[Kimchi-devel] [RFC] [Wok]  #147 Block authentication request after too many failures

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jan 5 12:14:22 UTC 2017

Hi Ramon,

On 12/22/2016 01:59 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
> Propose: make adjustments at login page to make difficult brute force 
> attack.
> Today, an intruder can make login tries without any action from Wok.
> Possible measures:
> Record source port and ip. After 3 tries, block user for 30 seconds 
> and increase the time by each more try. Using source port and ip will 
> avoid errors for connections from NAT networks.
> Example:
> 1) ip tries to login as root 3 times and fail

You will consider ip and port, right? So when ip and port tries to login 
as root 3 times and fail...

> 2) A timeout of 30 seconds will be set

Does that mean the user will not be allowed to perform a login action 
for 30 seconds?

> 3) After that, for 5 minutes, each try will add 30 seconds + x times 
> the trial (60 seconds, 90 seconds. ..)

Not sure I got what you want here. After the 30 seconds block, the user 
will be able to try to login again.
How many attempts he/she can try to login again before get blocked?

Will he/she get blocked for 5 minutes in the second round of attempts?

> 4) After 5 minutes of the last try, the counter will be reset.
> -- 
> Ramon Nunes Medeiros
> Kimchi Developer
> Linux Technology Center Brazil
> IBM Systems & Technology Group
> Phone : +55 19 2132 7878
> ramonn at br.ibm.com  
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