[Kimchi-devel] [RFC] Plugin management - disable/enable WoK plug-ins

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Jan 11 17:55:40 UTC 2017

On 01/11/2017 03:49 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
> On 01/11/2017 10:30 AM, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
>> On 01/10/2017 01:48 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>>>> - To make the changes effective we need to reboot WoK after
>>>> enabling/disabling
>>>> a plug-in. This can be done by either rebooting WoK in the same PUT
>>>> operation I
>>>> mentioned above or by a new 'reboot' API in WoK. I am more fond of 
>>>> a new
>>>> API
>>>> but I can live with this 'super PUT' API too.
>>> I like the idea. My only suggestion is to name that new API "reload" 
>>> (or "refresh") instead of "reboot".
>> Ok! I believe 'reload' is more suitable.
>> Now, I have another question: how should I develop this API? Should I 
>> create
>> a 'server' resource and put the 'reload' POST action in it?
> Maybe add that action to /config API.
> POST /config/reload (?)

That will require to set the /config/reload as protected behind 
authorization/authetication, ie, only admin users logged into Wok should 
be able to use this API.

**BUT** /config is a Resource not protected today because it has 
important information for the server UI initialization.
That way we will depend on 
https://github.com/kimchi-project/wok/issues/131 to have /config not 
protected BUT /config/reload protected. =)

>> Daniel
>>> Cheers,
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