[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v3] [Wok] Bug fix #147: Block authentication request after too many failures

Ramon Medeiros ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jan 30 12:55:02 UTC 2017

Just start the discussion about JSON validation here:


On 1/26/17 9:04 AM, Aline Manera wrote:
> On 01/26/2017 08:42 AM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
>> On 1/25/17 3:46 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
>>> On 01/24/2017 06:12 PM, ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
>>>> From: Ramon Medeiros <ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> To prevent brute force attack, creates a mechanism to allow 3 tries
>>>> first. After that, a timeout will start and will be added 30 
>>>> seconds for
>>>> each failed try in a row.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Ramon Medeiros <ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> Changes:
>>>> v3:
>>>> Improve error handling on login page
>>>> v2:
>>>> Set timeout by user, ip and session id. This will avoid trouble with
>>>> users using the same ip, like NAT.
>>>>   src/wok/i18n.py          |  2 ++
>>>>   src/wok/root.py          | 66 
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>>   ui/js/src/wok.login.js   | 21 +++++++++------
>>>>   ui/pages/i18n.json.tmpl  |  5 +++-
>>>>   ui/pages/login.html.tmpl |  6 ++---
>>>>   5 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/i18n.py b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> index e454e31..7d595b8 100644
>>>> --- a/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> +++ b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ messages = {
>>>>       "WOKAUTH0001E": _("Authentication failed for user 
>>>> '%(username)s'. [Error code: %(code)s]"),
>>>>       "WOKAUTH0002E": _("You are not authorized to access Wok. 
>>>> Please, login first."),
>>>>       "WOKAUTH0003E": _("Specify %(item)s to login into Wok."),
>>>> +    "WOKAUTH0004E": _("You have failed to login in too much 
>>>> attempts. Please, wait for %(seconds)s seconds to try again."),
>>>>       "WOKAUTH0005E": _("Invalid LDAP configuration: %(item)s : 
>>>> %(value)s"),
>>>> +    "WOKAUTH0006E": _("The username or password you entered is 
>>>> incorrect. Please try again."),
>>>>       "WOKLOG0001E": _("Invalid filter parameter. Filter parameters 
>>>> allowed: %(filters)s"),
>>>>       "WOKLOG0002E": _("Creation of log file failed: %(err)s"),
>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/root.py b/src/wok/root.py
>>>> index 080b7f0..d314d25 100644
>>>> --- a/src/wok/root.py
>>>> +++ b/src/wok/root.py
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>   #
>>>>   # Project Wok
>>>>   #
>>>> -# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>>> +# Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>>   #
>>>>   # Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>>   #
>>>> @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
>>>>   import cherrypy
>>>>   import json
>>>> +import re
>>>>   import os
>>>> +import time
>>>>   from distutils.version import LooseVersion
>>>>   from wok import auth
>>>> @@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ from wok.config import paths as wok_paths
>>>>   from wok.control import sub_nodes
>>>>   from wok.control.base import Resource
>>>>   from wok.control.utils import parse_request
>>>> -from wok.exception import MissingParameter
>>>> +from wok.exception import MissingParameter, UnauthorizedError
>>>>   from wok.reqlogger import log_request
>>>> @@ -48,7 +50,8 @@ class Root(Resource):
>>>>           super(Root, self).__init__(model)
>>>>           self._handled_error = ['error_page.400', 'error_page.404',
>>>>                                  'error_page.405', 'error_page.406',
>>>> -                               'error_page.415', 'error_page.500']
>>>> +                               'error_page.415', 'error_page.500',
>>>> +                               'error_page.403', 'error_page.401']
>>>>           if not dev_env:
>>>>               self._cp_config = dict([(key, 
>>>> self.error_production_handler)
>>>> @@ -146,6 +149,7 @@ class WokRoot(Root):
>>>>           self.domain = 'wok'
>>>>           self.messages = messages
>>>>           self.extends = None
>>>> +        self.failed_logins = {}
>>>>           # set user log messages and make sure all parameters are 
>>>> present
>>>>           self.log_map = ROOT_REQUESTS
>>>> @@ -153,6 +157,13 @@ class WokRoot(Root):
>>>>       @cherrypy.expose
>>>>       def login(self, *args):
>>>> +        def _raise_timeout(user_id):
>>>> +            length = self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["count"]
>>>> +            timeout = (length - 3) * 30
>>>> +            details = e = UnauthorizedError("WOKAUTH0004E",
>>>> +                                            {"seconds": timeout})
>>>> +            log_request(code, params, details, method, 403)
>>>> +            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, e.message)
>>>>           details = None
>>>>           method = 'POST'
>>>>           code = self.getRequestMessage(method, 'login')
>>>> @@ -161,17 +172,62 @@ class WokRoot(Root):
>>>>               params = parse_request()
>>>>               username = params['username']
>>>>               password = params['password']
>>>> +
>>> It would be good to use strip() around username and password to 
>>> avoid multiple white spaces.
>>>> +            # no data passed: raise error
>>>> +            if len(username + password) == 0:
>>>> +                raise KeyError
>>>> +
>>> What is this for? You are summing 'username' and 'password' and get 
>>> the length of it. I am not sure is that what you want.
>>> If it is to identify a missing parameter you should check them 
>>> individually. As username AND password should be a string with 
>>> length != 0
>> Well,
>> when parse_request run, it never get a missing parameters, so i need 
>> to check if the var is empty. I will check each one alone.
> Hrm... could you point me the code on where it is done?
> From what I remember, the request parameters validation is done 
> through API.json on which each parameter is specified with a required 
> flag.
> I don't remember we have it for login request. Do we have? Otherwise, 
> there is no way to control knows which parameters are required or not.
> Maybe it is time to add a entry for login on API.json to make username 
> and password required fields and non-empty ones. And then you make 
> sure to have only valid values when the request gets to backend 
> (model) code.
>>>>           except KeyError, item:
>>>>               details = e = MissingParameter('WOKAUTH0003E', 
>>>> {'item': str(item)})
>>>>               log_request(code, params, details, method, 400)
>>>>               raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, e.message)
>>>> +        # get authentication info
>>>> +        remote_ip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip
>>>> +        session_id = str(cherrypy.session.originalid)
>>>> +        user_ip_sid = re.escape(username + remote_ip + session_id)
>>>> +
>>>> +        # check for repetly
>>>> +        count = self.failed_logins.get(user_ip_sid, {"count": 
>>>> 0}).get("count")
>>>> +        if count >= 3:
>>>> +
>>>> +                # verify if timeout is still valid
>>>> +                last_try = self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["time"]
>>>> +                if time.time() < (last_try + ((count - 3) * 30)):
>>>> +                    _raise_timeout(user_ip_sid)
>>> else:
>>>     # remove the entry from the dict
>> ok.
>>>> +
>>>>           try:
>>>>               status = 200
>>>>               user_info = auth.login(username, password)
>>>> +
>>>> +            # user logged sucessfuly: reset counters
>>>> +            if self.failed_logins.get(user_ip_sid) != None:
>>>> +                self.failed_logins.remove(user_ip_sid)
>>>>           except cherrypy.HTTPError, e:
>>>> -            status = e.status
>>>> -            raise
>>>> +
>>>> +            # store time and prevent too much tries
>>>> +            if self.failed_logins.get(user_ip_sid) == None:
>>>> +                self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid] = {"time": 
>>>> time.time(),
>>>> +                                                   "ip": remote_ip,
>>>> + "session_id": session_id,
>>>> + "username": username,
>>>> +                                                   "count": 1}
>>>> +            else:
>>>> +
>>>> +                # tries take more than 30 seconds between each 
>>>> one: do not
>>>> +                # increase count
>>>> +                if (time.time() -
>>>> + self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["time"]) < 30:
>>>> +
>>>> +                    self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["time"] = 
>>>> time.time()
>>>> + self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["count"] += 1
>>>> +
>>>> +            # more than 3 fails: raise error
>>>> +            if self.failed_logins[user_ip_sid]["count"] > 3:
>>>> +                _raise_timeout(user_ip_sid)
>>>> +
>>>> +            details = e = MissingParameter('WOKAUTH0006E')
>>>> +            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, e.message)
>>>>           finally:
>>>>               log_request(code, params, details, method, status)
>>>> diff --git a/ui/js/src/wok.login.js b/ui/js/src/wok.login.js
>>>> index fa2a98a..d9daacf 100644
>>>> --- a/ui/js/src/wok.login.js
>>>> +++ b/ui/js/src/wok.login.js
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>   /*
>>>>    * Project Wok
>>>>    *
>>>> - * Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2016
>>>> + * Copyright IBM Corp, 2015-2017
>>>>    *
>>>>    * Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>>    *
>>>> @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
>>>>    */
>>>>   wok.login_main = function() {
>>>>       "use strict";
>>>> +    var i18n;
>>>> +    wok.getI18n(function(i18nObj){
>>>> +        i18n = i18nObj;
>>>> +     }, false, "i18n.json", true);
>>>>       // verify if language is available
>>>>       var selectedLanguage = wok.lang.get();
>>>> @@ -50,7 +54,8 @@ wok.login_main = function() {
>>>>       var query = window.location.search;
>>>>       var error = /.*error=(.*?)(&|$)/g.exec(query);
>>>>       if (error && error[1] === "sessionTimeout") {
>>>> -        $("#messSession").show();
>>>> +        $("#errorArea").html(i18n["WOKAUT0001E"]);
>>>> +        $("#errorArea").show();
>>>>       }
>>>>       var userNameBox = $('#username');
>>>> @@ -82,13 +87,13 @@ wok.login_main = function() {
>>>> window.location.replace(window.location.pathname.replace(/\/+login.html/, 
>>>> '') + next_url);
>>>>           }, function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
>>>>               if (jqXHR.responseText == "") {
>>>> -                $("#messUserPass").hide();
>>>> -                $("#missServer").show();
>>>> -            } else {
>>>> -                $("#missServer").hide();
>>>> -                $("#messUserPass").show();
>>>> +                $("#errorArea").html(i18n["WOKAUT0002E"]);
>>>> +                $("#errorArea").show();
>>>> +            } else if ((jqXHR.responseJSON != undefined) &&
>>>> +                       ! (jqXHR.responseJSON["reason"] == 
>>>> undefined)) {
>>>> + $("#errorArea").html(jqXHR.responseJSON["reason"]);
>>>> +                $("#errorArea").show();
>>>>               }
>>>> -            $("#messSession").hide();
>>>>               $("#logging").hide();
>>>>               $("#login").show();
>>>>           });
>>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/i18n.json.tmpl b/ui/pages/i18n.json.tmpl
>>>> index ba29532..4329ad0 100644
>>>> --- a/ui/pages/i18n.json.tmpl
>>>> +++ b/ui/pages/i18n.json.tmpl
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>   #*
>>>>    * Project Wok
>>>>    *
>>>> - * Copyright IBM Corp, 2014-2016
>>>> + * Copyright IBM Corp, 2014-2017
>>>>    *
>>>>    * Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>>    *
>>>> @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
>>>>       "WOKHOST6001M": "$_("Max:")",
>>>> +    "WOKAUT0001E": "$_("Session timeout, please re-login.")",
>>>> +    "WOKAUT0002E": "$_("Server unreachable")",
>>>> +
>>>>       "WOKSETT0001M": "$_("Application")",
>>>>       "WOKSETT0002M": "$_("User")",
>>>>       "WOKSETT0003M": "$_("Request")",
>>>> diff --git a/ui/pages/login.html.tmpl b/ui/pages/login.html.tmpl
>>>> index f5a4b2d..6f967cf 100644
>>>> --- a/ui/pages/login.html.tmpl
>>>> +++ b/ui/pages/login.html.tmpl
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>   #*
>>>>    * Project Wok
>>>>    *
>>>> - * Copyright IBM Corp, 2014-2016
>>>> + * Copyright IBM Corp, 2014-2017
>>>>    *
>>>>    * Code derived from Project Kimchi
>>>>    *
>>>> @@ -104,9 +104,7 @@
>>>>           <div class="container">
>>>>               <div id="login-window" class="login-area row">
>>>>                   <div class="err-area">
>>>> -                    <div id="messUserPass" class="alert 
>>>> alert-danger" style="display: none;">$_("The username or password 
>>>> you entered is incorrect. Please try again.")</div>
>>>> -                    <div id="messSession" class="alert 
>>>> alert-danger" style="display: none;">$_("Session timeout, please 
>>>> re-login.")</div>
>>>> -                    <div id="missServer" class="alert 
>>>> alert-danger" style="display: none;">$_("Server unreachable.")</div>
>>>> +                    <div id="errorArea" class="alert alert-danger" 
>>>> style="display: none;"></div>
>>>>                   </div>
>>>>                   <form id="form-login" class="form-horizontal" 
>>>> method="post">
>>>>                       <div class="form-group">

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