[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [WoK] Asynchronous UI notification implementation

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Feb 28 14:12:39 UTC 2017

On 02/28/2017 10:58 AM, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
> On 02/28/2017 10:31 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
>> On 02/28/2017 10:24 AM, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
>>> On 02/28/2017 10:02 AM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>>>> On 27/02/2017 18:30, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
>>>>> On 02/27/2017 06:18 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>>>>>> On 27/02/2017 18:12, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> +BASE_DIRECTORY = '/run'
>>>>>>>>> Suggestion to use:
>>>>>>>>> os.path.join('/run/user', str(os.getuid()))
>>>>>>>>> in order tests may be run with root.
>>>>>>> I would prefer to choose a path that can be written by anyone 
>>>>>>> else to
>>>>>>> allow the push_server
>>>>>>> to be started without root.
>>>>>> Sorry, I meant *without* root.
>>>>>> /run/user/<UID> allows for that, it's writable by the user that
>>>>>> started wokd, be it root or not.
>>>>> This change would require further UI changes to allow the /config API
>>>>> (or other) to inform
>>>>> the UI of the current websocket URL. This will not solve the problems
>>>>> I've seen with the unit tests
>>>>> though - multiple instances of the push_server will not be 
>>>>> possible and
>>>>> the unit tests will
>>>>> break.
>>>> I'm not seeing the relation between that BASE_DIR and the URL used 
>>>> by UI. Anyway, I believe we both agree that just one server and one 
>>>> URL is fine.
>>> The unix socket, now /run/woknotifications, is used by the push 
>>> server to send
>>> notifications. The websocket creates a proxy between this unix 
>>> socket and a
>>> common TCP socket that the UI can read/write to.
>>> This connection is made by the following URL:
>>> <host:port>/websockify?token=<token>
>>> The UI knows what token to use to connect to the unix socket because 
>>> the
>>> token is based on the file path of the unix socket. This is the 
>>> relevant UI
>>> code:
>>> var token = wok.urlSafeB64Encode('woknotifications').replace(/=*$/g, 
>>> "");
>>> This means that if I change the file path to /run/user_id, the token 
>>> changes too. If the UI can't
>>> predict what unix socket is being used in WoK then we need to supply 
>>> this info to the UI
>>> in another way.
>> Daniel, for the novnc/spice/serial console, the token is the virtual 
>> machine name, ie, it is not related to the real path in the system.
>> The websocket knows on which directory to look for the token and it 
>> is all.
>> Why is it different for the notifications? Shouldn't the directory be 
>> known by the server and the UI only request a token? The same as 
>> novnc/spice/serial does.
> In these cases the UI doesn't request a token, the UI already knows 
> it. It is embedded in the
> URL.
> kimchi.api.js:
>     serialToVM : function(vm) {
>                (...)
>                 url = 'https://' + location.hostname + ':' + proxy_port;
>                 url += server_root;
>                 url += "/plugins/kimchi/serial/html/serial.html";
>                 url += "?port=" + proxy_port;
>                 url += "&path=" + server_root + "/websockify";
>                 url += "?token=" + 
> wok.urlSafeB64Encode(vm+'-console').replace(/=*$/g, "");
>                 url += '&encrypt=1';
> (same thing with novnc and spice, check vncToVM and spiceToVM in the same
> file)
> In serial.html the token is retrieved as follows:
>             var url = 'wss://' + window.location.hostname + ':' + 
> params.get('port');
>             url += '/' + params.get('path');
>             url += '?token=' + params.get('token');
>             var socket = new WebSocket(url, ['base64']);
> Note that for serial,novnc and spice the token is already knew by the 
> UI due to the
> URL. In the situation we're describing with the push server this will 
> not be case - we
> can't predict the current user information and embed it in the URL 
> (not in the frontend
> level, at least).

I don't think it is true!
The UI just need to provide a token. The token is the file name. There 
is no relation with the websockets directory.

Please, do a test! Change the directory on backend, proper set it on 
websocket, keep the file name the same "woknotifications" and test the 
async notification.

> This is why I am saying that we need to deliver this information in 
> another fashion to
> the UI, perhaps using the /config API.

It is not needed.

>>>> My only concern is the directory to save that woknotifications file 
>>>> and the permissions required for it.
>>>>> We need to discuss an alternative where:
>>>>> - any user can start the push_server, as you require
>>>> I'm not requiring it. Just saying that if it will be started by 
>>>> tests, it needs to run without sudo (i.e. use paths in filesystems 
>>>> that allow for that).
>>>> As I mentioned earlier, testing for 'test' option is not enough to 
>>>> avoid PushServer to be started during tests, since as of now 'test' 
>>>> option only governs which model will be used.
>>> Strange, it worked for me. I think you're referring to WoK changes 
>>> that were made
>>> right after/before I sent this patch set. I'll re-test it and see 
>>> how I can prevent it
>>> from running on test mode.
>>>>> - if we're to allow the push_server to be run in test_mode*, we 
>>>>> need to
>>>>> think in a way of
>>>>> generating random paths that can be written by any user as well. 
>>>>> You are
>>>>> working closely
>>>>> in Debian changes. What system dir can be used that can be written by
>>>>> any user and,
>>>>> preferably, exists in RPM distros too?
>>>> On Fedora 25, /run/user/<UID>/libvirt is the default dir used to 
>>>> store runtime data by libvirt when it is started with 
>>>> "qemu:///session" url (regular user session).
>>>> In fact it seems to be default place for that kind of usage in both 
>>>> distros:
>>>> Ubuntu 16.04:
>>>> $ ls /run/user/1000/
>>>> dbus-session  gnome-shell  gvfs-burn  pulse systemd 
>>>> upstart-dbus-bridge.4451.pid upstart-udev-bridge.2946.pid
>>>> dconf         gvfs         keyring    speech-dispatcher upstart 
>>>> upstart-file-bridge.4451.pid upstart-udev-bridge.4451.pid
>>>> Fedora 25:
>>>> $ ls /run/user/1000/
>>>> bus  libvirt  systemd
>>> I see. Perhaps changing the dir to /run/user/<UID> is the right 
>>> thing to do in
>>> this case. This means that we can't avoid "breaking" the current 
>>> design - we'll
>>> need to use an additional API to inform the UI of the current unix 
>>> socket (token)
>>> being used.
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