[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH][Wok] Issue #166: wok is pointing to /etc/nginx/conf.d which does not exists on OpenSuse 42.1

Ramon Medeiros ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Sep 28 12:12:21 UTC 2016

It's not possible for just put wok.conf in /etc/nginx. There is not 
statement in nginx.conf that includes /etc/nginx/*conf files.

We can do it, if we add this statement to nginx.conf. Here is the 
includes statement:

ramonn at jarvis:/etc/nginx$ cat nginx.conf | grep include
include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf;
     include             /etc/nginx/mime.types;
     # See http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#include
     include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
         include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;
#        include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

My system (fedora 24) has conf.d and default.d, but opensuse does not 
have both.

On 09/27/2016 04:24 PM, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
> I don't like this solution of adding the 'conf.d' dir if it doesn't 
> exist. We shouldn't
> tamper with other packages dir structure.
> An acceptable solution would be to use the /etc/nginx/conf.d dir if it 
> exists, otherwise
> use /etc/nginx .
> I also want to point out that this bug is preventing WoK from working 
> at all in
> Opensuse 42.1. Hardcode freeze for the release is tomorrow. I advise 
> to send
> a v2 and get it upstream ASAP
> On 09/27/2016 03:52 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 09/26/2016 01:17 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
>>> On 09/22/2016 09:00 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>>> Hi Ramon,
>>>> On 09/21/2016 02:58 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
>>>>> Create dir if not exist
>>>> Is it the recommendation from nginx?
>>>> I mean, this directory should be installed by nginx and if it is 
>>>> not maybe there is a better directory (already installed by nginx) 
>>>> to place configuration files.
>>>> Also, doing that, the system will keep the directory on package 
>>>> removal.
>>> Nop,
>>> just remove the rpm and the file is still there
>> And we don't want it, right?
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Ramon Medeiros <ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>   src/wok/proxy.py | 5 +++++
>>>>>   1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/proxy.py b/src/wok/proxy.py
>>>>> index b68b86e..4b06fc2 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/wok/proxy.py
>>>>> +++ b/src/wok/proxy.py
>>>>> @@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ def _create_proxy_config(options):
>>>>>       # SSL certifications.
>>>>>       if not paths.installed:
>>>>>           dst = os.path.join(paths.sys_nginx_conf_dir, "wok.conf")
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        # directoy does not exist: create it
>>>>> +        if not os.path.exists(paths.sys_nginx_conf_dir):
>>>>> +            os.makedirs(paths.sys_nginx_conf_dir)
>>>>> +
>>>>>           if os.path.isfile(dst) or os.path.islink(dst):
>>>>>               os.remove(dst)
>>>>>           os.symlink(os.path.join(nginx_config_dir, "wok.conf"), dst)
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Ramon Nunes Medeiros
Kimchi Developer
Linux Technology Center Brazil
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Phone : +55 19 2132 7878
ramonn at br.ibm.com

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