[ovirt-users] hosted engine , how to make changes to the VM post deploy

Groten, Ryan Ryan.Groten at stantec.com
Thu Nov 6 11:10:32 EST 2014

I went through this a couple months ago.  Migrated my hosted-engine from one NFS host to another.  Here are the steps that I documented from the experience.  There is probably a better way, but this worked for me on two separate hosted-engine environments.

	1. Make a backup of RHEV-M
	2. Migrate VMs off all hosts that run hosted-engine (except hosted-engine itself)
	3. Put hosted-engine hosts in maintenance mode (except host that's running hosted-engine)
	4. Put hosted-engine in global maintenance mode
	5. Shutdown hosted-engine
	6. Stop ovirt-ha-agent and ovirt-ha-broker services on all hosted-engine hosts
	7. On each hosted-engine host:
		a. service ovirt-ha-agent stop
		b. service ovirt-ha-broker stop
		c. sanlock client shutdown -f 1
		d. service sanlock stop
		e. umount /rhev/data-center/mnt/<hosted-engine-share>
		f. service sanlock start
	8. mount new NFS share on /hosted_tgt
	9. mount old NFS share on /hosted_src
	10. Copy data (make sure sparse files are kept sparse):
		a. rsync --sparse -crvlp /hosted_src/* /hosted_tgt/
	11. Edit /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf and change path:
	12. Make sure permissions are vdsm:kvm in /hosted_tgt/
	13. umount /hosted_tgt
	14. umount /hosted_src
	15. Pick one hosted-engine host and reboot, then run:
		a. hosted-engine --connect-storage (make sure the new NFS is mounted properly)
		b. hosted-engine --start-pool (wait a few seconds then try again if you get an error)
		c. service ovirt-ha-broker start
		d. service ovirt-ha-agent start
		e. hosted-engine --vm-start

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at ovirt.org [mailto:users-bounces at ovirt.org] On Behalf Of Frank Wall
Sent: November-06-14 8:12 AM
To: Jiri Moskovcak
Cc: users
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] hosted engine , how to make changes to the VM post deploy

On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 08:11:39AM +0100, Jiri Moskovcak wrote:
> On 11/04/2014 03:52 PM, Alastair Neil wrote:
> > So is this the workflow?
> >
> >     set the hosted-engine maintenance to global
> >     shutdown the engine VM
> >     make changes via virsh or editing vm.conf
> >     sync changes to the other ha nodes
> >     restart the VM
> >     set hosted-engine maintenance to none
> - well, not official, because it can cause a lot of troubles, so I 
> would not recommend it unless you have a really good reason to do it.

I'd like to move my ovirt-engine VM to a new NFS storage.
I was thinking to adopt this workflow for this use-case (in combination with rsync to mirror the old storage). 

Do you think this would succeed or is there another (and maybe "supported") way to move ovirt-engine to a different storage?

- Frank
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