISO_TYPE in ftype:
>>> +                args["cdrom"] = path
>>> +                return
>>> +
>>> +            # disk
>>> +            for types in DISK_TYPE.keys():
>>> +                if types in ftype:
>>> +
>>> +                    # no disk list: create it
>>> +                    if args.get("disks") is None:
>>> +                        args["disks"] = []
>>> +
>>> +                    # append disk to the list
>>> +                    args["disks"].insert(0,
>>> +                        {"base": path,
>>> +                         "format": DISK_TYPE[types],
>>> +                         "index": 0,
>>> +                         "pool": {"name":
>>> + "/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/default",
>>> +                                  "type":"dir"}})
>>> +
>>> +                    os_info = osinfo.lookup("unknow", 
>>> "unknow")["disks"][0]["pool"]
>>> +
>>> +                    # os_info has default pool: get it
>>> +                    if os_info != None:
>>> +                        args["disks"][0]["pool"] = os_info
>>> +                        return
>>> +
>>> +        # not local image: set as remote ISO
>>> +        elif check_url_path(path):
>>> +            args["cdrom"] = path
>>> +            return
>>> +
>>>       def _get_os_info(self, args, scan):
>>>           distro = version = 'unknown'
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