[Users] oVirt features

Doron Fediuck dfediuck at redhat.com
Mon Nov 14 08:55:05 UTC 2011

On Monday 14 November 2011 10:10:36 Dimitrije Zivkovic wrote:
> Hi,
>    I got oVirt up and running on my Gentoo server. What I would like to
> know is if there is some info page on current git version features of
> oVirt? For example, I would like to know what type of storage is supported
> as I could only see NFS type on webadmin. So am I doing something wrong or
> am I just blind?  :)
>    Also, if there is something I could help about related to Gentoo and
> oVirt, let me know...
Hi Dimitrije.
+1 on Gentoo ;)

Specifically on storage, Engine supports also local storage, iscsi and FC.
However not all of it is currently enabled in the UI, as it is still under
heavy construction. You may handle these storage types using the RESTFul Api.

There are many tasks we could use some help with, and it depends on your skills.
oVirt Engine is Java based. However there are other areas such as vdsm (python),
RESTFul API and SDK, UI (GWT), packaging, etc... So let us know which parts you
feel you can dive in, and we'll be able to route you ;)

As for Gentoo (I tried that in the past); I have a working setup on Gentoo
as well. In order to add it to the portage tree, we need a herd with some people
to help us. We can start creating the first ebuilds, but from my experience
we'll need more help to make the opensource JBoss build on Gentoo. That said
we can start working with the binary deployment and evolve from there.



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