[ovirt-users] Internal Server error after session timeout

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Sun Nov 13 20:44:28 EST 2016

Using ovirt 4.0.4 on centos 7.2..

I log in as admin at internal using firefox on Fedora 23..  Then I walk away
for a while and the session expires.  It returns to the password screen. 
I enter the username and password.  If I enter it in and login, *THEN* I
get an Internal Server error.  It provides a "Click here to continue". 
Clicking there returns to the origin page and if I click on Administration
Portal it takes me to the portal, all logged in.

Why does this server error occur?  It seems like once it times out and
returns to the admin page, it should either return to the original page
(suggesting a portal), or it should add a hidden field to the login page
that remembers which portal it came from.

Regardless, an internal server error is, IMHO, the wrong response.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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