[ovirt-users] Live Snapshot issue (once more) with the new QEMU Packages (V10) from CENTOS Updates

Christian Rebel christian.rebel at gmx.at
Fri Jun 13 16:02:21 EDT 2014

Hi all,

after today's CentOS "yum update", I had once more the Problem with LIVE
Snapshots due to the new "qemu packages".
Can anyone explain me why there is such a huge difference between the
"CENTOS QEMU Packages" and the "Jenkins RHEV qemu Packages". 

CENTOS QEMU = LIVE Snapshot failed (tested with qemu versions V8 and V10)
*	VDSErrorException: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to
SnapshotVDS, error = Snapshot failed, code = 48

JENKINS QEMU = LIVE Snapshots ok (tested with qemu versions V8 and V10)
*	Command CreateAllSnapshotsFromVm, Parameters Type
org.ovirt.engine.core.common.asynctasks.AsyncTaskParameters) returned status
finished, result 'success'.


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