[ovirt-users] Can HA Agent control NFS Mount?

Bob Doolittle bob at doolittle.us.com
Sun May 25 15:10:34 EDT 2014

On 05/25/2014 02:51 PM, Joop wrote:
> On 25-5-2014 19:38, Bob Doolittle wrote:
>> Also curious is that when I say "poweroff" it actually reboots and 
>> comes up again. Could that be due to the timeouts on the way down?
> Ah, that's something my F19 host does too. Some more info: if engine 
> hasn't been started on the host then I can shutdown it and it will 
> poweroff. IF engine has been run on it then it will reboot.
> Its not vdsm (I think) because my shutdown sequence is (on my f19 host):
>  service ovirt-agent-ha stop
>  service ovirt-agent-broker stop
>  service vdsmd stop
>  ssh root at engine01 "init 0"
> init 0
> I don't use maintenance mode because when I poweron my host (= my 
> desktop) I want engine to power on automatically which it does most of 
> the time within 10 min.

For comparison, I see this issue and I *do* use maintenance mode 
(because presumably that's the 'blessed' way to shut things down and I'm 
scared to mess this complex system up by straying off the beaten path 
;). My process is:

ssh root at engine "init 0"
(wait for "vdsClient -s 0 list | grep Status:" to show the vm as down)
hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=global

And then on startup:
hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode=none
hosted-engine --vm-start

There are two issues here. I am not sure if they are related or not.
1. The NFS timeout during shutdown (Joop do you see this also? Or just #2?)
2. The system reboot instead of poweroff (which messes up remote machine 


> I think wdmd or sanlock are causing the reboot instead of poweroff
> Joop
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