[ovirt-users] Put the engine inside hosts after installation

Mario Giammarco mgiammarco at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 14:26:01 EST 2015

2015-01-16 12:37 GMT+01:00 Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos at redhat.com>:

> HA capability is provided for other VMs by oVirt engine. But who provide
> it if the engine itself is on a VM on the host that it's managing?
> HA for the Engine VM needs to be managed by the hosts and not the Engine
> itself: so we have ovirt-hosted-engine-ha that ensure HA for the engine VM,
> the engine cloud than provide HA for other VMs.
> I am surprised. I supposed that HA was "self provided" by the cluster like
in xenserver. So you tell me that is the engine that checks if servers and
vms are on like in cloudstack?
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