[Users] ovirt-engine setup

Yaniv Kaul ykaul at redhat.com
Mon Jan 9 19:40:02 UTC 2012

On 01/09/2012 09:31 PM, Gary Scarborough wrote:
> Couple of quick things about ovirt-engine setup.  First, if you run it 
> a second time, it mentions that you should run a cleanup script first, 
> but as far as I can see that cleanup script doesn't exist.

Isn't there an 'engine-cleanup' utility somewhere? At least in git, I 
can see it @ packaging/fedora/setup/engine-cleanup.py and in the file 
system post RPN installation, I think it should be under scripts directory.

> Is a FQDN REALLY necessary?  Its there something that can be done 
> locally to alleviate this need?  I tried using /etc/hosts but it 
> didn't check that.

It's highly recommended, but if you can get whatever you put there 
resolvable - not only in the management station, but also for the hosts 
and frontend, you should be fine.
It's to ensure certificates (and certificate-based authentication) are 
properly working, mainly.

> Gary Scarborough
> IST Lab Manager
> Rochester Institute of Technology
> Rochester NY
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