Confirming RSVPs

Karsten Wade kwade at
Tue Sep 27 17:16:57 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 06:18:40AM -0700, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> I've seen a number of comments in various places touching on the
> fact that people aren't quite sure what they should be getting when
> they send an email to rsvp at
> Do we want to add some sort of confirmation mail, stating that we've
> received your RSVP and added you to our list, and more details will
> be forthcoming by $specificdate?

So I did not set up an auto-reply because that's dangerous - we want
to confirm as a human so the name is actually on a list.

I agree that when any of us takes a name and puts it on the master
list (where is that list, btw?), we should reply with a thank you,
confirmation, and more details coming.

Also, if it makes it easier, we can create a one-off mailing list that
we add people to - an announcement-type list, not for discussion

If you are interested, just point me at the list to start things
off. Once it's going, we can easily add names.

(BTW, I have steered away from doing anything with the rsvp messages
because of not having a process, but I'm happy to help now.)

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
gpg:                                       AD0E0C41
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