[Users] Move single vmdk (or else) disk into oVirt/RHEV

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 19:07:12 EST 2013

In the mean time I can share my successful one-shot experience with a
WIndows XP VM.

Coming from Fedora 16 with Qemu/KVM as in its virt-preview repo

Windows XP ran as a VM, managed by virt-manager and already configured
with virtio disk and network and qxl video adapter, accessed from F16
with virt-viewer (0.4.1-3.fc16.x86_64)

I bought a 64Gb SSD disk that I put as the boot disk of a so newly
installed and now flying Fedora 18.
The original and old SATA first disk is now the second one.

Cpu is AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 630 Processor
memory is 6Gb

Installed oVirt 3.2 beta in all-in-one configuration.
/DATA is an oVirt local storage domain on the SSD disk root file system
/data is a mount point on the old SATA disk.
Under /data/virtstoragef16 I had the original storage pool for
Qemu/KVM on fedora 16

- winxp original source disk
# qemu-img info /data/virtstoragef16/winxp.img
image: /data/virtstoragef16/winxp.img
file format: raw
virtual size: 11G (11811160064 bytes)
disk size: 10G

- In oVirt I create a winxp desktop with one 11G virtio disk
configured as preallocated and a virtio nic. Display configured with
spice. I don't boot it

I notice during disk creation the oVirt managed dd command
vdsm      5909  1661  4 00:03 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/dd
if=/dev/zero of=/rhev/data-center/65c9777e-23f1-4f04-8cea-e7c8871dc88b/0a8035e6-e41d-40ff-a154-e0a374f264b2/images/3b0d1e0f-d31a-4828-bb6c-8238ccc077ae/e8ffd032-c159-4df9-a552-015b3f748482
bs=1048576 seek=0 skip=0 conv=notrunc count=11264 oflag=direct

At the end:
# qemu-img info
image: /DATA/0a8035e6-e41d-40ff-a154-e0a374f264b2/images/3b0d1e0f-d31a-4828-bb6c-8238ccc077ae/e8ffd032-c159-4df9-a552-015b3f748482
file format: raw
virtual size: 11G (11811160064 bytes)
disk size: 11G

- I create a time reference file
This because in the disk image oVirt directory there are also metadata files

# ll /rhev/data-center/65c9777e-23f1-4f04-8cea-e7c8871dc88b/0a8035e6-e41d-40ff-a154-e0a374f264b2/images/3b0d1e0f-d31a-4828-bb6c-8238ccc077ae/
total 11535368
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm 11811160064 Feb 16 00:04
-rw-rw----. 1 vdsm kvm     1048576 Feb 16 00:04
-rw-r--r--. 1 vdsm kvm         274 Feb 16 00:04

# touch -r /DATA/0a8035e6-e41d-40ff-a154-e0a374f264b2/images/3b0d1e0f-d31a-4828-bb6c-8238ccc077ae/e8ffd032-c159-4df9-a552-015b3f748482

I don't know if this is important, but just for consistence

- copy source to target
/usr/bin/dd if=/data/virtstoragef16/winxp.img
bs=1048576 seek=0 skip=0 conv=notrunc oflag=direct

- change timestamp of the overwritten disk
touch -r /tmp/testfile

- verify
# qemu-img info
image: /rhev/data-center/65c9777e-23f1-4f04-8cea-e7c8871dc88b/0a8035e6-e41d-40ff-a154-e0a374f264b2/images/3b0d1e0f-d31a-4828-bb6c-8238ccc077ae/e8ffd032-c159-4df9-a552-015b3f748482
file format: raw
virtual size: 11G (11811160064 bytes)
disk size: 11G

- start vm
On webadmin: VM winxp is down. Exit message: [Errno 16] Device or
resource busy: '/tmp/tmpxqZZDI'.

[root at tekkaman ~]# ll /tmp/tmpxqZZDI/
total 0

Probably locked even if I never started the Windows XP VM yet...

- reboot of my pc

- activate ISO_DOMAIN
and on this one I put an iso with spice-guest-tools-0.3.exe

- start VM
I'm able to connect to spice console from webadmin and I suddenly get
hw discovery / change hw window asking for drivers
I leave the windows there and instead I connect the CD and run
All goes well and I reboot my VM

In device manager I don't get any ? or problems related to devices.
Video resolution is ok at 1680x1050 as it is the max in my monitor
Audio is ok, tried with the already installed skype btw asking for an
update, so the virtio network is also ok.

So for one shot migration it works, at least with my start and end environments.


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