[Users] oVirt 3.3 -- Failed to run VM: internal error unexpected address type for ide disk

Jason Brooks jbrooks at redhat.com
Thu Sep 12 16:45:49 EDT 2013

I'm experiencing an issue today on my oVirt 3.3 test setup -- it's an AIO
engine+host setup, with a second node on a separate machine. Both machines
are running F19, both have all current F19 updates and all current ovirt-
beta repo updates.

This is on a GlusterFS domain, hosted from a volume on the AIO machine.

Also, I have the neutron external network provider configured, but these
VMs aren't using one of these networks.

selinux permissive on both machines, firewall down on both as well 
(firewall rules for gluster don't appear to be set by the engine)

1. Create a new VM w/ virtio disk
2. VM runs normally
3. Power down VM
4. VM won't start, w/ error msg: 

internal error unexpected address type for ide disk

5. Changing disk to IDE, removing and re-adding, VM still won't start

6. If created w/ IDE disk from the beginning, VM runs and restarts as

Is anyone else experiencing something like this?  It appears to render the
Gluster FS domain type totally unusable. I wasn't having this problem last

Here's a chunk from the VDSM log:

Thread-4526::ERROR::2013-09-12 16:02:53,199::vm::2062::vm.Vm::
(_startUnderlyingVm) vmId=`cc86596b-0a69-4f5e-a4c2-e8d8ca18067e`::
The vm start process failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 2022, in _startUnderlyingVm
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/vm.py", line 2906, in _run
    self._connection.createXML(domxml, flags),
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", 
line 76, in wrapper
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 2805, in createXML
    if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateXML() failed', conn=self)
libvirtError: internal error unexpected address type for ide disk




Jason Brooks
Red Hat Open Source and Standards

@jasonbrooks | @redhatopen

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