[Users] oVirt 3.3.2 release

Markus Stockhausen stockhausen at collogia.de
Sat Dec 21 04:55:15 EST 2013

We are on centos 6.5 and got similar dependency errors but simply replaced ovirt-release with ovirt-release-el6 in the guide. Afterwards everything worked smoothly.

Do not know if it helps

Von meinem Xperia™-Smartphone  gesendet

Bob Doolittle <bob at doolittle.us.com> schrieb:

I think the problem may be other than I indicated, however, because I
don't see ovirt-engine-3.3.2 in the FC19 stable repo either. Here's the
error output of my update command:

Error: Package: ovirt-engine-3.3.1-2.el6.noarch (@ovirt-stable)
            Requires: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.1-2.el6
            Removing: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-3.3.1-2.el6.noarch
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.1-2.el6
            Updated By: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-3.3.2-1.el6.noarch
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.2-1.el6
            Available: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-3.3.0-3.el6.noarch
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.0-3.el6
            Available: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-3.3.0-4.el6.noarch
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.0-4.el6
            Available: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy =
            Available: ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-3.3.1-1.el6.noarch
                ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy = 3.3.1-1.el6

I have attached my current repo config, after the update of

I'm not sure why it's not seeing

I do see that repository enabled in "yum repolist enabled" output.


On 12/20/2013 11:13 AM, Fabian Deutsch wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 20.12.2013, 11:12 -0500 schrieb Bob Doolittle:
>> I can't do an update of Engine for RHEL 6.
>> The 3.3.2 packages do not seem to have been pushed here:
>> http://resources.ovirt.org/releases/stable/rpm/EL/6/noarch/
> Thanks - I observed the same.
> - fabian
>> -Bob
>> On 12/19/2013 09:03 AM, Sandro Bonazzola wrote:
>>> The oVirt development team is very happy to announce the general
>>> availability of oVirt 3.3.2 as of December 19th 2013. This release
>>> solidifies oVirt as a leading KVM management application and open
>>> source alternative to VMware vSphere.
>>> oVirt is available now for Fedora 19 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
>>> (or similar).
>>> This release of oVirt includes 175 bug fixes and the first release of the
>>> Backup and Restore API, which enables backup programs to integrate with oVirt.
>>> This release also simplifies the Guide Me VM-creation wizard. See the release
>>> notes [1] for a list of the new features and bugs fixed.
>>> IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're upgrading from a previous version, please update
>>> ovirt-release to the latest version (10) and verify you have the correct
>>> repositories enabled by running the following commands
>>> # yum update ovirt-release
>>> # yum repolist enabled
>>> before upgrading with the usual procedure. You should see the ovirt-3.3.2 and
>>> ovirt-stable repositories listed in the output of the repolist command.
>>> [1] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3.2_release_notes
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