<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%" style="color:#000000; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; max-width:800px; margin:0% auto;line-height: 175%;"><tbody><tr align="left" valign="top"><td style="padding:1em;"><p style="margin:0%;">Hello,
Open source environments (wordpress, joomla) are the rage right now. Indeed, these are great for developers, but most non-developers find it to be complex. Also, the lack of any direct support does not help. Worse, one can unknowingly walk into security issues where the consequences can be significant.<br/><br/>This is Robert Powers with Ocoos. We can connect the platform to your current site, or alternatively just move the marketing copy in a brand new design. Either way, you have access to the recognized leader in internet technology at a surprisingly affordable price.<br/><br/>Ocoos is the recognized leader in internet technology. We are a significant company with Fortune 100 companies like Dell, IBM, and Microsoft partnering with us.<br/><br/>Please allow me to show you how we can help your business. If interested, simply reply to this message with your phone number and a couple of times when we can chat.
Robert Powers
Business Development Manager
Office: <a href="tel:844-669-3366">844-669-3366</a>
<img src="http://r.mail.ocoosbusiness.com/adqf3hp8ps77e.jpg" alt="Robert Powers" style="display:block; width:200px; height:auto; margin:1em 0;"/>
Wondering about the quote? Ask me :)<br/><br/></p></td></tr></tbody></table><div align="center" style="color: #727272; font-size: 10px;">If you don't want to receive emails from us anymore, please click <a style="color:#01a4c6;" target="_blank" href="http://r.mail.ocoosbusiness.com/10pv9awoxrvgps77g.html">here</a> to unsubscribe.</div><div><img width="1" height="1" src="http://r.mail.ocoosbusiness.com/10pv9awoxrvgps77h.jpg" /></div>