oVirt google+ page?

Anthony Liguori aliguori at us.ibm.com
Fri Nov 11 20:35:46 UTC 2011

On 11/11/2011 02:30 PM, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/11/2011 10:02 AM, Stewart, David C wrote:
>> Generally speaking, it's better to have a neutral 3rd party edit
>> your wikipedia page, or it can bite you.
> How about:
> 1. One or a few of us add new content to the Talk:OVirt page.
> 2. The rest of us look, comment, and help fix.
> 3. We ask via the Talk: mechanism for other page maintainers to
> approve the changes.
> 4. If no one replies, we can put out the word generally that we've got
> some good content to change and would any editor of Wikipedia look it
> over.
> One challenge we have is, what is a neutral 3rd party? For example, if
> someone from Intel who doesn't work on oVirt made the changes, is that
> OK? Because I know a few editors who can help like that. :)

If you are on this mailing list, then you aren't a neutral third party ;-)

These things tend to take care of themselves.  Give it a few months and I'm sure 
there will be a bigger page there.  Consider it a metric of success for how well 
we get the word out :-)


Anthony Liguori

> - - Karsten
> - --
> name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Architect
> team:    Red Hat Community Architecture&  Leadership
> uri:              http://communityleadershipteam.org
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