[Users] node spin including qemu-kvm-rhev?

Paul Jansen vlaero at yahoo.com.au
Wed Apr 2 04:38:29 EDT 2014

I understand that there are ongoing discussions with the Centos people regarding a suitable home for recompiled qemu-kvm packages.
Given that the ovirt node is our own spin, is there any reason why that couldn't include the recompiled qemu-kvm packages that will then allow us to use live snapshots and do live migrations?  Itamar recently mentioned that we already build these via a jenkins task.

Nodes built on top of a Centos install will still be an issue but I think its reasonable that the ovirt-node iso could include these custom packages.
This way we don't have to potentially wait until 3.4.1 or 3.5 to get the live snapshot/migration features.  The caveat would be that these features would only be supported if the nodes were all ovirt node iso based.

What are people's thoughts?
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