dealing with a larger capacity workshop

Karsten Wade kwade at
Fri Oct 7 18:23:04 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 09:28:17AM -0400, Carl Trieloff wrote:
> no, we need to cap around 80. If we get too large the sessions will
> become lectures and non-productive for
> the kick-off workshop.

OK, I see, so your vision of size extends in to the break-out sessions
as dividing up one reasonably-sized-pool. Makes sense to me.

So we're effectively at 80 people on the RSVP list, with just a few of
those placeholders to be filled. (I'm in communication with
placeholder owners, no worries.)

Here's a quick plan, does this work?

1. At 80 to 85 we draw the line - we can support 85 on the first day
   in a safe and legal way.

2. Fix website content to say we're full but RSVP if you want to be on
   a wait list.

3. We do a quick post on Twitter etc. that we're full. Some of us
   write in our blogs that this happened, good sign of interest, sorry
   for those who are missing it, more to come.

4. Have some simple, "How to stay involved" information for folks who
   show interest. For example, I'm going to start a monthly oVirt
   Bay Area Meetup targeted for mid-December.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
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