[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [Kimchi 2/2] Migration to Gingerbase netinfo: removing netinfo.py

dhbarboza82 at gmail.com dhbarboza82 at gmail.com
Wed May 4 17:42:11 UTC 2016

From: Daniel Henrique Barboza <dhbarboza82 at gmail.com>

This patch removes netinfo.py from Kimchi code now
that Kimchi uses netinfo.py module from Gingerbase.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <dhbarboza82 at gmail.com>
 netinfo.py | 265 -------------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 265 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 netinfo.py

diff --git a/netinfo.py b/netinfo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 445d36c..0000000
--- a/netinfo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# Project Kimchi
-# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-import ethtool
-import glob
-import os
-from distutils.spawn import find_executable
-from wok.utils import run_command
-from wok.utils import wok_log
-NET_PATH = '/sys/class/net'
-NIC_PATH = '/sys/class/net/*/device'
-BRIDGE_PATH = '/sys/class/net/*/bridge'
-BONDING_PATH = '/sys/class/net/*/bonding'
-WLAN_PATH = '/sys/class/net/*/wireless'
-NET_BRPORT = '/sys/class/net/%s/brport'
-NET_MASTER = '/sys/class/net/%s/master'
-NET_STATE = '/sys/class/net/%s/carrier'
-PROC_NET_VLAN = '/proc/net/vlan/'
-BONDING_SLAVES = '/sys/class/net/%s/bonding/slaves'
-BRIDGE_PORTS = '/sys/class/net/%s/brif'
-def wlans():
-    return [b.split('/')[-2] for b in glob.glob(WLAN_PATH)]
-def is_wlan(iface):
-    return iface in wlans()
-# FIXME if we do not want to list usb nic
-def nics():
-    return list(set([b.split('/')[-2] for b in glob.glob(NIC_PATH)]) -
-                set(wlans()))
-def is_nic(iface):
-    return iface in nics()
-def bondings():
-    return [b.split('/')[-2] for b in glob.glob(BONDING_PATH)]
-def is_bonding(iface):
-    return iface in bondings()
-def vlans():
-    return list(set([b.split('/')[-1]
-                     for b in glob.glob(NET_PATH + '/*')]) &
-                set([b.split('/')[-1]
-                     for b in glob.glob(PROC_NET_VLAN + '*')]))
-def is_vlan(iface):
-    return iface in vlans()
-def bridges():
-    return list(set([b.split('/')[-2] for b in glob.glob(BRIDGE_PATH)] +
-                    ovs_bridges()))
-def is_bridge(iface):
-    return iface in bridges()
-# In some distributions, like Fedora, the files bridge and brif are not created
-# under /sys/class/net/<ovsbridge> for OVS bridges. These specific functions
-# allows one to differentiate OVS bridges from other types of bridges.
-def ovs_bridges():
-    ovs_cmd = find_executable("ovs-vsctl")
-    # openvswitch not installed: there is no OVS bridge configured
-    if ovs_cmd is None:
-        return []
-    out, error, rc = run_command([ovs_cmd, 'list-br'])
-    if rc != 0:
-        wok_log.info("Error listing OVS bridges")
-        return []
-    return [x.strip() for x in out.rstrip('\n').split('\n') if x.strip()]
-def is_ovs_bridge(iface):
-    return iface in ovs_bridges()
-def ovs_bridge_ports(ovsbr):
-    ovs_cmd = find_executable("ovs-vsctl")
-    # openvswitch not installed: there is no OVS bridge configured
-    if ovs_cmd is None:
-        return []
-    out, error, rc = run_command([ovs_cmd, 'list-ports', ovsbr])
-    if rc != 0:
-        wok_log.info("Error listing OVS bridge ports for %s" % str(ovsbr))
-        return []
-    return [x.strip() for x in out.rstrip('\n').split('\n') if x.strip()]
-def all_interfaces():
-    return [d.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] for d in glob.glob(NET_PATH + '/*')]
-def slaves(bonding):
-    with open(BONDING_SLAVES % bonding) as bonding_file:
-        res = bonding_file.readline().split()
-    return res
-def ports(bridge):
-    if bridge in ovs_bridges():
-        return ovs_bridge_ports(bridge)
-    return os.listdir(BRIDGE_PORTS % bridge)
-def is_brport(nic):
-    ovs_brports = []
-    for ovsbr in ovs_bridges():
-        ovs_brports += ovs_bridge_ports(ovsbr)
-    return os.path.exists(NET_BRPORT % nic) or nic in ovs_brports
-def is_bondlave(nic):
-    return os.path.exists(NET_MASTER % nic)
-def operstate(dev):
-    link_status = link_detected(dev)
-    return "down" if link_status == "n/a" else "up"
-def link_detected(dev):
-    # try to read interface carrier (link) status
-    try:
-        with open(NET_STATE % dev) as dev_file:
-            carrier = dev_file.readline().strip()
-    # when IOError is raised, interface is down
-    except IOError:
-        return "n/a"
-    # if value is 1, interface up with cable connected
-    # 0 corresponds to interface up with cable disconnected
-    return "yes" if carrier == '1' else "no"
-def get_vlan_device(vlan):
-    """ Return the device of the given VLAN. """
-    dev = None
-    if os.path.exists(PROC_NET_VLAN + vlan):
-        with open(PROC_NET_VLAN + vlan) as vlan_file:
-            for line in vlan_file:
-                if "Device:" in line:
-                    dummy, dev = line.split()
-                    break
-    return dev
-def get_bridge_port_device(bridge):
-    """Return the nics list that belongs to bridge."""
-    #   br  --- v  --- bond --- nic1
-    if bridge not in bridges():
-        raise ValueError('unknown bridge %s' % bridge)
-    nics = []
-    for port in ports(bridge):
-        if port in vlans():
-            device = get_vlan_device(port)
-            if device in bondings():
-                nics.extend(slaves(device))
-            else:
-                nics.append(device)
-        if port in bondings():
-            nics.extend(slaves(port))
-        else:
-            nics.append(port)
-    return nics
-def aggregated_bridges():
-    return [bridge for bridge in bridges() if
-            (set(get_bridge_port_device(bridge)) & set(nics()))]
-def bare_nics():
-    "The nic is not a port of a bridge or a slave of bond."
-    return [nic for nic in nics() if not (is_brport(nic) or is_bondlave(nic))]
-def is_bare_nic(iface):
-    return iface in bare_nics()
-#  The nic will not be exposed when it is a port of a bridge or
-#  a slave of bond.
-#  The bridge will not be exposed when all it's port are tap.
-def all_favored_interfaces():
-    return aggregated_bridges() + bare_nics() + bondings()
-def get_interface_type(iface):
-    # FIXME if we want to get more device type
-    # just support nic, bridge, bondings and vlan, for we just
-    # want to expose this 4 kinds of interface
-    try:
-        if is_nic(iface):
-            return "nic"
-        if is_bonding(iface):
-            return "bonding"
-        if is_bridge(iface):
-            return "bridge"
-        if is_vlan(iface):
-            return "vlan"
-        return 'unknown'
-    except IOError:
-        return 'unknown'
-def get_interface_info(iface):
-    if iface not in ethtool.get_devices():
-        raise ValueError('unknown interface: %s' % iface)
-    ipaddr = ''
-    netmask = ''
-    try:
-        ipaddr = ethtool.get_ipaddr(iface)
-        netmask = ethtool.get_netmask(iface)
-    except IOError:
-        pass
-    iface_link_detected = link_detected(iface)
-    iface_status = 'active' if iface_link_detected != "n/a" else "inactive"
-    return {'name': iface,
-            'type': get_interface_type(iface),
-            'status': iface_status,
-            'link_detected': iface_link_detected,
-            'ipaddr': ipaddr,
-            'netmask': netmask}

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