[Users] New user to oVirt, and I haz a sad so far...

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Jan 17 15:37:53 EST 2014

On 01/17/2014 08:07 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> On 01/17/2014 06:19 PM, Willard Dennis wrote:
>>> I have had success setting up CentOS 6.5 minimal in nodes, configuring
>>> network, and then adding the node through the management interface - the
>>> Engine takes care of installing & configuring the nodes.
>>> Have you tried this?
>> No, I was told by someone else (in IRC I believe) that only Fedora could
>> be used as a node... I would much rather use EL6.5 (CentOS)...
>> What/where is the proper RPM for this platform?
> That was true until during the oVirt 3.2 release cycle, but we have had
> an EL6 Node for a while.
> oVirt Node is a stripped down OS image - installing the Node packages on
> a minimal EL6 install has also worked since the 3.2 series.

just to clarify - there are two types of hosts:
- ovirt-node - stripped down, ESXi like. some workflows of deploying
   and updating it are simpler as its image based
- normal linux - just configure the yum repos, and ovirt-engine should
   configure everything else.

both types have fedora and .el6 support, and an ubuntu for 'normal 
linux' type is making progress as well.

(and yes, it seems the ovirt-node one for 3.3 required a much needed set 
of fixes)


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