[ovirt-users] sysprep answers

Bill Dossett bill.dossett at pb.com
Wed Sep 24 05:08:33 EDT 2014

thank you!

Bill Dossett
Virtualisation Architect

Pitney Bowes – Tech Central
6 Hercules Way, 600 Leavesden Park
Watford, WD25 7GS

Phone (+44) (0)1923 279353 | VOIP: 54739353
Mobile (+44) (0)7775 908612

bill.dossett at pb.com<mailto:bill.dossett at pb.com>

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On Sep 24, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Omer Frenkel <ofrenkel at redhat.com<mailto:ofrenkel at redhat.com>> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Dossett" <bill.dossett at pb.com<mailto:bill.dossett at pb.com>>
To: users at ovirt.org<mailto:users at ovirt.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:57:28 AM
Subject: [ovirt-users] sysprep answers


I’ve managed to get my first templates ready to go…. But I am lacking a
document that explains how I can add the VMs to my domain. I have sealed the
template but the ovirt docs seem to stop there and the redhat ones talk
about using rhevm-config commands.

I have found the place to set time zone and enter a domain if I edit the
template, however to add a computer to our domain we need to use a special
account and I don’t see any way of specifying this.

Any help or further reading would be appreciated

the user that is used by default is the user that is set for the domain
you can see it with
# engine-manage-domains list

or directly from the db

# su - postgres -c "psql engine -c \"select * from vdc_options where option_name = 'AdUserName';\""

if you need to use different user, you can do that with 'run-once' option:
in the webadmin, select the vm, click run once, under 'boot options' mark floppy and select sysprep, under 'initial run' select go to sysprep, and select 'alternate credentials'

in ovirt 3.5 you can also save a custom sysprep file containing any custom data:
Bug 1080002 - OVIRT35 - [RFE] Enable user defined Windows Sysprep file


Bill Dossett

Virtualisation Architect

Pitney Bowes – Tech Central

6 Hercules Way, 600 Leavesden Park

Watford, WD25 7GS

Phone (+44) (0)1923 279353 | VOIP: 54739353

Mobile (+44) (0)7775 908612

bill.dossett at pb.com<mailto:bill.dossett at pb.com>


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