[node-devel] Getting Node on Fedora 18 into shape

Fabian Deutsch fabiand at redhat.com
Wed Jan 16 12:08:13 UTC 2013


this morning I sat down and started testing Node with this build:

There is a problem [0] which prevents a user from using the interface.
It nails down to that a call to libvirt is blocking (don't know why yet)
- this affects the new and old UI. Restarting libvirt helps (after
creating a root user [boot in single,
run /usr/libexec/ovirt-config-password, and reboot]) and restarting
libvirt manually.
I've also noticed a couple of smaller bugs in the new UI which fixed
After figuring out the above problem I only came round to test the
network page within the UI, which works. The other pages are open to be

- fabian

[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=895949
[1] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/11086/
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