oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes :: 2011-09-28

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at redhat.com
Wed Sep 28 17:23:26 UTC 2011

oVirt Sync Call Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 14:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 07:00am   
US Pacific)

== Invitees/Attendees ==
project-planning at ovirt.org list subscribers

Robyn Bergeron (Red Hat)
Carl Trieloff (Red Hat)
Kyle Mestery (Cisco)
Ayal Baron (Red Hat)
Alex Graf (SUSE)
Kerri Catallozzi (Red Hat)
Anthony Liguori (IBM)
Andy Cathrow (Red Hat)
Perry Myers (Red Hat)
Jim Jagielski (Red Hat)
Jon Benedict (NetApp)
Frank Novak (IBM)
Karsten Wade (Red Hat)

If you do not currently have this call on your calendar and would like 
it to be, please send rbergero at redhat.com an email.

== Action Items ==
  * Kerri to put together draft press release for review next week
  * Robyn to update meeting time to one hour
  * List discussion items: Two-tier project acceptance/graduation 
proposal, Webex discussion
  * Kyle to look into the option of getting a UCS on site rather than 
Andy shipping a rack

== Project Schedule ==
  * Ongoing oVirt workshop promotion
  * oVirt Workshop - November 1, 2, 3
    * USA - CA - hosted by Cisco
      * Press release post workshop
      * Community startup at workshop
      * Schedule first community release
  * Community Infrastructure
    * Launch at workshop
    * First release - January/February.

== Call Agenda ==

0) General Updates
  * Andy has RHEV entitlements to help out those who want to get a bit 
more context
    * If anyone needs an entitlement to download RHEL + RHEV in order to 
get some experience with RHEV then please email acathrow at redhat.com
  * Agree to an hour going forward, at least in the short term, for 
phone call time.

Voting on new project
1) Board news
  * Board members are now confirmed from each strategic company. (Carl)
  * Board members voting on first few proposed projects
  * We have had 3 projects approach us. Right now - really working on 
getting through the process, going through framework of 
process/acceptance, framing discussion.
    * What are requirements for oVirt project?
    * To get a project in / join ecosystem, the bar should be reasonably 
low, so we can build community, build interaction. Not a lot of detail 
around this right now.
    * It's important for us to get traction, but not necessarily 
creating precedent that we can't ever undo. Maybe a two-stage process 
akin to Apache Incubator - as a project/code/development grows, they can 
graduate onto higher level. Lets us have low barriers, allows us to be 
more nimble as far as changing things without creating long-term precedence.
    * Take back to list.

2) Project launch status / Progress review
  * Statistics review (Carl)

3) oVirt Workshop / Summit  - Nov. 1 - 3, Cisco Main Campus, San Jose, CA.
  * http://www.ovirt.org/news-and-events/workshop/
  * Attendance updates (Robyn)
    * 54 RSVPs so far for the kick off workshop
      * Attendees not from initial group are numbering around 12 currently
      * We are still waiting for RSVPs from NetApp, IBM and more from 
Red Hat
      * Plan to leave the RSVP's open for another couple of weeks.
      * Bringing in 4-5 additional signups per day
  * Logistics planning:
    * Capacity is 45 people
    * Planning for breakout rooms
    * Evening events/activities planning
    * Food
    * Hotel arrangements
  * Press release discussion (Kerri from Red Hat joining call)
    * Next steps: Kerri to take a stab at drafting press release, get 
contacts at companies for PR; asking that folks help Kerri get in touch 
with appropriate people.
    * Target a launch for after the workshop - most likely the week 
following to make sure we get maximum pickup
    * One option is a joint release with all companies on the board , 
which Kerri would coordinate. This option is more effective in terms of 
press pickup but harder to coordinate given corporate press approval cycles
    * Another option is a Red Hat press release with supporting quotes 
from board members
  * Joint press release:
    * All tickers would be included, would lead to more 
coverage/awareness level
    * Cons - intensive scrutiny, hard to wrangle agreement sometimes.
  * Red Hat only press release
    * Easier to just get supporting quotes from member companies
    * Would lose a bit of awareness from not having tickers, etc. - not 
hitting as wide an audience
  * Thoughts:
    * Joint press release makes it a true joint effort, and not just a 
Red Hat Thing.
    * Time delay might be a problem on join press release, but think it 
is crucial to success of oVirt to get it out as a Joint Press Release.
  * To-Do's: Agreed, Kerri to put together draft joint release. Basic 
content is that we've launched the community at a F2F in California, 
examples of what we're agreeing to work on, companies + other folks. 
Very focused on workshop and results.
  * Kerri: Feel free to ask JimJag for help.

4) Infrastructure (Karsten)
  * Wiki update, movement from shared google document
  * Project-planning list archival plans
  * Project naming status

5) Other updates / Agenda topics
  * Andy is working with Corporate Comms folks to utilize our corporate 
webex account. Schedule some webex sessions/archived recordings, do some 
quick introductions to RHEV, use that going forward to have larger 
sessions as part of training/collaboration. Could be useful for 
overviews of projects, etc.
    * Should we post a schedule of topics to be done and when, and put 
it on the website?
    * Seeking volunteers for wanting to discuss things on webex.
    * Good background for folks coming to conference.
  * Hardware for workshop - Demo rack that we can ship out. If we want 
to do hands-on work, we can use it. Do we need any other hardware 
on-site for workshop?
    * Kyle will look into the option of getting a UCS on site rather 
than Andy shipping a rack

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