[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [WoK 1/2] /config/plugins API: backend changes

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Feb 3 14:39:15 UTC 2017

On 02/03/2017 12:32 PM, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
> On 02/03/2017 12:21 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> On 02/01/2017 10:03 AM, dhbarboza82 at gmail.com wrote:
>>> From: Daniel Henrique Barboza <danielhb at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> This patch adds a backend for a new API called /config/plugins.
>>> The idea is to be able to retrieve the 'enable' status of
>>> WoK plug-ins and also provide a way to enable/disable them. The
>>> enable|disable operation consists on two steps:
>>> - changing the 'enable=' attribute of the [WoK] section of the
>>> plugin .conf file;
>>> - the plug-in is removed/added in the cherrypy.tree on the fly.
>>> Several changes/enhancements in the backend were made to make
>>> this possible, such as:
>>> - added the 'test' parameter in the config.py.in file to make it
>>> available for reading in the backend. This parameter indicates
>>> whether WoK is running in test mode;
>>> - 'load_plugin' was moved from server.py to utils.py to make it
>>> available for utils functions to load plug-ins;
>>> - a new 'depends' attribute is now being considered in the root
>>> class of each plug-in. This is an array that indicates all
>>> the plug-ins it has a dependency on. For example, Kimchi
>>> would mark self.depends = ['gingerbase'] in its root file. The
>>> absence of this attribute means that the plug-in does not have
>>> any dependency aside from WoK.
>>> Previous /plugins API were removed because it was redundant
>>> with this work.
>>> Uni tests included.
>>> Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <danielhb at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> ---
>>>   docs/API/config.md         |  32 +++++++
>>>   docs/API/plugins.md        |  13 ---
>>>   src/wok/config.py.in       |   5 +-
>>>   src/wok/control/config.py  |  31 ++++++-
>>>   src/wok/control/plugins.py |  29 ------
>>>   src/wok/i18n.py            |   4 +
>>>   src/wok/model/plugins.py   |  40 ++++++--
>>>   src/wok/server.py          |  56 ++---------
>>>   src/wok/utils.py           | 227 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>>>   tests/test_api.py          |  59 ++++++++++++
>>>   tests/test_utils.py        |  75 ++++++++++++++-
>>>   11 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
>>>   delete mode 100644 docs/API/plugins.md
>>>   delete mode 100644 src/wok/control/plugins.py
>>> diff --git a/docs/API/config.md b/docs/API/config.md
>>> index 4ba455e..87619ac 100644
>>> --- a/docs/API/config.md
>>> +++ b/docs/API/config.md
>>> @@ -26,3 +26,35 @@ GET /config
>>>    websockets_port: 64667,
>>>    version: 2.0
>>>   }
>>> +
>>> +### Collection: Plugins
>>> +
>>> +**URI:** /config/plugins
>>> +
>>> +**Methods:**
>>> +
>>> +* **GET**: Retrieve a summarized list of all UI Plugins.
>>> +
>>> +#### Examples
>>> +GET /plugins
>>> +[{'name': 'pluginA', 'enabled': True, "depends":['pluginB'], 
>>> "is_dependency_of":[]},
>>> + {'name': 'pluginB', 'enabled': False, "depends":[], 
>>> "is_dependency_of":['pluginA']}]
>>> +
>>> +### Resource: Plugins
>>> +
>>> +**URI:** /config/plugins/*:name*
>>> +
>>> +Represents the current state of a given WoK plug-in.
>>> +
>>> +**Methods:**
>>> +
>>> +* **GET**: Retrieve the state of the plug-in.
>>> +    * name: The name of the plug-in.
>>> +    * enabled: True if the plug-in is currently enabled in WoK, 
>>> False otherwise.
>>> +
>> You forgot to add the description to depends and is_dependency_of 
>> parameters
> v4
>>> +* **POST**: *See Plugin Actions*
>>> +
>>> +**Actions (POST):**
>>> +
>>> +* enable: Enable the plug-in in the configuration file.
>>> +* disable: Disable the plug-in in the configuration file.
>> As you are now doing the change on the fly, I'd say to add it to the 
>> description action as well.
> v4
>>> diff --git a/docs/API/plugins.md b/docs/API/plugins.md
>>> deleted file mode 100644
>>> index aaa37b5..0000000
>>> --- a/docs/API/plugins.md
>>> +++ /dev/null
>>> @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
>>> -## REST API Specification for Plugins
>>> -
>>> -### Collection: Plugins
>>> -
>>> -**URI:** /plugins
>>> -
>>> -**Methods:**
>>> -
>>> -* **GET**: Retrieve a summarized list names of all UI Plugins
>>> -
>>> -#### Examples
>>> -GET /plugins
>>> -[pluginA, pluginB, pluginC]
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/config.py.in b/src/wok/config.py.in
>>> index 9573e66..0e46b17 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/config.py.in
>>> +++ b/src/wok/config.py.in
>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>   #
>>>   # Project Wok
>>>   #
>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>> +# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>   #
>>>   # Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>   #
>>> @@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ def _get_config():
>>>       config.set("server", "environment", "production")
>>>       config.set('server', 'max_body_size', '4*1024*1024')
>>>       config.set("server", "server_root", "")
>>> +    config.set("server", "test", "true")
>> The default value should be 'false' as by default Wok runs on 
>> production mode.
> Yeah I've tested with both "true" and "false" there and it turned out 
> that "true" allows
> for less code changes. Reason is that when running in production mode 
> WoK the
> option does not exist and the value of this option is set to 'None', 
> even when
> setting this default to "false".

Maybe set it to None so. 'true' is not a right value IMO

>>> config.add_section("authentication")
>>>       config.set("authentication", "method", "pam")
>>>       config.set("authentication", "ldap_server", "")
>>> @@ -278,6 +279,8 @@ def _get_config():
>>>       config.add_section("logging")
>>>       config.set("logging", "log_dir", paths.log_dir)
>>>       config.set("logging", "log_level", DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
>>> +    config.set("logging", "access_log", "")
>>> +    config.set("logging", "error_log", "")
>> Seems a rebase issue here. There was a patch to remove those 
>> configuration (access_log and error_log)
> No it isn't, I've added the options because the command line has them. 

That is not true. I did a patch that was applied 'recently' to remove 
them from command line as they are not present in the config file.

Check da528f461fdf0c82dbf864d5c1309cd9f159a1f0 for details.

> Given
> than the plug-ins use them in the load process I wanted to send the 
> exact same
> values in the "def get_plugin_config_options()" call.
> Why were those options removed? If no plug-in is using those values I 
> think we
> can safely remove them here too.

The log parameters is only used by Wok to set them on cherrypy. The 
plugins only use wok_log to get the log instance to use.

>>>       config_file = os.path.join(paths.conf_dir, 'wok.conf')
>>>       if os.path.exists(config_file):
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/control/config.py b/src/wok/control/config.py
>>> index 419abc0..05383c7 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/control/config.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/control/config.py
>>> @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
>>>   # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>   # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>> -from wok.control.base import Resource
>>> +from wok.control.base import Collection, Resource
>>>   from wok.control.utils import UrlSubNode
>>> @@ -28,15 +28,44 @@ CONFIG_REQUESTS = {
>>>   }
>>> +    'POST': {
>>> +        'enable': "WOKPLUGIN0001L",
>>> +        'disable': "WOKPLUGIN0002L",
>>> +    },
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +
>>>   @UrlSubNode("config")
>>>   class Config(Resource):
>>>       def __init__(self, model, id=None):
>>>           super(Config, self).__init__(model, id)
>>>           self.uri_fmt = '/config/%s'
>>>           self.admin_methods = ['POST']
>>> +        self.plugins = Plugins(self.model)
>>>           self.log_map = CONFIG_REQUESTS
>>>           self.reload = self.generate_action_handler('reload')
>>>       @property
>>>       def data(self):
>>>           return self.info
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class Plugins(Collection):
>>> +    def __init__(self, model):
>>> +        super(Plugins, self).__init__(model)
>>> +        self.resource = Plugin
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class Plugin(Resource):
>>> +    def __init__(self, model, ident=None):
>>> +        super(Plugin, self).__init__(model, ident)
>>> +        self.ident = ident
>>> +        self.uri_fmt = "/config/plugins/%s"
>>> +        self.log_map = PLUGIN_REQUESTS
>>> +        self.enable = self.generate_action_handler('enable')
>>> +        self.disable = self.generate_action_handler('disable')
>>> +
>> Please, set self.admin_methods = [POST] to restrict enable/disable 
>> operations to admin users.
>> Also update test_authorization.py to validate that. Use the sample 
>> plugin in the tests.
> v4
>>> +    @property
>>> +    def data(self):
>>> +        return self.info
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/control/plugins.py b/src/wok/control/plugins.py
>>> deleted file mode 100644
>>> index 57dfa1b..0000000
>>> --- a/src/wok/control/plugins.py
>>> +++ /dev/null
>>> @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
>>> -#
>>> -# Project Wok
>>> -#
>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>> -#
>>> -# Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>> -#
>>> -# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>>> -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
>>> -# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
>>> -# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
>>> -#
>>> -# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>> -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>> -# Lesser General Public License for more details.
>>> -#
>>> -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
>>> -# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>> -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>> -
>>> -from wok.control.base import SimpleCollection
>>> -from wok.control.utils import UrlSubNode
>>> -
>>> -
>>> - at UrlSubNode("plugins")
>>> -class Plugins(SimpleCollection):
>>> -    def __init__(self, model):
>>> -        super(Plugins, self).__init__(model)
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/i18n.py b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>> index 935c9c1..d44c2f6 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/i18n.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>> @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ messages = {
>>>       "WOKCONFIG0001I": _("WoK is going to restart. Existing WoK 
>>> connections will be closed."),
>>> +    "WOKPLUGIN0001E": _("Unable to find plug-in %(name)s"),
>>> +
>>>       # These messages (ending with L) are for user log purposes
>>>       "WOKASYNC0001L": _("Successfully completed task 
>>> '%(target_uri)s'"),
>>>       "WOKASYNC0002L": _("Failed to complete task '%(target_uri)s'"),
>>> @@ -65,4 +67,6 @@ messages = {
>>>       "WOKRES0001L": _("Request made on resource"),
>>>       "WOKROOT0001L": _("User '%(username)s' login"),
>>>       "WOKROOT0002L": _("User '%(username)s' logout"),
>>> +    "WOKPLUGIN0001L": _("Enable plug-in %(ident)s."),
>>> +    "WOKPLUGIN0002L": _("Disable plug-in %(ident)s."),
>>>   }
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/model/plugins.py b/src/wok/model/plugins.py
>>> index 1b8ec5e..1b39e6c 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/model/plugins.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/model/plugins.py
>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>   #
>>>   # Project Wok
>>>   #
>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>> +# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>   #
>>>   # Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>   #
>>> @@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
>>>   # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>   # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>> -import cherrypy
>>> -from wok.config import get_base_plugin_uri
>>> -from wok.utils import get_enabled_plugins
>>> +from wok.exception import NotFoundError
>>> +from wok.utils import get_all_affected_plugins_by_plugin
>>> +from wok.utils import get_plugin_dependencies, get_plugins, 
>>> load_plugin_conf
>>> +from wok.utils import set_plugin_state
>>>   class PluginsModel(object):
>>> @@ -30,7 +31,30 @@ class PluginsModel(object):
>>>           pass
>>>       def get_list(self):
>>> -        # Will only return plugins that were loaded correctly by 
>>> WOK and are
>>> -        # properly configured in cherrypy
>>> -        return [plugin for (plugin, config) in get_enabled_plugins()
>>> -                if get_base_plugin_uri(plugin) in 
>>> cherrypy.tree.apps.keys()]
>>> +        return [plugin for (plugin, config) in get_plugins()]
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +class PluginModel(object):
>>> +    def __init__(self, **kargs):
>>> +        pass
>>> +
>>> +    def lookup(self, name):
>>> +        name = name.encode('utf-8')
>>> +
>>> +        plugin_conf = load_plugin_conf(name)
>>> +        if not plugin_conf:
>>> +            raise NotFoundError("WOKPLUGIN0001E", {'name': name})
>>> +
>>> +        depends = get_plugin_dependencies(name)
>>> +        is_dependency_of = get_all_affected_plugins_by_plugin(name)
>>> +
>>> +        return {"name": name, "enabled": plugin_conf['wok']['enable'],
>>> +                "depends": depends, "is_dependency_of": 
>>> is_dependency_of}
>>> +
>>> +    def enable(self, name):
>>> +        name = name.encode('utf-8')
>>> +        set_plugin_state(name, True)
>>> +
>>> +    def disable(self, name):
>>> +        name = name.encode('utf-8')
>>> +        set_plugin_state(name, False)
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/server.py b/src/wok/server.py
>>> index 48f455b..9b49c1a 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/server.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/server.py
>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>   #
>>>   # Project Wok
>>>   #
>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>> +# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>   #
>>>   # Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>   #
>>> @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ import os
>>>   from wok import auth
>>>   from wok import config
>>>   from wok.config import config as configParser
>>> -from wok.config import PluginConfig, WokConfig
>>> +from wok.config import WokConfig
>>>   from wok.control import sub_nodes
>>>   from wok.model import model
>>>   from wok.proxy import check_proxy_config
>>>   from wok.reqlogger import RequestLogger
>>>   from wok.root import WokRoot
>>>   from wok.safewatchedfilehandler import SafeWatchedFileHandler
>>> -from wok.utils import get_enabled_plugins, import_class
>>> +from wok.utils import get_enabled_plugins, load_plugin
>>>   LOGGING_LEVEL = {"debug": logging.DEBUG,
>>> @@ -153,56 +153,12 @@ class Server(object):
>>>           self.app = cherrypy.tree.mount(WokRoot(model_instance, 
>>> dev_env),
>>>                                          options.server_root, 
>>> self.configObj)
>>> -        self._load_plugins(options)
>>> +        self._load_plugins()
>>>           cherrypy.lib.sessions.init()
>>> -    def _load_plugins(self, options):
>>> +    def _load_plugins(self):
>>>           for plugin_name, plugin_config in get_enabled_plugins():
>>> -            try:
>>> -                plugin_class = ('plugins.%s.%s' %
>>> -                                (plugin_name,
>>> -                                 plugin_name[0].upper() + 
>>> plugin_name[1:]))
>>> -                del plugin_config['wok']
>>> - plugin_config.update(PluginConfig(plugin_name))
>>> -            except KeyError:
>>> -                continue
>>> -
>>> -            try:
>>> -                plugin_app = import_class(plugin_class)(options)
>>> -            except (ImportError, Exception), e:
>>> -                cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>> -                    "Failed to import plugin %s, "
>>> -                    "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>> -                )
>>> -                continue
>>> -
>>> -            # dynamically extend plugin config with custom data, if 
>>> provided
>>> -            get_custom_conf = getattr(plugin_app, 
>>> "get_custom_conf", None)
>>> -            if get_custom_conf is not None:
>>> -                plugin_config.update(get_custom_conf())
>>> -
>>> -            # dynamically add tools.wokauth.on = True to extra 
>>> plugin APIs
>>> -            try:
>>> -                sub_nodes = 
>>> import_class('plugins.%s.control.sub_nodes' %
>>> -                                         plugin_name)
>>> -
>>> -                urlSubNodes = {}
>>> -                for ident, node in sub_nodes.items():
>>> -                    if node.url_auth:
>>> -                        ident = "/%s" % ident
>>> -                        urlSubNodes[ident] = {'tools.wokauth.on': 
>>> True}
>>> -
>>> -                    plugin_config.update(urlSubNodes)
>>> -
>>> -            except ImportError, e:
>>> -                cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>> -                    "Failed to import subnodes for plugin %s, "
>>> -                    "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>> -                )
>>> -
>>> -            cherrypy.tree.mount(plugin_app,
>>> - config.get_base_plugin_uri(plugin_name),
>>> -                                plugin_config)
>>> +            load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_config)
>>>       def start(self):
>>>           # Subscribe to SignalHandler plugin
>>> diff --git a/src/wok/utils.py b/src/wok/utils.py
>>> index 9a08001..9e6bb8a 100644
>>> --- a/src/wok/utils.py
>>> +++ b/src/wok/utils.py
>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>   #
>>>   # Project Wok
>>>   #
>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>> +# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>   #
>>>   # Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>   #
>>> @@ -37,9 +37,11 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>>   from cherrypy.lib.reprconf import Parser
>>>   from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>>   from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
>>> +from optparse import Values
>>>   from threading import Timer
>>> -from wok.config import paths, PluginPaths
>>> +from wok import config
>>> +from wok.config import paths, PluginConfig, PluginPaths
>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, TimeoutExpired
>>>   from wok.stringutils import decode_value
>>> @@ -57,13 +59,21 @@ def is_digit(value):
>>>           return False
>>> -def _load_plugin_conf(name):
>>> +def get_plugin_config_file(name):
>>>       plugin_conf = PluginPaths(name).conf_file
>>>       if not os.path.exists(plugin_conf):
>>>           cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Plugin configuration file %s"
>>>                                        " doesn't exist." % plugin_conf)
>>> -        return
>>> +        return None
>>> +    return plugin_conf
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def load_plugin_conf(name):
>>>       try:
>>> +        plugin_conf = get_plugin_config_file(name)
>>> +        if not plugin_conf:
>>> +            return None
>>> +
>>>           return Parser().dict_from_file(plugin_conf)
>>>       except ValueError as e:
>>>           cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Failed to load plugin "
>>> @@ -71,22 +81,223 @@ def _load_plugin_conf(name):
>>>                                        (plugin_conf, e.message))
>>> -def get_enabled_plugins():
>>> +def get_plugins(enabled_only=False):
>>>       plugin_dir = paths.plugins_dir
>>> +
>>>       try:
>>>           dir_contents = os.listdir(plugin_dir)
>>>       except OSError:
>>>           return
>>> +
>>> +    test_mode = config.config.get('server', 'test').lower() == 'true'
>>> +
>>>       for name in dir_contents:
>>>           if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(plugin_dir, name)):
>>> -            plugin_config = _load_plugin_conf(name)
>>> +            if name == 'sample' and not test_mode:
>>> +                continue
>>> +
>>> +            plugin_config = load_plugin_conf(name)
>>> +            if not plugin_config:
>>> +                continue
>>>               try:
>>> -                if plugin_config['wok']['enable']:
>>> -                    yield (name, plugin_config)
>>> +                if plugin_config['wok']['enable'] is None:
>>> +                    continue
>>> +
>>> +                plugin_enabled = plugin_config['wok']['enable']
>>> +                if enabled_only and not plugin_enabled:
>>> +                    continue
>>> +
>>> +                yield (name, plugin_config)
>>>               except (TypeError, KeyError):
>>>                   continue
>>> +def get_enabled_plugins():
>>> +    return get_plugins(enabled_only=True)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def get_plugin_app_mounted_in_cherrypy(name):
>>> +    plugin_uri = '/plugins/' + name
>>> +    return cherrypy.tree.apps.get(plugin_uri, None)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def get_plugin_dependencies(name):
>>> +    app = get_plugin_app_mounted_in_cherrypy(name)
>>> +    if app is None or not hasattr(app.root, 'depends'):
>>> +        return []
>>> +    return app.root.depends
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def get_all_plugins_dependent_on(name):
>>> +    if not cherrypy.tree.apps:
>>> +        return []
>>> +
>>> +    dependencies = []
>>> +    for plugin, app in cherrypy.tree.apps.iteritems():
>>> +        if hasattr(app.root, 'depends') and name in app.root.depends:
>>> +            dependencies.append(plugin.replace('/plugins/', ''))
>>> +
>>> +    return dependencies
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def get_all_affected_plugins_by_plugin(name):
>>> +    dependencies = get_all_plugins_dependent_on(name)
>>> +    if len(dependencies) == 0:
>>> +        return []
>>> +
>>> +    all_affected_plugins = dependencies
>>> +    for dep in dependencies:
>>> +        all_affected_plugins += 
>>> get_all_affected_plugins_by_plugin(dep)
>>> +
>>> +    return all_affected_plugins
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def disable_plugin(name):
>>> +    plugin_deps = get_all_affected_plugins_by_plugin(name)
>>> +
>>> +    for dep in set(plugin_deps):
>>> +        update_plugin_config_file(dep, False)
>>> +        update_cherrypy_mounted_tree(dep, False)
>>> +
>>> +    update_plugin_config_file(name, False)
>>> +    update_cherrypy_mounted_tree(name, False)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def enable_plugin(name):
>>> +    update_plugin_config_file(name, True)
>>> +    update_cherrypy_mounted_tree(name, True)
>>> +
>>> +    plugin_deps = get_plugin_dependencies(name)
>>> +
>>> +    for dep in set(plugin_deps):
>>> +        enable_plugin(dep)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def set_plugin_state(name, state):
>>> +    if state is False:
>>> +        disable_plugin(name)
>>> +    else:
>>> +        enable_plugin(name)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def update_plugin_config_file(name, state):
>>> +    plugin_conf = get_plugin_config_file(name)
>>> +    if not plugin_conf:
>>> +        return
>>> +
>>> +    config_contents = None
>>> +
>>> +    with open(plugin_conf, 'r') as f:
>>> +        config_contents = f.readlines()
>>> +
>>> +    wok_section_found = False
>>> +
>>> +    pattern = re.compile("^\s*enable\s*=\s*")
>>> +
>>> +    for i in range(0, len(config_contents)):
>>> +        if config_contents[i] == '[wok]\n':
>>> +            wok_section_found = True
>>> +            continue
>>> +
>>> +        if pattern.match(config_contents[i]) and wok_section_found:
>>> +            config_contents[i] = 'enable = %s\n' % str(state)
>>> +            break
>>> +
>>> +    with open(plugin_conf, 'w') as f:
>>> +        f.writelines(config_contents)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def load_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_config):
>>> +    try:
>>> +        plugin_class = ('plugins.%s.%s' %
>>> +                        (plugin_name,
>>> +                         plugin_name[0].upper() + plugin_name[1:]))
>>> +        del plugin_config['wok']
>>> +        plugin_config.update(PluginConfig(plugin_name))
>>> +    except KeyError:
>>> +        return
>>> +
>>> +    try:
>>> +        options = get_plugin_config_options()
>>> +        plugin_app = import_class(plugin_class)(options)
>>> +    except (ImportError, Exception), e:
>>> +        cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>> +            "Failed to import plugin %s, "
>>> +            "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>> +        )
>>> +        return
>>> +
>>> +    # dynamically extend plugin config with custom data, if provided
>>> +    get_custom_conf = getattr(plugin_app, "get_custom_conf", None)
>>> +    if get_custom_conf is not None:
>>> +        plugin_config.update(get_custom_conf())
>>> +
>>> +    # dynamically add tools.wokauth.on = True to extra plugin APIs
>>> +    try:
>>> +        sub_nodes = import_class('plugins.%s.control.sub_nodes' %
>>> +                                 plugin_name)
>>> +
>>> +        urlSubNodes = {}
>>> +        for ident, node in sub_nodes.items():
>>> +            if node.url_auth:
>>> +                ident = "/%s" % ident
>>> +                urlSubNodes[ident] = {'tools.wokauth.on': True}
>>> +
>>> +            plugin_config.update(urlSubNodes)
>>> +
>>> +    except ImportError, e:
>>> +        cherrypy.log.error_log.error(
>>> +            "Failed to import subnodes for plugin %s, "
>>> +            "error: %s" % (plugin_class, e.message)
>>> +        )
>>> +
>>> +    cherrypy.tree.mount(plugin_app,
>>> + config.get_base_plugin_uri(plugin_name),
>>> +                        plugin_config)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def is_plugin_mounted_in_cherrypy(plugin_uri):
>>> +    return cherrypy.tree.apps.get(plugin_uri) is not None
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def update_cherrypy_mounted_tree(plugin, state):
>>> +    plugin_uri = '/plugin/' + plugin
>>> +
>>> +    if state is False and is_plugin_mounted_in_cherrypy(plugin_uri):
>>> +        del cherrypy.tree.apps[plugin_uri]
>>> +
>>> +    if state is True and not 
>>> is_plugin_mounted_in_cherrypy(plugin_uri):
>>> +        plugin_config = load_plugin_conf(plugin)
>>> +        load_plugin(plugin, plugin_config)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +def get_plugin_config_options():
>>> +    options = Values()
>>> +
>>> +    options.websockets_port = config.config.getint('server',
>>> + 'websockets_port')
>>> +    options.cherrypy_port = config.config.getint('server',
>>> + 'cherrypy_port')
>>> +    options.proxy_port = config.config.getint('server', 'proxy_port')
>>> +    options.session_timeout = config.config.getint('server',
>>> + 'session_timeout')
>>> +
>>> +    options.test = config.config.get('server', 'test')
>>> +    if options.test == 'None':
>>> +        options.test = None
>>> +
>>> +    options.environment = config.config.get('server', 'environment')
>>> +    options.server_root = config.config.get('server', 'server_root')
>>> +    options.max_body_size = config.config.get('server', 
>>> 'max_body_size')
>>> +
>>> +    options.log_dir = config.config.get('logging', 'log_dir')
>>> +    options.log_level = config.config.get('logging', 'log_level')
>>> +    options.access_log = config.config.get('logging', 'access_log')
>>> +    options.error_log = config.config.get('logging', 'error_log')
>>> +
>>> +    return options
>>> +
>>> +
>>>   def get_all_tabs():
>>>       files = [os.path.join(paths.ui_dir, 'config/tab-ext.xml')]
>>> diff --git a/tests/test_api.py b/tests/test_api.py
>>> index 1430bc1..6fbee75 100644
>>> --- a/tests/test_api.py
>>> +++ b/tests/test_api.py
>>> @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import utils
>>>   from functools import partial
>>>   from wok.asynctask import AsyncTask
>>> +from wok.utils import set_plugin_state
>>> +from wok.rollbackcontext import RollbackContext
>>>   test_server = None
>>>   model = None
>>> @@ -54,6 +56,63 @@ class APITests(unittest.TestCase):
>>>                   "server_root"]
>>>           self.assertEquals(sorted(keys), sorted(conf.keys()))
>>> +    def test_config_plugins(self):
>>> +        resp = self.request('/config/plugins')
>>> +        self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +
>>> +        plugins = json.loads(resp.read())
>>> +        if len(plugins) == 0:
>>> +            return
>>> +
>>> +        plugin_name = ''
>>> +        plugin_state = ''
>>> +        for p in plugins:
>>> +            if p.get('name') == 'sample':
>>> +                plugin_name = p.get('name').encode('utf-8')
>>> +                plugin_state = p.get('enabled')
>>> +                break
>>> +        else:
>>> +            return
>>> +
>>> +        with RollbackContext() as rollback:
>>> +            rollback.prependDefer(set_plugin_state, plugin_name,
>>> +                                  plugin_state)
>>> +
>>> +            resp = self.request('/config/plugins/sample')
>>> +            self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +
>>> +            resp = self.request('/config/plugins/sample/enable',
>>> +                                '{}', 'POST')
>>> +            self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +
>>> +            resp = self.request('/config/plugins')
>>> +            self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +            plugins = json.loads(resp.read())
>>> +
>>> +            for p in plugins:
>>> +                if p.get('name') == 'sample':
>>> +                    plugin_state = p.get('enabled')
>>> +                    break
>>> +            self.assertTrue(plugin_state)
>>> +
>>> +            resp = self.request('/config/plugins/sample/disable',
>>> +                                '{}', 'POST')
>>> +            self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +
>>> +            resp = self.request('/config/plugins')
>>> +            self.assertEquals(200, resp.status)
>>> +            plugins = json.loads(resp.read())
>>> +
>>> +            for p in plugins:
>>> +                if p.get('name') == 'sample':
>>> +                    plugin_state = p.get('enabled')
>>> +                    break
>>> +            self.assertFalse(plugin_state)
>>> +
>>> +    def test_plugins_api_404(self):
>>> +        resp = self.request('/plugins')
>>> +        self.assertEquals(404, resp.status)
>>> +
>>>       def test_user_log(self):
>>>           # Login and logout to make sure there there are entries in 
>>> user log
>>>           hdrs = {'AUTHORIZATION': '',
>>> diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
>>> index e7fd264..e63e1a2 100644
>>> --- a/tests/test_utils.py
>>> +++ b/tests/test_utils.py
>>> @@ -19,10 +19,14 @@
>>>   # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>   # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
>>> 02110-1301 USA
>>> +import mock
>>> +import os
>>> +import tempfile
>>>   import unittest
>>>   from wok.exception import InvalidParameter
>>> -from wok.utils import convert_data_size
>>> +from wok.rollbackcontext import RollbackContext
>>> +from wok.utils import convert_data_size, set_plugin_state
>>>   class UtilsTests(unittest.TestCase):
>>> @@ -69,3 +73,72 @@ class UtilsTests(unittest.TestCase):
>>>           for d in success_data:
>>>               self.assertEquals(d['got'], d['want'])
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_fake_config_file_content(self, enable=True):
>>> +        return """\
>>> +[a_random_section]
>>> +# a random section for testing purposes
>>> +enable = 1
>>> +
>>> +[wok]
>>> +# Enable plugin on Wok server (values: True|False)
>>> +enable   =         %s
>>> +
>>> +[fakeplugin]
>>> +# Yet another comment on this config file
>>> +enable = 2
>>> +very_interesting_option = True
>>> +""" % str(enable)
>>> +
>>> +    def _get_config_file_template(self, enable=True):
>>> +        return """\
>>> +[a_random_section]
>>> +# a random section for testing purposes
>>> +enable = 1
>>> +
>>> +[wok]
>>> +# Enable plugin on Wok server (values: True|False)
>>> +enable = %s
>>> +
>>> +[fakeplugin]
>>> +# Yet another comment on this config file
>>> +enable = 2
>>> +very_interesting_option = True
>>> +""" % str(enable)
>>> +
>>> +    def _create_fake_config_file(self):
>>> +        _, tmp_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.conf')
>>> +
>>> +        config_contents = self._get_fake_config_file_content()
>>> +        with open(tmp_file_name, 'w') as f:
>>> +            f.writelines(config_contents)
>>> +
>>> +        return tmp_file_name
>>> +
>>> +    @mock.patch('wok.utils.get_plugin_config_file')
>>> +    @mock.patch('wok.utils.update_cherrypy_mounted_tree')
>>> +    def test_set_plugin_state(self, mock_update_cherrypy, 
>>> mock_config_file):
>>> +        mock_update_cherrypy.return_value = True
>>> +
>>> +        with RollbackContext() as rollback:
>>> +
>>> +            config_file_name = self._create_fake_config_file()
>>> +            rollback.prependDefer(os.remove, config_file_name)
>>> +
>>> +            mock_config_file.return_value = config_file_name
>>> +
>>> +            set_plugin_state('pluginA', False)
>>> +            with open(config_file_name, 'r') as f:
>>> +                updated_conf = f.read()
>>> +                self.assertEqual(
>>> +                    updated_conf,
>>> + self._get_config_file_template(enable=False)
>>> +                )
>>> +
>>> +            set_plugin_state('pluginA', True)
>>> +            with open(config_file_name, 'r') as f:
>>> +                updated_conf = f.read()
>>> +                self.assertEqual(
>>> +                    updated_conf,
>>> + self._get_config_file_template(enable=True)
>>> +                )
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