[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH V3] Issue #992 : Create template on s390x without libvirt storage

harshalp at linux.vnet.ibm.com harshalp at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Sep 1 12:10:08 UTC 2016

From: Harshal Patil <harshalp at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

 This patch adds support for creating templates on s390x arch
 without using libvirt related storage calls

 Review comments

 Review comments and refactoring 

Signed-off-by: Harshal Patil <harshalp at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 docs/API.md             |   2 +
 i18n.py                 |   3 ++
 model/storagepools.py   |  13 ++++--
 model/storagevolumes.py |   1 -
 model/templates.py      |  27 +++++++++---
 model/vms.py            |   9 +++-
 osinfo.py               |  35 +++++++++++++--
 utils.py                |  34 +++++++++++++++
 vmtemplate.py           | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 9 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/API.md b/docs/API.md
index 7bd677f..d8d191a 100644
--- a/docs/API.md
+++ b/docs/API.md
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ A interface represents available network interface on VM.
           over current will be used exclusively for memory hotplug
     * cdrom: A volume name or URI to an ISO image
     * storagepool: URI of the storagepool where template allocates vm storage.
+    * path : Storage path to store virtual disks without libvirt
     * networks *(optional)*: list of networks will be assigned to the new VM.
     * disks: An array of requested disks with the following optional fields
       (either *size* or *volume* must be specified):
@@ -481,6 +482,7 @@ A interface represents available network interface on VM.
         * format: Format of the image. Valid formats: qcow, qcow2, qed, raw, vmdk, vpc.
         * pool: Storage pool information
             * name: URI of the storagepool where template allocates vm disk.
+        * path (optional): Either pool or path to store the virtual disks should be specified
     * graphics *(optional)*: A dict of graphics paramenters of this template
         * type: The type of graphics. It can be VNC or spice or None.
             * vnc: Graphical display using the Virtual Network
diff --git a/i18n.py b/i18n.py
index ea2c4ab..7e60079 100644
--- a/i18n.py
+++ b/i18n.py
@@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ messages = {
     "KCHTMPL0031E": _("Memory value (%(mem)sMiB) must be equal or lesser than maximum memory value (%(maxmem)sMiB)"),
     "KCHTMPL0032E": _("Unable to update template due error: %(err)s"),
     "KCHTMPL0033E": _("Parameter 'disks' requires at least one disk object"),
+    "KCHTMPL0034E": _("Storage without libvirt pool is not supported on this architecture"),
+    "KCHTMPL0035E": _("Error while creating the virtual disk for the guest. Details: %(err)s"),
+    "KCHTMPL0036E": _("When setting template disks without libvirt, following parameters are required: 'index', 'format', 'path', 'size'"),
     "KCHPOOL0001E": _("Storage pool %(name)s already exists"),
     "KCHPOOL0002E": _("Storage pool %(name)s does not exist"),
diff --git a/model/storagepools.py b/model/storagepools.py
index af92ec9..5942b31 100644
--- a/model/storagepools.py
+++ b/model/storagepools.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.host import DeviceModel
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.libvirtstoragepool import StoragePoolDef
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.osinfo import defaults as tmpl_defaults
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.scan import Scanner
-from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import pool_name_from_uri
+from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import pool_name_from_uri, is_s390x
 ISO_POOL_NAME = u'kimchi_isos'
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ STORAGE_SOURCES = {'netfs': {'addr': '/pool/source/host/@name',
 class StoragePoolsModel(object):
     def __init__(self, **kargs):
         self.conn = kargs['conn']
         self.objstore = kargs['objstore']
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ class StoragePoolsModel(object):
     def _check_default_pools(self):
         pools = {}
+        if is_s390x():
+            return
         default_pool = tmpl_defaults['disks'][0]['pool']['name']
         default_pool = default_pool.split('/')[-1]
@@ -437,9 +441,10 @@ class StoragePoolModel(object):
             for tmpl in templates:
                 t_info = session.get('template', tmpl)
                 for disk in t_info['disks']:
-                    t_pool = disk['pool']['name']
-                    if pool_name_from_uri(t_pool) == pool_name:
-                        return True
+                    if 'pool' in disk:
+                        t_pool = disk['pool']['name']
+                        if pool_name_from_uri(t_pool) == pool_name:
+                            return True
             return False
     def deactivate(self, name):
diff --git a/model/storagevolumes.py b/model/storagevolumes.py
index 4708674..d721d3b 100644
--- a/model/storagevolumes.py
+++ b/model/storagevolumes.py
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.diskutils import set_disk_used_by
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.storagepools import StoragePoolModel
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import get_next_clone_name
 VOLUME_TYPE_MAP = {0: 'file',
                    1: 'block',
                    2: 'directory',
diff --git a/model/templates.py b/model/templates.py
index 8df8c3b..c749f4b 100644
--- a/model/templates.py
+++ b/model/templates.py
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ import urlparse
 from wok.exception import InvalidOperation, InvalidParameter
 from wok.exception import NotFoundError, OperationFailed
-from wok.utils import probe_file_permission_as_user, run_setfacl_set_attr
+from wok.utils import probe_file_permission_as_user
+from wok.utils import run_setfacl_set_attr
 from wok.xmlutils.utils import xpath_get_text
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.config import get_kimchi_version
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.kvmusertests import UserTests
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.cpuinfo import CPUInfoModel
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import is_libvirtd_up, pool_name_from_uri
+from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import create_disk_image
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.vmtemplate import VMTemplate
@@ -400,15 +402,26 @@ class LibvirtVMTemplate(VMTemplate):
     def fork_vm_storage(self, vm_uuid):
         # Provision storages:
-        vol_list = self.to_volume_list(vm_uuid)
+        disk_and_vol_list = self.to_volume_list(vm_uuid)
-            for v in vol_list:
-                pool = self._get_storage_pool(v['pool'])
-                # outgoing text to libvirt, encode('utf-8')
-                pool.createXML(v['xml'].encode('utf-8'), 0)
+            for v in disk_and_vol_list:
+                if v['pool'] is not None:
+                    pool = self._get_storage_pool(v['pool'])
+                    # outgoing text to libvirt, encode('utf-8')
+                    pool.createXML(v['xml'].encode('utf-8'), 0)
+                else:
+                    capacity = v['capacity']
+                    format_type = v['format']
+                    path = v['path']
+                    create_disk_image(
+                        format_type=format_type,
+                        path=path,
+                        capacity=capacity)
         except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
             raise OperationFailed("KCHVMSTOR0008E", {'error': e.message})
-        return vol_list
+        return disk_and_vol_list
     def set_cpu_info(self):
         # undefined topology: consider these values to calculate maxvcpus
diff --git a/model/vms.py b/model/vms.py
index 7f607f5..3ad722e 100644
--- a/model/vms.py
+++ b/model/vms.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.utils import remove_metadata_node
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.model.utils import set_metadata_node
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.osinfo import defaults, MEM_DEV_SLOTS
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.screenshot import VMScreenshot
-from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import get_next_clone_name
+from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import get_next_clone_name, is_s390x
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import template_name_from_uri
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.bootorder import get_bootorder_node
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.bootorder import get_bootmenu_node
@@ -1395,6 +1395,13 @@ class VMModel(object):
             except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
                 wok_log.error('Unable to get storage volume by path: %s' %
+                try:
+                    if is_s390x() and os.path.exists(path):
+                        os.remove(path)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    wok_log.error('Unable to delete storage path: %s' %
+                                  e.message)
             except Exception as e:
                 raise OperationFailed('KCHVOL0017E', {'err': e.message})
diff --git a/osinfo.py b/osinfo.py
index 528cf14..b177830 100644
--- a/osinfo.py
+++ b/osinfo.py
@@ -158,6 +158,12 @@ def _get_tmpl_defaults():
                                'maxmemory': _get_default_template_mem()}
     tmpl_defaults['storage']['disk.0'] = {'size': 10, 'format': 'qcow2',
                                           'pool': 'default'}
+    is_on_s390x = True if _get_arch() == 's390x' else False
+    if is_on_s390x:
+        tmpl_defaults['storage']['disk.0']['path'] = '/var/lib/libvirt/images/'
+        del tmpl_defaults['storage']['disk.0']['pool']
     tmpl_defaults['processor']['vcpus'] = 1
     tmpl_defaults['processor']['maxvcpus'] = 1
     tmpl_defaults['graphics'] = {'type': 'vnc', 'listen': ''}
@@ -165,7 +171,12 @@ def _get_tmpl_defaults():
     default_config = ConfigObj(tmpl_defaults)
     # Load template configuration file
-    config_file = os.path.join(kimchiPaths.sysconf_dir, 'template.conf')
+    if is_on_s390x:
+        config_file = os.path.join(
+            kimchiPaths.sysconf_dir,
+            'template_s390x.conf')
+    else:
+        config_file = os.path.join(kimchiPaths.sysconf_dir, 'template.conf')
     config = ConfigObj(config_file)
     # Merge default configuration with file configuration
@@ -186,11 +197,27 @@ def _get_tmpl_defaults():
     # Parse storage section to get disks values
     storage_section = default_config.pop('storage')
     defaults['disks'] = []
-    for disk in storage_section.keys():
+    for index, disk in enumerate(storage_section.keys()):
         data = storage_section[disk]
         data['index'] = int(disk.split('.')[1])
-        data['pool'] = {"name": '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/' +
-                        storage_section[disk].pop('pool')}
+        # Right now 'Path' is only supported on s390x
+        if storage_section[disk].get('path') and is_on_s390x:
+            data['path'] = storage_section[disk].pop('path')
+            if 'size' not in storage_section[disk]:
+                data['size'] = tmpl_defaults['storage']['disk.0']['size']
+            else:
+                data['size'] = storage_section[disk].pop('size')
+            if 'format' not in storage_section[disk]:
+                data['format'] = tmpl_defaults['storage']['disk.0']['format']
+            else:
+                data['format'] = storage_section[disk].pop('format')
+        else:
+            storage_section[disk].get('pool')
+            data['pool'] = {"name": '/plugins/kimchi/storagepools/' +
+                                    storage_section[disk].pop('pool')}
     # Parse processor section to get vcpus and cpu_topology values
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 26d3cf6..0fca191 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import platform
 import re
 import sqlite3
 import time
+import os
 import urllib2
 from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPException
 from urlparse import urlparse
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ from urlparse import urlparse
 from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, OperationFailed
 from wok.plugins.kimchi import config
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.osinfo import get_template_default
+from wok.stringutils import encode_value
 from wok.utils import run_command, wok_log
 from wok.xmlutils.utils import xpath_get_text
@@ -272,3 +274,35 @@ def is_libvirtd_up():
     output, error, rc = run_command(cmd, silent=True)
     return True if output == 'active\n' else False
+def is_s390x():
+    """
+    Check if current arch is 's390x'
+    Returns:
+    """
+    if os.uname()[4] == 's390x':
+        return True
+    return False
+def create_disk_image(format_type, path, capacity):
+    """
+    Create a disk image for the Guest
+    Args:
+        format: Format of the storage. e.g. qcow2
+        path: Path where the virtual disk will be created
+        capacity: Capacity of the virtual disk in GBs
+    Returns:
+    """
+    out, err, rc = run_command(
+        ["/usr/bin/qemu-img", "create", "-f", format_type, "-o",
+         "preallocation=metadata", path, encode_value(capacity) + "G"])
+    if rc != 0:
+        raise OperationFailed("KCHTMPL0035E", {'err': err})
+    return
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vmtemplate.py b/vmtemplate.py
index babf050..2d3a351 100644
--- a/vmtemplate.py
+++ b/vmtemplate.py
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ from wok.exception import MissingParameter, OperationFailed
 from wok.plugins.kimchi import imageinfo
 from wok.plugins.kimchi import osinfo
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.isoinfo import IsoImage
-from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import check_url_path, pool_name_from_uri
+from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import check_url_path, is_s390x
+from wok.plugins.kimchi.utils import pool_name_from_uri
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.bootorder import get_bootorder_xml
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.cpu import get_cpu_xml
 from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.disk import get_disk_xml
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ from wok.plugins.kimchi.xmlutils.serial import get_serial_xml
 class VMTemplate(object):
     def __init__(self, args, scan=False, netboot=False):
         Construct a VM Template from a widely variable amount of information.
@@ -95,35 +97,55 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
         disks = self.info.get('disks')
         basic_disk = ['index', 'format', 'pool', 'size']
+        basic_path_disk = ['index', 'format', 'path', 'size']
         ro_disk = ['index', 'format', 'pool', 'volume']
         base_disk = ['index', 'base', 'pool', 'size', 'format']
         for index, disk in enumerate(disks):
             disk_info = dict(default_disk)
-            pool = disk.get('pool', default_disk['pool'])
-            pool_type = self._get_storage_type(pool['name'])
-            if pool_type in ['iscsi', 'scsi']:
-                disk_info = {'index': 0, 'format': 'raw', 'volume': None}
-            disk_info.update(disk)
-            pool_name = disk_info.get('pool', {}).get('name')
-            if pool_name is None:
-                raise MissingParameter('KCHTMPL0028E')
-            keys = sorted(disk_info.keys())
-            if ((keys != sorted(basic_disk)) and (keys != sorted(ro_disk)) and
-                    (keys != sorted(base_disk))):
-                raise MissingParameter('KCHTMPL0028E')
-            if pool_type in ['logical', 'iscsi', 'scsi']:
-                if disk_info['format'] != 'raw':
-                    raise InvalidParameter('KCHTMPL0029E')
-            disk_info['pool']['type'] = pool_type
-            disk_info['index'] = disk_info.get('index', index)
-            self.info['disks'][index] = disk_info
+            if disk.get('pool'):
+                pool = disk.get('pool', default_disk.get('pool'))
+                pool_type = self._get_storage_type(pool['name'])
+                if pool_type in ['iscsi', 'scsi']:
+                    disk_info = {'index': 0, 'format': 'raw', 'volume': None}
+                # This check is required where 'path' disk
+                # exists and is replaced by 'pool' disk during
+                # template update
+                if 'path' in disk_info:
+                    del disk_info['path']
+                disk_info.update(disk)
+                pool_name = disk_info.get('pool', {}).get('name')
+                if pool_name is None:
+                    raise MissingParameter('KCHTMPL0028E')
+                keys = sorted(disk_info.keys())
+                if ((keys != sorted(basic_disk)) and
+                        (keys != sorted(ro_disk)) and
+                        (keys != sorted(base_disk)) and
+                        (keys != sorted(basic_path_disk))):
+                    raise MissingParameter('KCHTMPL0028E')
+                if pool_type in ['logical', 'iscsi', 'scsi']:
+                    if disk_info['format'] != 'raw':
+                        raise InvalidParameter('KCHTMPL0029E')
+                disk_info['pool']['type'] = pool_type
+                disk_info['index'] = disk_info.get('index', index)
+                self.info['disks'][index] = disk_info
+            elif is_s390x():
+                # For now support 'path' only on s390x
+                path = disk.get('path', default_disk['path'])
+                disk_info.update(disk)
+                keys = sorted(disk_info.keys())
+                if keys != sorted(basic_path_disk):
+                    raise MissingParameter('KCHTMPL0036E')
+                disk_info['path'] = path
+                disk_info['index'] = disk_info.get('index', index)
+                self.info['disks'][index] = disk_info
+            else:
+                raise InvalidParameter('KCHTMPL0034E')
     def _get_os_info(self, args, scan):
         distro = version = 'unknown'
@@ -217,8 +239,9 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
             params = dict(base_disk_params)
             params['format'] = disk['format']
             params['index'] = index
-            params.update(locals().get('%s_disk_params' %
-                                       disk['pool']['type'], {}))
+            if disk.get('pool'):
+                params.update(locals().get('%s_disk_params' %
+                                           disk['pool']['type'], {}))
             volume = disk.get('volume')
             if volume is not None:
@@ -226,9 +249,13 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
                 img = "%s-%s.img" % (vm_uuid, params['index'])
-                storage_path = self._get_storage_path(disk['pool']['name'])
+                if disk.get('pool'):
+                    storage_path = self._get_storage_path(disk['pool']['name'])
+                    params['pool_type'] = disk['pool']['type']
+                elif disk.get('path'):
+                    storage_path = disk.get('path')
+                    params['pool_type'] = None
                 params['path'] = os.path.join(storage_path, img)
-                params['pool_type'] = disk['pool']['type']
             disks_xml += get_disk_xml(params)[1]
         return unicode(disks_xml, 'utf-8')
@@ -237,20 +264,24 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
         ret = []
         for i, d in enumerate(self.info['disks']):
             # Create only .img. If storagepool is (i)SCSI, volumes will be LUNs
-            if d['pool']['type'] in ["iscsi", "scsi"]:
+            if 'pool' in d and d['pool']['type'] in ["iscsi", "scsi"]:
             index = d.get('index', i)
             volume = "%s-%s.img" % (vm_uuid, index)
-            storage_path = self._get_storage_path(d['pool']['name'])
+            if 'path' in d:
+                storage_path = d['path']
+            else:
+                storage_path = self._get_storage_path(d['pool']['name'])
             info = {'name': volume,
                     'capacity': d['size'],
                     'format': d['format'],
                     'path': '%s/%s' % (storage_path, volume),
-                    'pool': d['pool']['name']}
+                    'pool': d['pool']['name'] if 'pool' in d else None}
-            if 'logical' == d['pool']['type'] or \
+            if ('pool' in d and 'logical' == d['pool']['type']) or \
                info['format'] not in ['qcow2', 'raw']:
                 info['allocation'] = info['capacity']
@@ -447,8 +478,9 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
     def validate(self):
         for disk in self.info.get('disks'):
-            pool_uri = disk.get('pool', {}).get('name')
-            self._get_storage_pool(pool_uri)
+            if 'pool' in disk:
+                pool_uri = disk.get('pool', {}).get('name')
+                self._get_storage_pool(pool_uri)
@@ -499,10 +531,11 @@ class VMTemplate(object):
         # validate storagepools and image-based templates integrity
         for disk in self.info['disks']:
-            pool_uri = disk['pool']['name']
-            pool_name = pool_name_from_uri(pool_uri)
-            if pool_name not in self._get_active_storagepools_name():
-                invalid['storagepools'] = [pool_name]
+            if 'pool' in disk:
+                pool_uri = disk['pool']['name']
+                pool_name = pool_name_from_uri(pool_uri)
+                if pool_name not in self._get_active_storagepools_name():
+                    invalid['storagepools'] = [pool_name]
             if disk.get("base") is None:

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