[node-devel] RFC: Make ovirt-node more FHS (part one: abandon /etc/default/ and /etc/sysconfig/)

Alan Pevec apevec at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 00:11:59 UTC 2012


after reading http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2012-March/163781.html
I realized that ovirt-node could use some cleanup WRT config files to
make it more FHS compatible.
Currently we have (from ovirt.ovirtfunctions BTW should be renamed to

# configuration values are loaded in the following order:
# 1. /etc/sysconfig/node-config sets the default values
# 2. /etc/default/ovirt is loaded to override defaults with karg values

Besides using deprecated locations, naming is confusing, so I propose
to change to
+# 1. /etc/ovirt-node/defaults sets the default values for the node
+# 2. /etc/ovirt-node/config is loaded to override defaults with
kernel arguments values

Proposed change, including an Augeas lens which will be a collection
of lenses we might need in the future is

This is just untest RFC, some unresolved issues are around
compatibility with old locations e.g. for upgrades, should we move old
persisted configs to new locations or not? Also I've changed other
locations to follow
e.g. ovirt-config-boot post-install and ovirt-early hooks moved from
/etc/ to under /usr/share/ovirt-node/ since hooks are scripts by
definition so shouldn't be in /etc. This breaks 3r parties using those

Please have a look and review, I might have missed few hardcoded places.


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