Weekly oVirt Sync Call - proposed agenda?

Mike Evans mevans at redhat.com
Wed Aug 24 00:18:25 UTC 2011

Given all the feedback sounds like 10am et may be best bet.

Sent from mobile phone/device

On Aug 23, 2011, at 4:50 PM, Frank Novak <fnovak at us.ibm.com> wrote:

> project-planning-bounces at ovirt.org wrote on 08/24/2011 02:49:20 AM:
>> On 08/23/2011 01:41 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>>> 9:30 is better. thanks
>> Frank, does this work for from your time in China?
> Yes, 9:30 am Eastern works better from here.. though it may be a little
> early for the left coast folks...
> Maybe 10:00 am or 10:30am would work better?
> 10:00am Eastern / 7:00am Pacific / 3:00pm England / 4:00pm Germany / 5:00pm
> Haifa,Tel Aviv / 10:00 pm Beijing
> or
> 10:30am Eastern / 7:30am Pacific / 3:30pm England / 4:30pm Germany / 5:30pm
> Haifa,Tel Aviv / 10:30 pm Beijing
> i'd have a slight preference for the 10:00 am Eastern time because of
> another call at 10:30, but we'll have folks with potential conflicts no
> matter when we try, so i'll figure something out about that.. doing the
> 1:30 pm Eastern, while maybe once or so I could make, but 1:30 am on
> regular basis would be tough! I do hope to get on something close to a
> semi-normal, if shortened sleeping schedule..!
>> Carl.
> Cheers,
> Frank
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