[Users] Database creation failed on engine-setup

Robber Phex robberphex at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 21:35:10 EDT 2012

solved,It's pgsql's problem ,initdb solved problem.
thanks all.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Robber Phex <robberphex at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I'm unable to complete engine-setup:
> $ sudo engine-setup
> Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility
> HTTP Port  [8080] :
> HTTPS Port  [8443] :
> Host fully qualified domain name, note that this name should be fully
> resolvable  [RobberPhex-PC] :
> ERROR: domain is not a valid domain name
> User input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no): yes
> Password for Administrator (admin at internal) :
> Warning: Weak Password.
> Confirm password :
> Database password (required for secure authentication with the locally
> created database) :
> Warning: Weak Password.
> Confirm password :
> Organization Name for the Certificate: RobberPhexCloud
> The default storage type you will be using  ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI']  [NFS]
> :
> Should the installer configure NFS share on this server to be used as an
> ISO Domain? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] :
> Mount point path: /mnt/iso
> Display name for the ISO Domain: RPiso
> Firewall ports need to be opened.
> You can let the installer configure iptables automatically overriding the
> current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.
> Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example iptables
> file found under /usr/share/ovirt-engine/conf/iptables.example
> Configure iptables ? ['yes'| 'no']: yes
> oVirt Engine will be installed using the following configuration:
> =================================================================
> http-port:                     8080
> https-port:                    8443
> host-fqdn:                     RobberPhex-PC
> auth-pass:                     ********
> db-pass:                       ********
> org-name:                      RobberPhexCloud
> default-dc-type:               NFS
> nfs-mp:                        /mnt/iso
> iso-domain-name:               RPiso
> override-iptables:             yes
> Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes
> Installing:
> Configuring oVirt-engine...                              [ DONE ]
> Creating CA...                                           [ DONE ]
> Editing JBoss Configuration...                           [ DONE ]
> Setting Database Security...                             [ DONE ]
> Creating Database...                                  [ ERROR ]
> Database creation failed
> Please check log file
> /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_08_13_01_01_02.log for more
> information
> and,It's engine-setup_2012_08_13_01_01_02.log:
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::196::root:: cmd = /sbin/ip addr
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::201::root:: output = 1: lo:
> <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
>     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
>     inet scope host lo
>     inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: eth0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> state DOWN qlen 1000
>     link/ether 98:4b:e1:ca:1a:ba brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
> qlen 1000
>     link/ether ec:55:f9:6c:54:15 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>     inet brd scope global wlan0
>     inet6 fe80::ee55:f9ff:fe6c:5415/64 scope link
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 4: virbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
> state DOWN
>     link/ether 52:54:00:78:30:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>     inet brd scope global virbr0
> 5: virbr0-nic: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop master virbr0
> state DOWN qlen 500
>     link/ether 52:54:00:78:30:62 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::202::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::203::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::318::root:: Found IP Address:
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::318::root:: Found IP Address:
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::engine-setup::2004::root:: initiating command
> line option parser
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::engine-setup::1897::root:: Entered
> main(configFile='None')
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::engine-setup::1464::root:: checking the status
> of engine
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::196::root:: cmd = /sbin/service
> ovirt-engine status
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::201::root:: output =
> ovirt-engine.service - oVirt Engine
>       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ovirt-engine.service;
> enabled)
>       Active: failed (Result: signal) since Mon, 13 Aug 2012 00:55:25
> +0800; 8min ago
>     Main PID: 587 (code=killed, signal=KILL)
>       CGroup: name=systemd:/system/ovirt-engine.service
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::202::root:: stderr = Redirecting
> to /bin/systemctl status  ovirt-engine.service
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::common_utils::203::root:: retcode = 3
> 2012-08-13 01:03:58::DEBUG::engine-setup::1211::root:: going over group
> {'PRE_CONDITION_MATCH': True, 'DESCRIPTION': 'General configuration
> parameters', 'POST_CONDITION': False, 'GROUP_NAME': 'ALL_PARAMS',
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::engine_validators::48::root:: Validating 8080
> as a valid TCP Port
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::common_utils::175::root:: Checking if TCP port
> 8080 is open by any process
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::common_utils::196::root:: cmd = /usr/sbin/lsof
> -i -n -P
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::common_utils::201::root:: output = COMMAND
> systemd      1       root   29u  IPv6  12597      0t0  TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
> systemd      1       root   30u  IPv4  12598      0t0  UDP *:631
> avahi-dae  606      avahi   12u  IPv4  16379      0t0  UDP *:5353
> avahi-dae  606      avahi   13u  IPv4  16380      0t0  UDP *:57705
> chronyd    648     chrony    1u  IPv4  12086      0t0  UDP *:123
> chronyd    648     chrony    2u  IPv6  12087      0t0  UDP *:123
> chronyd    648     chrony    3u  IPv4  12088      0t0  UDP *:323
> chronyd    648     chrony    5u  IPv6  12089      0t0  UDP *:323
> rpcbind    785       root    7u  IPv4  18666      0t0  UDP *:111
> rpcbind    785       root    8u  IPv4  18667      0t0  UDP *:959
> rpcbind    785       root    9u  IPv4  18668      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
> rpcbind    785       root   10u  IPv6  18669      0t0  UDP *:111
> rpcbind    785       root   11u  IPv6  18670      0t0  UDP *:959
> rpcbind    785       root   12u  IPv6  18671      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    5u  IPv4  15226      0t0  UDP
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    8u  IPv4  15296      0t0  UDP *:48348
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    9u  IPv4  15298      0t0  TCP *:49245 (LISTEN)
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser   10u  IPv6  15300      0t0  UDP *:48164
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser   11u  IPv6  15302      0t0  TCP *:37143 (LISTEN)
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    5u  IPv4  17073      0t0  UDP *:67
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    6u  IPv4  17077      0t0  UDP
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    7u  IPv4  17078      0t0  TCP
> rpc.mount  959       root    7u  IPv4  15360      0t0  UDP *:20048
> rpc.mount  959       root    8u  IPv4  20482      0t0  TCP *:20048 (LISTEN)
> rpc.mount  959       root    9u  IPv6  20484      0t0  UDP *:20048
> rpc.mount  959       root   10u  IPv6  20486      0t0  TCP *:20048 (LISTEN)
> httpd      986       root    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      990     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      991     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      992     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      993     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      994     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      995     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      996     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      997     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> proftpd   1002     nobody    2u  IPv6  18309      0t0  TCP *:12021 (LISTEN)
> mysqld    1203      mysql   10u  IPv4  20816      0t0  TCP *:3306 (LISTEN)
> cupsd     1780       root    4u  IPv6  12597      0t0  TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
> cupsd     1780       root    5u  IPv4  12598      0t0  UDP *:631
> cupsd     1780       root   12u  IPv4  21343      0t0  TCP
> dhclient  3149       root    6u  IPv4  28928      0t0  UDP *:68
> dhclient  3149       root   20u  IPv4  29992      0t0  UDP *:3721
> dhclient  3149       root   21u  IPv6  29993      0t0  UDP *:29724
> firefox   3153 robberphex   50u  IPv4  32247      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   65u  IPv4  45162      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   66u  IPv4  45185      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   67u  IPv4  45190      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3224 robberphex   10u  IPv4  28333      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3224 robberphex   16u  IPv4  31169      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3225 robberphex    8u  IPv4  30929      0t0  TCP
> plugin-co 4223 robberphex   22u  IPv4  34571      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   16u  IPv4  36888      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   18u  IPv4  36895      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   21u  IPv4  35218      0t0  TCP
> sendmail  4443       root    4u  IPv4  37046      0t0  TCP
> postgres  5872   postgres    3u  IPv4  46120      0t0  TCP
> postgres  5872   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5875   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5876   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5877   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5878   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::common_utils::202::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:03:59::DEBUG::common_utils::203::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::engine_validators::48::root:: Validating 8443
> as a valid TCP Port
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::common_utils::175::root:: Checking if TCP port
> 8443 is open by any process
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::common_utils::196::root:: cmd = /usr/sbin/lsof
> -i -n -P
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::common_utils::201::root:: output = COMMAND
> systemd      1       root   29u  IPv6  12597      0t0  TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
> systemd      1       root   30u  IPv4  12598      0t0  UDP *:631
> avahi-dae  606      avahi   12u  IPv4  16379      0t0  UDP *:5353
> avahi-dae  606      avahi   13u  IPv4  16380      0t0  UDP *:57705
> chronyd    648     chrony    1u  IPv4  12086      0t0  UDP *:123
> chronyd    648     chrony    2u  IPv6  12087      0t0  UDP *:123
> chronyd    648     chrony    3u  IPv4  12088      0t0  UDP *:323
> chronyd    648     chrony    5u  IPv6  12089      0t0  UDP *:323
> rpcbind    785       root    7u  IPv4  18666      0t0  UDP *:111
> rpcbind    785       root    8u  IPv4  18667      0t0  UDP *:959
> rpcbind    785       root    9u  IPv4  18668      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
> rpcbind    785       root   10u  IPv6  18669      0t0  UDP *:111
> rpcbind    785       root   11u  IPv6  18670      0t0  UDP *:959
> rpcbind    785       root   12u  IPv6  18671      0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    5u  IPv4  15226      0t0  UDP
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    8u  IPv4  15296      0t0  UDP *:48348
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser    9u  IPv4  15298      0t0  TCP *:49245 (LISTEN)
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser   10u  IPv6  15300      0t0  UDP *:48164
> rpc.statd  828    rpcuser   11u  IPv6  15302      0t0  TCP *:37143 (LISTEN)
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    5u  IPv4  17073      0t0  UDP *:67
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    6u  IPv4  17077      0t0  UDP
> dnsmasq    885     nobody    7u  IPv4  17078      0t0  TCP
> rpc.mount  959       root    7u  IPv4  15360      0t0  UDP *:20048
> rpc.mount  959       root    8u  IPv4  20482      0t0  TCP *:20048 (LISTEN)
> rpc.mount  959       root    9u  IPv6  20484      0t0  UDP *:20048
> rpc.mount  959       root   10u  IPv6  20486      0t0  TCP *:20048 (LISTEN)
> httpd      986       root    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      990     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      991     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      992     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      993     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      994     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      995     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      996     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> httpd      997     apache    3u  IPv4  19590      0t0  TCP *:12080 (LISTEN)
> proftpd   1002     nobody    2u  IPv6  18309      0t0  TCP *:12021 (LISTEN)
> mysqld    1203      mysql   10u  IPv4  20816      0t0  TCP *:3306 (LISTEN)
> cupsd     1780       root    4u  IPv6  12597      0t0  TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
> cupsd     1780       root    5u  IPv4  12598      0t0  UDP *:631
> cupsd     1780       root   12u  IPv4  21343      0t0  TCP
> dhclient  3149       root    6u  IPv4  28928      0t0  UDP *:68
> dhclient  3149       root   20u  IPv4  29992      0t0  UDP *:3721
> dhclient  3149       root   21u  IPv6  29993      0t0  UDP *:29724
> firefox   3153 robberphex   50u  IPv4  32247      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   65u  IPv4  45162      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   66u  IPv4  45185      0t0  TCP
> firefox   3153 robberphex   67u  IPv4  45190      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3224 robberphex   10u  IPv4  28333      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3224 robberphex   16u  IPv4  31169      0t0  TCP
> telepathy 3225 robberphex    8u  IPv4  30929      0t0  TCP
> plugin-co 4223 robberphex   22u  IPv4  34571      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   16u  IPv4  36888      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   18u  IPv4  36895      0t0  TCP
> GoogleTal 4278 robberphex   21u  IPv4  35218      0t0  TCP
> sendmail  4443       root    4u  IPv4  37046      0t0  TCP
> postgres  5872   postgres    3u  IPv4  46120      0t0  TCP
> postgres  5872   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5875   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5876   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5877   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> postgres  5878   postgres    6u  IPv4  41925      0t0  UDP
> ->
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::common_utils::202::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::common_utils::203::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:00::DEBUG::engine-setup::433::root:: setting default
> value (00:1A:4A:A8:7A:00-00:1A:4A:A8:7A:FF) for key (MAC_RANGE)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:01::INFO::engine_validators::122::root:: Validating
> RobberPhex-PC as a FQDN
> 2012-08-13 01:04:01::INFO::engine_validators::96::root:: validating
> RobberPhex-PC as a valid domain string
> 2012-08-13 01:04:01::DEBUG::engine-setup::519::root:: asking user: User
> input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no):
> 2012-08-13 01:04:03::DEBUG::engine-setup::523::root:: user answered: yes
> 2012-08-13 01:04:06::DEBUG::engine_validators::71::root:: Validating
> password
> 2012-08-13 01:04:06::WARNING::engine_validators::77::root:: Password
> failed check
> 2012-08-13 01:04:06::WARNING::engine_validators::78::root:: Traceback
> (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/engine_validators.py", line 75, in
> validatePassword
>     cracklib.FascistCheck(param)
> ValueError: it is based on a dictionary word
> 2012-08-13 01:04:13::DEBUG::engine_validators::71::root:: Validating
> password
> 2012-08-13 01:04:13::WARNING::engine_validators::77::root:: Password
> failed check
> 2012-08-13 01:04:13::WARNING::engine_validators::78::root:: Traceback
> (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/engine_validators.py", line 75, in
> validatePassword
>     cracklib.FascistCheck(param)
> ValueError: it is based on a dictionary word
> 2012-08-13 01:04:30::INFO::engine_validators::203::root:: validating
> organization name
> 2012-08-13 01:04:31::INFO::engine_validators::84::root:: Validating NFS as
> part of ['NFS', 'FC', 'ISCSI']
> 2012-08-13 01:04:31::DEBUG::engine-setup::1211::root:: going over group
> {'PRE_CONDITION_MATCH': 'yes', 'DESCRIPTION': 'ISO Domain paramters',
> 2012-08-13 01:04:31::INFO::engine_validators::84::root:: Validating yes as
> part of ['yes', 'no']
> 2012-08-13 01:04:36::INFO::engine_validators::17::root:: validating
> /mnt/iso as a valid mount point
> 2012-08-13 01:04:36::DEBUG::engine_validators::288::root:: attempting to
> write temp file to /mnt
> 2012-08-13 01:04:36::DEBUG::common_utils::349::root:: Checking available
> space on /mnt
> 2012-08-13 01:04:36::DEBUG::common_utils::354::root:: Available space on
> /mnt is 59217
> 2012-08-13 01:04:42::INFO::engine_validators::186::root:: validating iso
> domain name
> 2012-08-13 01:04:42::DEBUG::engine-setup::1211::root:: going over group
> {'PRE_CONDITION_MATCH': True, 'DESCRIPTION': 'Firewall related paramters',
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine_validators::84::root:: Validating yes as
> part of ['yes', 'no']
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1292::root:: *** User input
> summary ***
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: http-port: 8080
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: https-port: 8443
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: host-fqdn:
> RobberPhex-PC
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1303::root:: auth-pass: ********
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1303::root:: db-pass: ********
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: org-name:
> RobberPhexCloud
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: default-dc-type: NFS
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: nfs-mp: /mnt/iso
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: iso-domain-name:
> RPiso
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1307::root:: override-iptables:
> yes
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::INFO::engine-setup::1309::root:: *** User input
> summary ***
> 2012-08-13 01:04:47::DEBUG::engine-setup::519::root:: asking user: Proceed
> with the configuration listed above? (yes|no):
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::523::root:: user answered: yes
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1336::root:: user chose to
> accept user parameters
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1923::root:: {'ORG_NAME':
> 'RobberPhexCloud', 'HOST_FQDN': 'RobberPhex-PC', 'AUTH_PASS_CONFIRMED':
> '********', 'HTTP_PORT': '8080', 'HTTPS_PORT': '8443', 'DB_PASS_CONFIRMED':
> '********', 'CONFIG_NFS': 'yes', 'AUTH_PASS': '********', 'DB_PASS':
> '********', 'ISO_DOMAIN_NAME': 'RPiso', 'MAC_RANGE':
> '00:1A:4A:A8:7A:00-00:1A:4A:A8:7A:FF', 'NFS_MP': '/mnt/iso',
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1926::root:: Entered
> Configuration stage
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running
> setMaxSharedMemory
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1390::root:: loading
> /etc/sysctl.conf
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1397::root:: current shared
> memory max in kernel is 35554432, there is no need to update the kernel
> parameters
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::1019::root:: running _createCA
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::729::root:: updating
> /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/cacert.template
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::729::root:: updating
> /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/cert.template
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::647::root:: current timezone
> offset is -8
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::engine-setup::661::root:: Date string is
> 120812010449-0800
> 2012-08-13 01:04:49::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/installCA.sh RobberPhex-PC US RobberPhexCloud
> engine ******** 120812010449-0800 /etc/pki/ovirt-engine RobberPhex-PC.59529'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output =
> } Creating CA...
> } Creating KeyStore...
> }} Converting formats...
> > Importing CA certificate...
> } Creating client certificate for oVirt...
> }} Creating certificate request...
> }} Signing certificate request...
>             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
> }} Converting formats...
> } Importing oVirt certificate...
> } Exporting oVirt key as SSH...
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr = Generating
> RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
> .....................................................................++++++
> ...............++++++
> e is 65537 (0x10001)
> Using configuration from openssl.conf
> Check that the request matches the signature
> Signature ok
> The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
> countryName           :PRINTABLE:'US'
> organizationName      :PRINTABLE:'RobberPhexCloud'
> commonName            :PRINTABLE:'CA-RobberPhex-PC.59529'
> Certificate is to be certified until Aug 10 17:04:49 2022 GMT (3650 days)
> Write out database with 1 new entries
> Data Base Updated
> Certificate was added to keystore
> Certificate was added to keystore
> Using configuration from openssl.conf
> Check that the request matches the signature
> Signature ok
> The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
> countryName           :PRINTABLE:'US'
> organizationName      :PRINTABLE:'RobberPhexCloud'
> commonName            :PRINTABLE:'RobberPhex-PC'
> Certificate is to be certified until Jul 17 17:04:51 2017 GMT (1800 days)
> Write out database with 1 new entries
> Data Base Updated
> Certificate reply was installed in keystore
> Certificate stored in file <keys/engine.pub.tmp>
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/generate-ssh-keys -s
> /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.keystore -p ******** -a engine -k
> /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine_id_rsa'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output = Finished
> successfuly
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine.ssh.key.txt to target destination
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/engine.ssh.key.txt uid/gid
> ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/engine.ssh.key.txt mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/usr/bin/openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem -fingerprint
> -noout'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output = SHA1
> Fingerprint=38:C1:B1:E0:4F:D6:D6:18:7D:C9:29:BB:0A:AB:60:76:FC:0E:6A:4F
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -lf /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine.ssh.key.txt'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output = 2048
> a8:7f:bd:f9:5d:6f:2d:b0:5f:68:ec:9d:8c:57:3b:63  engine (RSA)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::722::root:: changing ownership
> of /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem to 108/986 (uid/gid)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::724::root:: changing file
> permissions for /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem to 0750
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::722::root:: changing ownership
> of /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.keystore to 108/986 (uid/gid)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::724::root:: changing file
> permissions for /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.keystore to 0750
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::722::root:: changing ownership
> of /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/private to 108/986 (uid/gid)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::724::root:: changing file
> permissions for /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/private to 0750
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::722::root:: changing ownership
> of /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/private/ca.pem to 108/986 (uid/gid)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::724::root:: changing file
> permissions for /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/private/ca.pem to 0750
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::722::root:: changing ownership
> of /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.truststore to 108/986 (uid/gid)
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::724::root:: changing file
> permissions for /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/.truststore to 0750
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/keys/engine.ssh.key.txt to target destination
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/engine.ssh.key.txt uid/gid
> ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/engine.ssh.key.txt mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running
> configJbossXml
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1710::root:: Backing up
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml into
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.BACKUP.4141705
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml to target destination
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.BACKUP.4141705
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.BACKUP.4141705 uid/gid ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.BACKUP.4141705 mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml to target destination
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.9205173
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.9205173 uid/gid ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.9205173 mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1715::root:: loading xml file
> handler
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1722::root:: Configuring Jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1781::root:: Configuring Jboss's
> network
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1783::root:: Removing all
> interfaces from the public interface
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1786::root:: Adding access to
> public interface
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1789::root:: Setting ports
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1796::root:: Network has been
> configured for jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1802::root:: Configuring SSL for
> jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1804::root:: Registering web
> namespaces
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1814::root:: Disabling default
> welcome-content
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1818::root:: SSL has been
> configured for jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1725::root:: Jboss has been
> configured
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1731::root:: Jboss configuration
> has been saved
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running _editRootWar
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::595::root:: update
> /etc/ovirt-engine/web-conf.js with http & ssl urls
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/ovirt-engine/web-conf.js to target destination
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/web-conf.js uid/gid ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/web-conf.js mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::583::root:: copying
> /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem to
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/ca.crt
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem to target destination
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/ca.crt
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/ca.crt uid/gid ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/deployments/ROOT.war/ca.crt mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1635::root:: checking if rhevm
> db is already installed..
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::235::root:: running sql query
> engine on db: 'select 1'.
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::196::root:: cmd = /usr/bin/psql
> -U postgres -d engine -c "select 1"
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::201::root:: output =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::202::root:: stderr = psql:
> FATAL:  database "engine" does not exist
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::203::root:: retcode = 2
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running
> _updatePgPassFile
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::950::root:: found existing
> pgpass file, backing current to /root/.pgpass.2012_08_13_01_04_52
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running
> _encryptDBPass
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/encryptpasswd.sh ********'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output = Encoded
> password: -39a96ce1daaca3a5
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 0
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::376::root:: found new parsed
> string: -39a96ce1daaca3a5
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running
> configEncryptedPass
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1677::root:: Backing up
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml into None
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::406::root:: successfully copied
> file /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml to target destination
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.6399505
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::414::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.6399505 uid/gid ownership
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::common_utils::417::root:: setting file
> /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine.xml.EDIT.6399505 mode to -1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1681::root:: loading xml file
> handler
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1742::root:: Configuring
> security for jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1744::root:: Registering
> security namespaces
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::engine-setup::1774::root:: Security has been
> configured for jboss
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::engine-setup::1693::root:: Jboss configuration
> has been saved
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::engine-setup::1016::root:: running _createDB
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::engine-setup::806::root:: installing postgres
> db
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::engine-setup::809::root:: engine db creation
> is logged at
> /var/log/ovirt-engine//engine-db-install-2012_08_13_01_04_53.log
> 2012-08-13 01:04:53::DEBUG::common_utils::219::root:: Executing command
> --> '/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/engine-db-install.sh
> engine-db-install-2012_08_13_01_04_53.log ********'
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::common_utils::226::root:: output = error,
> failed creating enginedb
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::common_utils::227::root:: stderr =
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::common_utils::228::root:: retcode = 1
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1614::root:: *** The following
> params were used as user input:
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: override-iptables:
> yes
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: http-port: 8080
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: https-port: 8443
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: mac-range:
> 00:1A:4A:A8:7A:00-00:1A:4A:A8:7A:FF
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: host-fqdn:
> RobberPhex-PC
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: auth-pass: ********
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: db-pass: ********
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: org-name:
> RobberPhexCloud
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: default-dc-type: NFS
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: config-nfs: yes
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: nfs-mp: /mnt/iso
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::1618::root:: iso-domain-name:
> RPiso
> 2012-08-13 01:04:56::ERROR::engine-setup::2115::root:: Traceback (most
> recent call last):
>   File "/bin/engine-setup", line 2109, in <module>
>     main(confFile)
>   File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1930, in main
>     runMainFunctions(conf)
>   File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1852, in runMainFunctions
>     runFunction([_createDB,  _updateVDCOptions],
> output_messages.INFO_CREATE_DB)
>   File "/bin/engine-setup", line 1026, in runFunction
>     raise Exception(instance)
> Exception: Database creation failed
> I think postgresql-Mon.log is useful:
> LOG:  database system was shut down at 2012-08-13 01:00:57 CST
> LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
> LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
> FATAL:  database "engine" does not exist
> LOG:  received fast shutdown request
> LOG:  aborting any active transactions
> LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
> LOG:  shutting down
> LOG:  database system is shut down
> LOG:  database system was shut down at 2012-08-13 01:01:46 CST
> LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
> LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
> FATAL:  database "engine" does not exist
> ERROR:  database "engine" does not exist
> ERROR:  extension "uuid-ossp" already exists
> Any idea whats wrong and how I can fix it?
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