[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v2] [Kimchi 0/2] added 'console' parameter for templates & vms api for s390x

sureshab at linux.vnet.ibm.com sureshab at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Sep 13 07:59:24 UTC 2016

From: Suresh Babu Angadi <sureshab at in.ibm.com>

v1-v2: provided detailed commit message and reduced number of patches

In case of s390x architecture, console type can be
either virtio/sclp. Extended current code to support
console configuration in case of s390x

this patch set provides option to configure 'console'
parameter for templates and vms api when running on 
's390x' architecture

Suresh Babu Angadi (2):
  added 'console' parameter to templates api for s390x
  added 'console' parameter to vms api for s390x

 API.json             | 24 ++++++++++++++---
 control/templates.py |  1 +
 i18n.py              |  4 +++
 model/templates.py   |  6 +++++
 model/vms.py         | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 osinfo.py            |  4 +++
 xmlutils/serial.py   |  5 +++-
 7 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)


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