[Users] Failed to attach Storage Domain export to Data Center

зоррыч zorro at megatrone.ru
Sun Apr 8 08:48:32 EDT 2012


Thank you for the help you provided me in the mailing list.

I dropped the settings using the ovirt - engine-cleanup

Ovirt reinstalled and tried to restore the virtual machine from the export
of storage domain.

If you try an attachment domain ovirt error:

Error while executing action AttachStorageDomainToPool: The Domain is
already used by another Data Center.<br/>In order to use it, detach it from
the Data Center it is currently attached to.



In the logs:


2012-04-08 08:39:49,898 INFO
(pool-5-thread-50) Running command: AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand
internal: false. Entities affected :  ID:
b23c7ab6-b1d4-4888-8d4a-adc78e61db38 Type: Storage

2012-04-08 08:39:49,925 INFO
SCommand] (pool-5-thread-48) START,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand(vdsId =
1bb3653a-8105-11e1-9eda-001cc43ceea0, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS, connectionList = [{
id: aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f, connection:
};]), log id: 1985db9c

2012-04-08 08:39:49,925 INFO
SCommand] (pool-5-thread-47) START,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand(vdsId =
270e3720-8105-11e1-a3ed-001cc43ceea0, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS, connectionList = [{
id: aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f, connection:
};]), log id: 17f02ea3

2012-04-08 08:39:50,004 INFO
SCommand] (pool-5-thread-47) FINISH,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand, return:
{aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f=0}, log id: 17f02ea3

2012-04-08 08:39:50,005 INFO
(pool-5-thread-47) Running command: ConnectStorageToVdsCommand internal:
true. Entities affected :  ID: aaa00000-0000-0000-0000-123456789aaa Type:

2012-04-08 08:39:50,008 INFO
(pool-5-thread-47) START, ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand(vdsId =
270e3720-8105-11e1-a3ed-001cc43ceea0, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS, connectionList = [{
id: aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f, connection:
};]), log id: 6f4db784

2012-04-08 08:39:50,009 INFO
SCommand] (pool-5-thread-48) FINISH,
ValidateStorageServerConnectionVDSCommand, return:
{aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f=0}, log id: 1985db9c

2012-04-08 08:39:50,010 INFO
(pool-5-thread-48) Running command: ConnectStorageToVdsCommand internal:
true. Entities affected :  ID: aaa00000-0000-0000-0000-123456789aaa Type:

2012-04-08 08:39:50,013 INFO
(pool-5-thread-48) START, ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand(vdsId =
1bb3653a-8105-11e1-9eda-001cc43ceea0, storagePoolId =
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, storageType = NFS, connectionList = [{
id: aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f, connection:
};]), log id: 42baf149

2012-04-08 08:39:50,031 INFO
(pool-5-thread-47) FINISH, ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand, return:
{aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f=0}, log id: 6f4db784

2012-04-08 08:39:50,035 INFO
(pool-5-thread-48) FINISH, ConnectStorageServerVDSCommand, return:
{aef7de23-f271-45f3-853b-9e7b7be6607f=0}, log id: 42baf149

2012-04-08 08:39:50,037 INFO
(pool-5-thread-50) START, AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand(storagePoolId =
e3e565d6-8104-11e1-afd2-001cc43ceea0, ignoreFailoverLimit = false,
compatabilityVersion = null, storageDomainId =
b23c7ab6-b1d4-4888-8d4a-adc78e61db38), log id: 6f22bcac

2012-04-08 08:39:53,186 ERROR
(pool-5-thread-50) IrsBroker::Failed::AttachStorageDomainVDS due to:
IrsOperationFailedNoFailoverException: IRSGenericException:
IRSErrorException: Storage domain already attached to pool:

2012-04-08 08:39:53,186 INFO
(pool-5-thread-50) FINISH, AttachStorageDomainVDSCommand, log id: 6f22bcac

2012-04-08 08:39:53,186 ERROR
(pool-5-thread-50) Command
org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.AttachStorageDomainToPoolCommand throw Vdc
Bll exception. With error message VdcBLLException:
ion: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Storage domain already attached
to pool: 'domain=b23c7ab6-b1d4-4888-8d4a-adc78e61db38,

2012-04-08 08:39:53,190 INFO
(pool-5-thread-50) Command [id=b717db6a-a582-49ba-92c1-6bb09340789a]:
Compensating NEW_ENTITY_ID of
snapshot: storagePoolId = e3e565d6-8104-11e1-afd2-001cc43ceea0, storageId =


I did not deactivate the export domain before clearing the configuration.
How can I be in this case? I can manually remove the flag of the domain?

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